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£30 fine and dangerous with it what do you think

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  • #16
    Originally posted by stimpy30
    hi got pulled today for my tinted windows being to dark and fined £30 FOR privilage of it. now i,m not going to winge about the fine but about the situation. basaicaly i got pulled over onto the hard shoulder while he checked my window.
    now if you brake down you put hazards on and are supposed to get onto the embankment leaving your car behind. or if working on hard shoulder as i sometimes do i must wear hi viz vest and amber beacons on car at all times.
    but this policeman pulled me onto hard shoulder opened both my cars doors and started to light meter test my windows then had me checking meter readings cars were about 2 foot away from tearing past at god knows what speed . so do you think this copper was mad or insane or had a death wish i think personaly he should have took me off nearset slip road to start testing me car.
    Frankly I'm glad they get villains like you off the street, I for one will sleep easier in my bed tonight knowing that you are not prowling around my neighbourhood with slightly illegally tinted windows. If a 42 tonner had ploughed into you it would have been no more than you deserve, I'm sick and tired of people like you driving around with tinted windows, hanging is too good for you thats what I say, lock em up, throw away the keys. George Wya should take out that tinited window shop with one of his smart bombs, part of the war against terror thats what it is. I was passing this fat bloke the otherday with dark glasses on, bet he was a suicide bomber. Yes our stirling boys in blue are making the world safer with their light meters. Lucky you didn't have any stolen goods in the car or he might have let you off and you wouldn't be rotting inside a fixed penalty notice.

    OR next time keep a spare windscreen in your boot and tryntelling him you were going to change it when it got dark........
    Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


    • #17
      all my windows are tinted quite dark apart from front screen, so if i get pulled will i be told to remove both front sides ??? this will cause me untold grief as
      how will i be able to do my drive by-shootings without getting recognised,??
      its so unfair
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #18
        Originally posted by joker??
        all my windows are tinted quite dark apart from front screen, so if i get pulled will i be told to remove both front sides ??? this will cause me untold grief as
        how will i be able to do my drive by-shootings without getting recognised,??
        its so unfair
        Dont u no nuffin man, u should ave yer hoody on fer ya drive by.
        Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


        • #19
          shoor knows that !!! but iz had it taxed by the babylon in ma lokal shopping
          c some of ma homeboys
          Only Toyota can get you out of shite


          • #20
            Me and my mate got stopped once on motorbikes for having dark visors.

            We asked the copper if he would not mind putting one of our helmets on and look up the road towards the sun with the visor up, then with the visor down.

            To our suprise he actually did this and let us off with a warning as long as we promised to change them to a clear visor at night as he could see bugger all with the visor up because of the sun.


            • #21
              Enough! Stop knocking the boy's in blue Having been a bobby myself a few years ago I can tell you all that it's a $$$$$$ hard and thankless job most of the time. Most people go to work knowing what they are going to face and expect during the day. Thats not the case when you put a police uniform on. Try thinking about the way YOU would deal with a couple who had just discovered that there baby had died in it's cot during the night. Or how would YOU like to have to inform someone that a loved one wont be coming home cos some prat, who thinks he's the best driver in the world and that the Road Traffice Act didnt apply to him, has managed to kill them on the roads. How would YOU feel if you were out and about at 3am and came accross a bunch of yobs screwing a shop or a house or a car, you are on your own, it's your call. Assistance may be only a couple of minutes away, it could be a lot longer, your out numbered and all alone. YOU ARE IT, how would YOU deal with the situation.Run away or deal with it? Come on tell the truth, be honest with yourself. In the ten years I was in the job I had all these things to deal with.I had petrol bombs thrown at me, guns pointed at me, drunken yobs throwing up over me, I could go on for ages some things you remember and wish that you couldnt other things just go from your memory.When I frst joined the job a P.C who was given the job of showing me aroud told me " Son the two things that you will see every day in this job are tragedy and sh1t", he was right. I had some realy good times in the job dont get me wrong. But it's a job thats easy to knock , but not so easy to do.
              The laws of this land are here to protect every one of us ,and safeguard our lives and property. If we dont like any paticular law its just tough, cos they are for the benefit of all, so we must abide by them all and not just the ones that we think are ok. Now I will say that not all bobbys are saints but remember they are a cross section of society and come from all sorts of backgrounds and some like the people they serve some have more common sence than others. If a copper has pulled you over cos your windows are too dark, tell Trading Standards cos someone has sold you a produce that is not fit for its intended use.

              Thats better, rant and rage over; Spoggle


              • #22
                Not that i`m trying to wind you up any more Spoggle, but i would of thought you would have known what to excpect signing up to the force.Your right, it is a difficult job, but if they can`t hack it then get out.
                Stella Artois


                • #23

                  Originally posted by Spoggle
                  Enough! Stop knocking the boy's in blue Having been a bobby myself a few years ago I can tell you all that it's a $$$$$$ hard and thankless job most of the time. Most people go to work knowing what they are going to face and expect during the day. Thats not the case when you put a police uniform on. Try thinking about the way YOU would deal with a couple who had just discovered that there baby had died in it's cot during the night. Or how would YOU like to have to inform someone that a loved one wont be coming home cos some prat, who thinks he's the best driver in the world and that the Road Traffice Act didnt apply to him, has managed to kill them on the roads. How would YOU feel if you were out and about at 3am and came accross a bunch of yobs screwing a shop or a house or a car, you are on your own, it's your call. Assistance may be only a couple of minutes away, it could be a lot longer, your out numbered and all alone. YOU ARE IT, how would YOU deal with the situation.Run away or deal with it? Come on tell the truth, be honest with yourself. In the ten years I was in the job I had all these things to deal with.I had petrol bombs thrown at me, guns pointed at me, drunken yobs throwing up over me, I could go on for ages some things you remember and wish that you couldnt other things just go from your memory.When I frst joined the job a P.C who was given the job of showing me aroud told me " Son the two things that you will see every day in this job are tragedy and sh1t", he was right. I had some realy good times in the job dont get me wrong. But it's a job thats easy to knock , but not so easy to do.
                  The laws of this land are here to protect every one of us ,and safeguard our lives and property. If we dont like any paticular law its just tough, cos they are for the benefit of all, so we must abide by them all and not just the ones that we think are ok. Now I will say that not all bobbys are saints but remember they are a cross section of society and come from all sorts of backgrounds and some like the people they serve some have more common sence than others. If a copper has pulled you over cos your windows are too dark, tell Trading Standards cos someone has sold you a produce that is not fit for its intended use.

                  Thats better, rant and rage over; Spoggle
                  hi quick response i wasen,t calling police in general what i was saying is don,t you think i should have been took of nearset slip road as i still think what he did was very dangerous and a real lack of judgement . i personaly know of mechanics wiped out whilst working on hard shoulders to recover vehicles. rule 1 when broken down vacate vehicle and go up embankment not measure glass and have drivers door marginaly over white line when open.
                  p.s yeh we are all fine gaz have 2 catch up soon
                  I,LL GO FIRST NO PROB
                  (i also juggle dynamite)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by TJG
                    Dont u no nuffin man, u should ave yer hoody on fer ya drive by.
                    i need to correct your vanacular here...you should have had "init" at the end of a sentance. didny they teach u nuffink at skool mush


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Spoggle
                      Enough! Stop knocking the boy's in blue Having been a bobby myself a few years ago I can tell you all that it's a $$$$$$ hard and thankless job most of the time. Most people go to work knowing what they are going to face and expect during the day. Thats not the case when you put a police uniform on. Try thinking about the way YOU would deal with a couple who had just discovered that there baby had died in it's cot during the night. Or how would YOU like to have to inform someone that a loved one wont be coming home cos some prat, who thinks he's the best driver in the world and that the Road Traffice Act didnt apply to him, has managed to kill them on the roads. How would YOU feel if you were out and about at 3am and came accross a bunch of yobs screwing a shop or a house or a car, you are on your own, it's your call. Assistance may be only a couple of minutes away, it could be a lot longer, your out numbered and all alone. YOU ARE IT, how would YOU deal with the situation.Run away or deal with it? Come on tell the truth, be honest with yourself. In the ten years I was in the job I had all these things to deal with.I had petrol bombs thrown at me, guns pointed at me, drunken yobs throwing up over me, I could go on for ages some things you remember and wish that you couldnt other things just go from your memory.When I frst joined the job a P.C who was given the job of showing me aroud told me " Son the two things that you will see every day in this job are tragedy and sh1t", he was right. I had some realy good times in the job dont get me wrong. But it's a job thats easy to knock , but not so easy to do.
                      The laws of this land are here to protect every one of us ,and safeguard our lives and property. If we dont like any paticular law its just tough, cos they are for the benefit of all, so we must abide by them all and not just the ones that we think are ok. Now I will say that not all bobbys are saints but remember they are a cross section of society and come from all sorts of backgrounds and some like the people they serve some have more common sence than others. If a copper has pulled you over cos your windows are too dark, tell Trading Standards cos someone has sold you a produce that is not fit for its intended use.

                      Thats better, rant and rage over; Spoggle
                      how about the boot on the other foot then,???like when someone gets robbed ,cars get stolen , house gets burgled , bike gets stolen etc the list goes on , what do the boys in blue do ,?? give out a insurance number and say when we get time we will send out an officer ,lol , then you wonder why people get uptight when they get pulled for the heinious crime of having tinted windows,
                      you choose your own bed so dont moan when you have to lay in it
                      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                      • #26
                        friend of mine is a copper.
                        he pulled a chap just to tell him a brake light was out. not to do him, just so he could keep it legal. the guy started chopsing about catching murderers and such, realy wound my mate up so he checked the car properly, all the time the driver is chopsing and pointing and shouting at him. in the end he discovered the battery clamp was missing so he declared the car unroadworthy, and got it impounded. cost the driver 143 quid to get his car back.
                        its the chap who 'broke' the case last week with the credit cards being cloned and used abroad. did he get a word of thanks? did he bol****ks! they have to make their own fun, bless em!
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #27
                          Yeah lots of crime goes undetected and yes the police do hand out crime numbers so the victims of crime can claim off insurance companys. But unless the bad guy is actualy caught in the act or at least seen commiting the crime it isnt that easy to lock em up. The criminal justice system is stacked up on the side of the bad guys. Evidence has to be spot on. The CPS wont even run with a case unless they have a 99% chance of getting a conviction. Most members of the public would rarther turn ther backs or 'just not see anything happen' and not get involved. The police force have there hands tied by procedure set out by our political leaders, most of whome are lawyers and stand to make out of the deal. When the police get it wrong, what a public outrage, but little is ever said when they get it right. We as members of the public only can ony help ourselves by helping the police to do there job and push our political leaders to support the police and not make there job imposible and tie them up with red tape.
                          On the point about tinted windows, anyone thought about how much they obscure the drivers vision of what is going on in the world outside his car? Can he clearly see all other road users? What about a motorcyle at a road junction. We all know that loads of accidents happen cos someone didnt see the approaching motorcycle as they pull out of a junction. What about vision at dusk? If someone hasnt got lights on it aint easy to see em through dark tinted windows. Anyone seen the costs involved in a serious or fatal RTA, let alone the pain and suffering caused. These laws wernt introduced to for fun or to make life difficult for the poor hard done to motorist ,and make for an easy pull for the old bill. They were introduced to make life safer and hopefully reduce accidents. A police officers first duty is to protect life, after that it's property and the Queens Peace. Like I said before some coppers, like some joe public ,wernt blessed with a lot of common sence and I am 100% with our friend when he says that a motorway hard shoulder is not the place to start playing with light meters. And another thing, in my day if someone got pulled over and stared to trap off we used to call a traffic vehicle inspector out. They would go over the car with a fine tooth comb and even take wheels off and dismantle brakes etc, and when they finished leave the car in bits at the side of the road. Ah, for the good old days.

                          Cheers guys: Spoggle.
                          Ex West Mids Old Bill, Now probation payback officer


                          • #28
                            i can see where your coming from spoggle it was introduced for safety reasons i give you that,
                            but how many accidents where people didnt see that motorbike or car didnt have tinted windows???im not trying to justify tinted windows im just saying accidents happen if people dont take care whatever there driving,
                            im going to have dinner tomorrow at a plods house(sister in laws) only going to see if they have any evidence on me for my drive by's(honest!!!)
                            if i get caught spoggle i'll ask for you to be my probation officer when i get sentenced ,lol
                            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                            • #29
                              Hey I've got tints, but only in the boot area. Stops the hound gettin sunstroke. But I'll stick to clear glass in the front just so folks can see the Surfin Smile ,if for no other reason.



                              • #30
                                I applied to join the Police last year. After 8 years in the Army, reaching Corporal, I thought I would make a great copper, as I have a strong sence of what is right and wrong. But the PC brigade halted my application when they saw a photo of my tattoo I have on my right UPPER arm from an album cover of a heavy metal band that I had done when I was 18. This is not visible, even with a tee-shirt on. They said it might cause offence. What a load of boll***s. If I was good enough to risk death in the Army for 8 years I'm damn sure I'm good enough to be a copper!

                                Well it's there loss, f*** em.

