Back on topic - not that I ever go off topic myself.
We were discussing recycling at work today and I said that it pees me off that we have blue paper recycling bins in the offices and pink bins for general rubbish. Most of the time the recycle bins have apple cores and half eaten sarnies thrown in them. The pink bins have photo copying paper in them. Most of us that live outside London are into the habit of recycling and it is mostly the locals who mix everything up.
We then got round to the merits of energy saving light bulbs. We were wondering how much more in energy and resources they take to produce, bearing in mind that each one has a small PCB to increase the mains frequency, compared to the low tech production of normal tungsten filament light bulbs.
We then got round to the merits of energy saving light bulbs. We were wondering how much more in energy and resources they take to produce, bearing in mind that each one has a small PCB to increase the mains frequency, compared to the low tech production of normal tungsten filament light bulbs.