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  • #16
    Originally posted by stevetubbyturbo
    I hope to see one trip over and land face first in cow s**t so i can point and laugh

    Point and laugh? I would stand on the back of their head!


    • #17
      Originally posted by bell end billy
      Has any body else received one of these letters

      What they dont say is the hundreds of thousands of pounds that have to be used to keep the paths open for walkers after so many feet destroy and wear them down or the destruction of flora and fauna because they dont think of where they are putting their feet.

      The countless gates left open or dogs off a leash, or even if I must say - the amount of damage a horse can do [I see first hand as the nieces have horses]

      There are irresponsible people in all walks of society, the country is a shared resource and whilst it needs protecting in some areas it should be SHARED amongst its citizens, whatever form they take to get there.

      PS: Id right back with a good unbiased viewpoint to explain the rights of all to share, and then mention your off-road and at least you wont get any more junkmail...

      just thought you might have em camping on your doorstep
      Last edited by Gizmo; 31 March 2006, 20:34.


      • #18
        I'm slightly at a loss here.

        They (the RA) want to make it illegal to use a motor vehicle on an unsurfaced road, yet the RA was itself formed out of a mass illegal trespass.

        So if the organisation's very birth was an act of defiance against the law, what the 4-star are they doing preaching to us that we do SHOULD be illegal? Talk about self-interest and lack of tolerance! If enough non-parents joined, I'd reckon they'd campaign on banning children!

        Not all ramblers agree with the attitude by the way, which is why they even have to campaign amongst their members.


        • #19
          just thought you might have em camping on your doorstep

          I am a grumpy,fat,balding old git who has not only got 2 4x4's but smoke,drink and curse,I also dive (like to see them follow down there) but the icing on the cake is that I drive a huge 44 tonne truck all week,which clogs up the roads and polutes the contryside,they are most welcome to camp down here and protest,they will soon get fed up.Why cant people just get on with there own lives and as long as it is not ileagle or in some other guys face let us do the same.
          If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


          • #20
            just wondered when these caring for the world ramblers get stuck/hurt what type of transport plods across the moors ect to find and rescue them?


            • #21
              The League Against Cruel Sports did a thing where they had a freepost number for people to send donations so they could buy more toys to monitor hunts that might be breaking the law. Oddly some people took to sending them empty envelopes, telephone directories etc etc. Not that I would ever condone shafting the self opinionated bitter and twisted fun stoppers like them, the ramblers, RSPCA etc etc.
              Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


              • #22
                So thats protect the rights of way for everybody (except 4x4 owners) then? And when was the last time you (really) saw someone in a wheelchair ploughing themselves along a muddy country track for gods sake! My dad is in a wheelchair (advanced MS) and prefers to keep to tarmac on his way to the ex-servicemans club.

                What the hell kind of name is Jaquetta anyway? Sounds like some kind of disease. "Awww no! I've got another dose of Jaquetta!"
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  Aren't these people just organised trespassers? and how do they get to their 'rambling' locations, teleport? or even 'jaunt'? (if you're under 35 you may not understand 'jaunting')

                  Skeleton crew "the Jaunt" well strange and I still think of it today. Just make the cutoff at 35 though

                  I used to have a surf me!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by spoofer28
                    just wondered when these caring for the world ramblers get stuck/hurt what type of transport plods across the moors ect to find and rescue them?
                    You raise a good point there. When these bobble heads fall and break a leg- what do the Moutain Rescue Team turn up in? A 4x4 by of course.

                    It would be poetic justice indeed if the the most vocal amonst these bobble heads can't get carted off the moors because the tracks are closed. Would make me laugh!

                    Tracks closed to traffic will still be open to the horses, agricultural vehicles (tractors and landowners 4x4) plus all the illegal offroaders (who don't give a s**t about laws anyway) that ploughed them up in the first place. I expect some lanes will remain just as muddy as ever. At least it will give the bobble heads someone else to whinge about.

