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TAX- 4x4 Drivers Get The Last Laugh!!!!

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  • TAX- 4x4 Drivers Get The Last Laugh!!!!

    Autocar Magazine list 55 vehicle manufactures producing 3042 different model variations.

    Of the 3042 vehicle variations not one vehicle falls into the zero road tax bracket of 100 CO2 or below (not even the Smart diesel as reported on radio 4 yesterday) and only 88 of the 3042 vehicle variations will see the £35.00 road tax reduction. 470 vehicle variations will get the £5.00 reduction and 571 variations will remain paying the current road fund licence

    The cleverly hidden part is the largest group by far, the normal 1.6-2.2L family car / repmobile. They will face an increase of £25.00 cunningly hidden by putting the spot light on us 4x4 drivers!

    Of the 586 vehicle variations that fall into the NEW band G (225 CO2 and above) only 130 are true 4x4 (offroad) vehicles. Therefore the remaining 456 variations are sports or other luxury execcutive vehicles.

    Although new Band G have been hit the hardest (£45.00 increase on new cars) us 4x4 drivers have been used as an effective smoke screen to hide the REAL whipping "Mr Anti 4x4 Joe Public" has taken (average £25 increase) but won't realise until they renew their tax!

    Most of the people on this forum, like me, probably own a pre 2001 'guzzler' and are therfore facing a mere £5 increase.

    Now who's laughing.....!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    I AM!
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #3
      Originally posted by laser_jock@work
      Autocar Magazine list 55 vehicle manufactures producing 3042 different model variations.

      Of the 3042 vehicle variations not one vehicle falls into the zero road tax bracket of 100 CO2 or below (not even the Smart diesel as reported on radio 4 yesterday) and only 88 of the 3042 vehicle variations will see the £35.00 road tax reduction. 470 vehicle variations will get the £5.00 reduction and 571 variations will remain paying the current road fund licence

      The cleverly hidden part is the largest group by far, the normal 1.6-2.2L family car / repmobile. They will face an increase of £25.00 cunningly hidden by putting the spot light on us 4x4 drivers!

      Of the 586 vehicle variations that fall into the NEW band G (225 CO2 and above) only 130 are true 4x4 (offroad) vehicles. Therefore the remaining 456 variations are sports or other luxury execcutive vehicles.

      Although new Band G have been hit the hardest (£45.00 increase on new cars) us 4x4 drivers have been used as an effective smoke screen to hide the REAL whipping "Mr Anti 4x4 Joe Public" has taken (average £25 increase) but won't realise until they renew their tax!

      Most of the people on this forum, like me, probably own a pre 2001 'guzzler' and are therfore facing a mere £5 increase.

      Now who's laughing.....!!!!!!!!!!
      Me too

      There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4



        • #5
          Originally posted by laser_jock@work
          The cleverly hidden part is the largest group by far, the normal 1.6-2.2L family car / repmobile. They will face an increase of £25.00 cunningly hidden by putting the spot light on us 4x4 drivers!
          Spot on Neville! My mate is not happy that his Rav4 is up £25. He's even more miffed that Surfs are up just £5, and my Mondeo 2.0 diesel, which is bigger, faster (and more economical) than his Rav4, is staying the same at £135!


          • #6
            You might view the same figures in a different way.

            The new bands use a very fair principle to increase pressure towards more fuel efficient vehicles. There's little that can be done about older vehicles, but these will gradually be replaced by attrition (if you take a non-short term view...). Of course, one could be punitive about those old, more polluting, vehicles, but this line has not been taken.

            I'm sure that you're glad that the chancellor decided not to be punitive, and will be sending him your personal thanks...

            Aren't you old enough to remember interest rates of 15% ? The present government may have their faults, but the're better than the last lot IMO.


            • #7
              So what band does my 1995 3.0 fall into then? Or in simpler terms - whats it going to cost me next time i tax it for 6 months?

              Sorry - they've completely blinded me with numbers, co2 levels and all the other bullsh*t. I just taxed mine for 6 months last week at £93.50. Im pretty bored now with all my co-workers pointing and laughing because they obviously think I bought my 'gas guzzler' with cheap maintenance/costs in mind Am I bovvered?!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Fox
                Im pretty bored now with all my co-workers pointing and laughing because they obviously think I bought my 'gas guzzler' with cheap maintenance/costs in mind Am I bovvered?!!!
                Until I looked at the numbers involved I didn't realise what a huge 'deception' it was. Gordon et al have managed to increase Road Tax on around 1500 'middling' car models and still managed to leave the owners thinking 4x4 'gas guzzlers' have been hit hardest!

                Quite interesting in all this has been the role of the media who (knowingly or not?) paved the way for Gordon by calling it a "4x4 Tax" when it could only have ever be done on an emmissions basis.

                Proof that you can fool some of the people most of time.....

                There are some 'not so smug' people at my work place today. No less than four chaps in my office will face the £25 Road Tax rise on their 2.0L Euroboxes!



                • #9
                  Thanks for that.. I needed it breaking down into girl details! Now wheres the smug git and his poxy Rover!


                  • #10
                    hahhaa - people carrier tax!! brilliant

                    thing is most still wont realized they have been conned by media & gordon, even when they still go and pay for the tax, they will still think 4x4 guzzlers paying more!

                    my subaru now £190 a year
                    gas guzzling 4runner - £175
                    Last edited by andycook; 24 March 2006, 15:38.
                    Landcruiser Colorado
                    Sub. Forester


                    • #11
                      Good thing too that it will hopefully increase the value of used large 4x4s that are not hit so hard. My LC just put on a couple of grand.

                      I'm laughing my bl**dy head of me!!!


                      • #12
                        Well that makes me happy aswell. I've just taxed my Beast for the year at £170 and thought Iwas lucky as I will only be doing this exercise next Feb.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by andycook
                          hahhaa - people carrier tax!! brilliant
                          A surprising number of people carriers have made it into Band G. Even one variant of the Vauxhall Zafira.....ha ha. If your gonna buy Band G motor ffs do it with style!!! Buy a 6L TVR or something......


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by laser_jock@work

                            Now who's laughing.....!!!!!!!!!!
                            ME !!

                            My better half thought that she had ammo to shoot down my buying a Surf in June/July this year.

                            HO HO
                            Life on the edge is short, but the view is great !


                            • #15
                              The wife is gutted!!!

                              All the hipe about 4x4's and the wife was nagging me about my gas guzzlin ways till I broke the news to her about her 1.6 being more than my surf! (anyway the kids prefer the 'beast' over anyhing else!) (my 14 year old daughter has gone from a sports car fan to 4x4 loon!):

