Autocar Magazine list 55 vehicle manufactures producing 3042 different model variations.
Of the 3042 vehicle variations not one vehicle falls into the zero road tax bracket of 100 CO2 or below (not even the Smart diesel as reported on radio 4 yesterday) and only 88 of the 3042 vehicle variations will see the £35.00 road tax reduction. 470 vehicle variations will get the £5.00 reduction and 571 variations will remain paying the current road fund licence
The cleverly hidden part is the largest group by far, the normal 1.6-2.2L family car / repmobile. They will face an increase of £25.00 cunningly hidden by putting the spot light on us 4x4 drivers!
Of the 586 vehicle variations that fall into the NEW band G (225 CO2 and above) only 130 are true 4x4 (offroad) vehicles. Therefore the remaining 456 variations are sports or other luxury execcutive vehicles.
Although new Band G have been hit the hardest (£45.00 increase on new cars) us 4x4 drivers have been used as an effective smoke screen to hide the REAL whipping "Mr Anti 4x4 Joe Public" has taken (average £25 increase) but won't realise until they renew their tax!
Most of the people on this forum, like me, probably own a pre 2001 'guzzler' and are therfore facing a mere £5 increase.
Now who's laughing.....!!!!!!!!!!
Of the 3042 vehicle variations not one vehicle falls into the zero road tax bracket of 100 CO2 or below (not even the Smart diesel as reported on radio 4 yesterday) and only 88 of the 3042 vehicle variations will see the £35.00 road tax reduction. 470 vehicle variations will get the £5.00 reduction and 571 variations will remain paying the current road fund licence
The cleverly hidden part is the largest group by far, the normal 1.6-2.2L family car / repmobile. They will face an increase of £25.00 cunningly hidden by putting the spot light on us 4x4 drivers!
Of the 586 vehicle variations that fall into the NEW band G (225 CO2 and above) only 130 are true 4x4 (offroad) vehicles. Therefore the remaining 456 variations are sports or other luxury execcutive vehicles.
Although new Band G have been hit the hardest (£45.00 increase on new cars) us 4x4 drivers have been used as an effective smoke screen to hide the REAL whipping "Mr Anti 4x4 Joe Public" has taken (average £25 increase) but won't realise until they renew their tax!
Most of the people on this forum, like me, probably own a pre 2001 'guzzler' and are therfore facing a mere £5 increase.
Now who's laughing.....!!!!!!!!!!