Read this. It makes you sick. It looks like there is truth in the story that we are all about to pay much more into Gordon Browns Treasury. I own THREE vehicles that are all 4X4's. One is off the road. But it looks like I'm going to have to pay another £80 a year for the privilage of owning the vehicle I want. What really fu**s me off is that this is supposed to be a tax to stop the "Chelsea Tractor" mob buying big 4X4's. What a joke. If someone can afford a brand new X5, then this increase isn't going to even register in their school run brains. But it will certainly register in my pocket.
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This goverment are a bunch of Communist left wing Wa**ers!!!!
There is a comments section at the bottom of the artical. Please ensure as many of you as possible reply to this. The paper might then take this up in a following artical.
This goverment are a bunch of Communist left wing Wa**ers!!!!