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Yorkshire Pudding Problem

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  • #31
    Originally posted by UDTrev
    I cannot get away with that, I have to justify the huge expense I paid for a top quality Stepper and Gravity Walker recently

    Yes all of £1 each and, as they were local, no delivery

    Trev (fighting, but not nessessarily winning, the battle of the bulge)

    You just need to walk some of those lanes, instead of always driving them.


    • #32
      I am allergic to kitchen scales, so my recipe, learnt by trial ena error goes like this:

      1 Cup plain flour
      2 Eggs
      Pinch of salt
      Semi skimmed milk.

      Put flour in mixing bowl. Add eggs and a pinch of salt. Mix until most of the fluor is mixed with the egg. Add a little of the milk and carry on mixing. Add milk a bit at a time until the mixture is smooth and runs off the whisk (I get on better using a serving fork as a whisk) leaving just a little clinging.
      Put the mixture into the fridge. Heat the oven to gas mark 7-8 and place a tin with oil in. Pre heat tin for about 10 mins until slightly smoking. Lob in the batter and place near top of oven. DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO OPEN THE OVEN AND LOOK FOR AT LEAST 20 MINS OR THEY WILL GO FLAT.

      25-30 mins is usually about right. Fill hollow middle with gravy or serve with traditional roast. Now I feel hungry.
      It's only a hobby!

