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my surf got leafleted..did anyone else?

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  • #46

    Originally posted by sheeprus
    Rant Begins:

    Top ten reasons not to drive an urban 4x4
    1) You're not a farmer
    That's not strictly true, I work as for a hedge fund administrator as a systems and business process analyst. I also have a sizable portion of land and the associated haulage responsibilities that go with that. I happen to commute across $$$$e roads into Urbania for my daily employ.

    2) Your family fits into a saloon car or people carrier
    Maybe but the average life expectancy of said vehicles (and my wifes laguna is proof) is about 3 years before it's shaken itself to bits.

    3) Breathe Cleaner Air
    Where I can I walk. If you use you urban mini to run 300yds to the shop, you are using fuel, get of your arse and walk. That's what your legs are for.

    4) You will save money.
    Hmmm I own my car (totally paid for) is yours on finanace? My only expenses are tax fuels and service costs.

    5) You won't have to lie to your grandchildren
    About using a vehicle that suits my needs? What strange concept.

    6) You will be less likely to kill a pedestrian
    Surley this down to the standard of driving? A fool in a Prius is not different to a fool in a Hummer.

    7) You might see a small child early enough to avoid backing over them
    OK, two points here, 1 see above, 2, what type of irresponsible hippie fool does not teach thier children basic road sense, if a child is stupid enough to be playing around the back of moving car then I sadly say (and yes I have three young kids) that they deserve exactly what they get, when will people take responsibility for thier own failings????? BY THUNDER YOU BORED HOUSEWIVES, MISGUIDED SUBURBAN IDIOTS AND TREE HUGGING FOOLS TAKE SOME OWNERSHIP!!!

    8) You will be less likely to injure people in other cars
    I refer my fellow surfers to point 6 with the addition of this, any large mass of metal moving at speed is dangerous.

    9) You will have a better time driving
    Now this is a purely speculative thing, some people enjoy driving go karts, others tractors, that is totally down to the individual.

    10) People won't think you are an 'idiot'
    HAHAHHAHAHAHAH HAS anybody seen what the fools who drive a SMART look like HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Maybe as 4x4 drivers the next time you see an 'Urban Saviour' like the SMART you should just point and laugh, loudly.

    Rant Over thanks for listening
    OI You my other car is a diesel smart which does 80 MPG and is a really fun car its almost as much fun as my Surf except it wont pull me 5 ton boat out of the water

    Smarts are Cool

    oh and i have a sticker on my smart saying this fits into the boot of my surf .



    • #47
      Originally posted by MOTRAV
      OI You my other car is a diesel smart which does 80 MPG and is a really fun car its almost as much fun as my Surf except it wont pull me 5 ton boat out of the water

      Smarts are Cool

      oh and i have a sticker on my smart saying this fits into the boot of my surf .


      Sorry Mate, I'll make I sure don't point and laugh merely remark loudly that someone's knicked half your car!!


      I am the friend of Hypno-Toad


      • #48
        Personally I will never let the homeless tell me how to decorate my house, so why on earth should I let pedestrians tell me about my car?

        My road tax and fuel tax pay for the roads and the pavements around them, and the subsidising of public transport which most of these tree huggers proudly announce they use.

        Did anyone see a top gear survey that showed that whereas a 4X4 causes about 6 times the polution of a motorbike, a bus causes somewhere in the region of 80 times the polution. In the process a bus causes surrounding traffic to constantly change speed thus increasing consumption in the surrounding vehicles.

        Trains don't even bear thinking about, fuel usage is off the scale, outside rush hour these have to be the most unenvironmentally sound forms of transport available, and let's not even talk about the effect of level crossings etc.

        So maybe 4X4 owners should come up with a tree hugger leaflet along the lines of - Buy a car, not only will you stop sponging off the rest of society, but you will also be doing your bit to save the planet. If you don't like our suggestions, why don't you just get a life?

        Don't Mondays just set you up for the rest of the week!


        • #49
          Originally posted by Djandco
          couple of pointers, where the hell did they get their facts from?
          Driving a 13mpg 4x4 rather than a 25mpg car for a year will waste more energy than:
          Leaving the fridge door open for 7 years
          Leaving the TV on for 32 years
          Leaving the bathroom light on for 34 years
          I think they have the wrong mpg for a start, they never heard of BMW, McClaren, Aston Martin, Merc's Rolls Canardley?
          Or any other varients that are spelt right?

          Tut and Tsk.

          And to think, some of their supporters are kind of cute

          I just e-mailed em, pointing out that I have 3 4x4 and one is 32 years old. Good use of embodied energy that. ANyway nice idea about the printing bill. Some numptie at the league against cruel sports had the idea of having a freepost address for sending in donations. I have heard rumours that people have been posting in telephone books and all sorts...........
          Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


          • #50
            have we done the vicious circle of "no-one uses public transport"??

            no-one uses it... so there's no point improving it... so no-one uses it

            i was very impressed with the size of the ashtray in smart cars... but it turned out to be the glovebox!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

