has anyone else had a fake parking type leaflet on their car recently?
I was parked on Brighton sea front, taking the dog a toddle on the beach, got back from my fish, chips and doghnut pudding to find a leaflet on my car.
its spouting on about, poor vehicle choice, dirty dangerous car, saying i am miles from the nearest wilderness. saying false advertising claims made me buy my surf to take my kids to school, drive to work and go shopping... saying that driving a 12mpg vehicle is irresponsible... etc etc etc
by the time i got to the bottom i was prepared to dish out some whup ass to the nearest leafletter...
didnt find one, but i did email them today explaining the finer points of the fact i cycle everywhere including to work, that i have the right to use what vehicle i want for whatever purpose i want, which includes going to places that their touted normal cars cant get to.
told them to do some research in bio fuel usage and governemtn taxation before they go accusing people they dont know anything about of being irresponsible.
so did anyone else get one of these?
the email address if anyone wants to make themselves angry is: www.stopurban4x4s.org.uk
flipping numpties... theyre all a bunch of ignorant numpties... the government, bandwagon jumpers, tax men and the garage the MOT'd my car left grease all over the drivers seat.... hows that for double annoying on a monday...
rant over, thanks
I was parked on Brighton sea front, taking the dog a toddle on the beach, got back from my fish, chips and doghnut pudding to find a leaflet on my car.
its spouting on about, poor vehicle choice, dirty dangerous car, saying i am miles from the nearest wilderness. saying false advertising claims made me buy my surf to take my kids to school, drive to work and go shopping... saying that driving a 12mpg vehicle is irresponsible... etc etc etc
by the time i got to the bottom i was prepared to dish out some whup ass to the nearest leafletter...
didnt find one, but i did email them today explaining the finer points of the fact i cycle everywhere including to work, that i have the right to use what vehicle i want for whatever purpose i want, which includes going to places that their touted normal cars cant get to.
told them to do some research in bio fuel usage and governemtn taxation before they go accusing people they dont know anything about of being irresponsible.
so did anyone else get one of these?
the email address if anyone wants to make themselves angry is: www.stopurban4x4s.org.uk
flipping numpties... theyre all a bunch of ignorant numpties... the government, bandwagon jumpers, tax men and the garage the MOT'd my car left grease all over the drivers seat.... hows that for double annoying on a monday...
rant over, thanks