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my surf got leafleted..did anyone else?

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  • #16
    Shouldnt they be pitching it at the bus companies? Look at their fuel consumption AND there are a lot more of them on the roads

    London Bus Volvo B7TL - engine size - 7300cc, urban mpg - 5.4mpg
    Last edited by Dunno; 7 March 2006, 10:35.
    DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!


    • #17
      My Rant.

      I've just posted my thoughts on their website. Now I'm gonna order some of their leaflets as I need some more Bog Roll. These people should be using their obviously copious amounts of spare time tackling the real causes of global warming like Petroleum Companies and more pressing issues like Third World Debt, Starvation, Obesity in children, Child Abuse, etc, etc, etc.

      Seems to me that a bunch of 'soccer mums' got together over a glass of Pimms to see what they could do with themselves while Hubby drives to and from work in his BMW 530 spewing CO2 all over the place and f**king his secretary !!

      Ooohh, it makes me soooo mad

      Okay Dave, Breathe !

      Dear Sir/Madam

      I am the driver of a Carbon Neutral 4x4. I run my Diesel car on 60% vegetable oil which is recycled from Waste Vegetable Oil collected from local restaurants.

      The carbon reduced when producing Vegetable Oil (growing plants absorb CO2) is equivalent and in most cased more than what is expelled when used in my car. Therefore the vehicle is considered to be Carbon Neutral. The CO2 emissions of my car were during the last MOT the lowest the MOT tester had seen in a Diesel car. This is due to using Vegetable Oil.

      By collecting waste vegetable oil from local restaurants, I am saving them money by reducing their costs for storage of waste oil and the cost of having the waste oil collected. Most of this waste oil ends up as land fill or compost which release gases that also contribute to global warming.

      I pay fuel tax to Customs & Excise every month for the oil I use just like you do when you fill up your car at the petrol station.

      I am a responsible driver who sticks to the speed limit, am careful and courteous towards other motorists, and have enough spatial awareness to know how to park my car which I might add is no longer than any Estate car,

      I am amazed that you are actually promoting dangerous driving. I point out the below quote from your website.

      “Big 4x4s are notoriously difficult to park due to their poor visibility close to the car. When cornering, the high centre of gravity of a 4x4 reduces the responsiveness and takes all the fun out of it. Don't expect fantastic acceleration at traffic lights either, due to all that extra weight.”

      This is highly irresponsible and goes so far as to glorify speeding which is actually the cause of most deaths on the roads.

      Is your “hate campaign” also targeting the real gas guzzlers like Porsche, BMW, Mercedes & VW Campers? These vehicles have much higher emissions than most 4x4 vehicles, yet you are suggesting we all drive these instead.
      It is not down to you to decide what I drive. I am a clean living, responsible parent. I pay my Income Tax, Road Tax, Car Insurance, VAT, Fuel Tax, Alternative Fuel Tax, Tax on Alcohol and Council Tax. I think that after the government takes away 50% of my monthly salary; I should be allowed one little luxury, don’t you?

      I would like you to look at the following websites so you can begin to get your facts straight.



      There are more important issues in our world to be concerned about than worrying about what car your neighbour is driving.
      How many leaflets have you sent out? Are you using recycled paper? Are you using natural inks? Are you wearing leather shoes? Are you tucking into your frozen ready meal in front of the telly each evening before throwing the packaging out in the trash which ends up on the ever increasing rubbish mountain producing toxic methane gases?

      If I see you stuck in a ditch in the middle of nowhere in you little eco friendly Nissan Micra, I will make sure to wave as I drive right by.

      Kind Regards

      Last edited by Bludger; 7 March 2006, 11:46.
      Just Vegging Out


      • #18
        if we all send off for some of their leaflets, we could put them on our own windscreens every time we park, then they will have nothing to do, and can go back to complaining about church bells or next doors chickens, or some such irrelevence.. .
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chillitt
          if we all send off for some of their leaflets, we could put them on our own windscreens every time we park, then they will have nothing to do, and can go back to complaining about church bells or next doors chickens, or some such irrelevence.. .

          Don't give them any publicity at all. Order the tickets, and use them as firelighters, or possibly compost.

          You wouldn't believe the number of people who move in next to a church, then complain about the bells!
          One village in South Devon has it written into the deeds of all the new houses built, that they are not allowed to complain about the church bells.
          (Thurlestone, that one is).

          Also came across a large pig farm a few years back, in Surrey. The local village grew up and eventually surrounded the farm, whereupon the residents complained about the smell, so the farm had to shut down... The farm had been there for over 100 years, and had been running pigs for 40 of those.

          I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


          • #20
            Ok boys and girls. here is my contribution to this ill informed rabble. I have just sent them this email, pointing out the fact that they havent got a clue what they are talking about. Ref the leaflets, I think we should order their whole stock, then they wont have any to put on my windscreen.

            I have to write to say how ill informed you people are to the usage of 4X4 vehicles.

            A number of my friends use 4X4's and have been on the receiving end of your illegal use of fake parking tickets. Tampering with someone else's vehicle, (sticking your fake parking tickets onto the windscreen) is not only illegal, it is unwanted and really not the way to go about things.

            While I agree that the use of 4X4 vehicles for the school run is not ideal, at the end of the day, we live in a free country and pay for the use of such vehicles. A lot of the vehicles you have targeted in the Brighton area are infact running on BIO DIESEL and emit MUCH lower emissions than the cars you people probably drive. Not only that, while they are 4X4 vehicles, most of them are only used in TWO WHEEL DRIVE for the majority of the time, as most 4X4 vehicles have selectable 4X4 systems.

            You really need to know ALL the facts of individual cases before you tar people with the same brush. How can you assume the just because a 4X4 vehicle is parked on Brighton seafront, that it is not used on a farm, small holding, or for the purpose of towing a large trailer???

            One big oil tanker or container ship puts out more emissions on a single journey than most 4X4 vehicles combined do in a whole year, are you campaigning againsed them?

            What about air travel? I hope that every last member of your organization preaches what you practice and DO NOT use aircraft for holidays, business etc, as if you don't already know, these are considerable polluters of the atmosphere, and for your members to use them would be highly hypocritical. Are you campaigning againsed these?

            You cannot use the umbrella of "dangerous to the environment" for 4X4's until you have addressed the real industrial polluters of the environment.

            I suggest that if you are so concerned about the environment, you should put yourselves forward and provide evidence that YOUR members are practicing what they preach, like a list of all your members vehicles, what make they are, how old they are, and what their official emission statistics are. That will then enable US, the 4X4 driving community, to look at your circumstances and judge YOU by what you drive and what you do to help the environment.

            In a court of law you are innocent until proved otherwise, and there is always a defence and prosecution and the Judge has to look at ALL the evidence before making a judgment. So lets see the evidence of your vehicles and lifestyles so that we can make a proper judgment???

            Time will tell if you are up to that challenge.


            • #21
              Excellent response!

              Bet you don't get a reply...

              I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


              • #22
                Time will tell my friend. At the end of the day. It doesn't matter what they say about us, we could rip big holes in their argument if we knew how they live their lives. I bet every last one of them is a hypocritical zealot.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by M35A2
                  Time will tell my friend. At the end of the day. It doesn't matter what they say about us, we could rip big holes in their argument if we knew how they live their lives. I bet every last one of them is a hypocritical zealot.
                  Keep us up to date if you or any of the other people who posted replies to them get a response. Would be interesting to see what they come back with!
                  Got an itch, might need to scratch it soon.


                  • #24
                    I have been emailling them about once every quarter for over a year, and they have never had the decency to respond.
                    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                    • #25
                      So lets see the evidence of your vehicles and lifestyles so that we can make a proper judgment???

                      Time will tell if you are up to that challenge.[/QUOTE]


                      I actually need one - my horse box and ponies weigh in at about 1750kgs. I would love to see a Micra pull that up a Welsh valley.

                      All Surf drivers (veg oil or not) are VERY green. The average age of our trucks must be 8 - 10 years old. They have all been imported and given a second lease of life. No crushing in a Japanese breakers yard.

                      Mine is my only vehicle - I'm not going to run two, am I?

                      Where does 13mpg come from, mine does about 25mpg.

                      They're a total bunch of sad, ill informed muppets.
                      Another member of the 'A' team


                      • #26
                        And I think I would struggle to get to the remote water treatment works I visit with a load of tools / pipe etc in a micra. I suspect these baggy jumpered, ill-washed nancies don't know anyone with real jobs except the parents they sponge off.


                        • #27
                          Dont you just hate these do-gooders it less of a organisation and more of a linch mob.

                          Where they get their facts and figures from i'll never know.

                          As for 4x4's (mainly the surf) pumping out more pollution when my Surf was MOTed 15 year old car the smoke was 1.34 and i get 20-27mpg depending on how i drive when my company car, first mot 3 years old ford focus 1.8TD the smoke was 2.94 and it aint that good on the fuel either not sure what it does to the gallon but i only get 320 miles to a tank and it holds about 50ltrs

                          Just sent them this email

                          Dear sirs

                          I would like to take this time to say as a large 4x4 owner i feel maybe you do not have all your facts correct and are taring all 4x4 owners with the same brush.

                          For instance i have a 15 year old Toyota import diesel 4x4 which does 25+ Mpg and do less than 5000 miles a year and my company car a Ford focus 1.8td does 30 mpg and do over 30'000 miles a year

                          My 4x4 at its last mot passed it emission test with a 1.34 smoke test and my company car at its last mot the smoke test was 2.94 and you would sooner have cars with a higher emission output on the roads,why?

                          I am a RSoPA driver with no points on my licence i do not speed and i drive below the speed limit i make sure my car is mot-ed and is always in a road worthy condition i have never been unemployed and pay my taxes i have never been in trouble with the law and yet you call me irresponsible,Why?

                          My hobby is off roading which are well organized events and safe which i enjoy totally and find it a good way to reduce stress at the weekends after a hard week at work but you would like me to stop my hobby, Why should i?

                          At the end of the day i am not a boy racer who burns rubber and blasts loud music in a supermarket car park and fits large noisy exhausts to my car.

                          I think your site needs correcting on the real issues of pollution and dangerous drivers ie large industry, uninsured and unlicenced drivers.

                          Many thanks for your time and i look forward to your reply
                          Last edited by stevetubbyturbo; 8 March 2006, 00:55.
                          They can go fast, I can go anywhere.


                          • #28
                            Really...the Surf is not a 4x4....it is only 2wd untill you press a button eh??? i am right
                            3.0 TD SSR-X LTD 1994 Black, sold and passed MOT


                            • #29
                              W------s, don't waste our time , go and pick litter up and do something usefull. if our 4x4 only done 15 mpg it is still safer and cheaper than taking the bus.........


                              • #30
                                Ever get the feeling that the mentalists are just winding up 4x4 drivers just to get an angry fire spitting response so they can feel all smug and tell 'teacher', "see? I told you they were all evil and didn't care about me"
                                It's just adding fuel to their 'fire' and we're just digging our own 'graves'.
                                As the saying goes, "there's no such thing as bad publicity"

