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my surf got leafleted..did anyone else?

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  • my surf got leafleted..did anyone else?

    has anyone else had a fake parking type leaflet on their car recently?
    I was parked on Brighton sea front, taking the dog a toddle on the beach, got back from my fish, chips and doghnut pudding to find a leaflet on my car.

    its spouting on about, poor vehicle choice, dirty dangerous car, saying i am miles from the nearest wilderness. saying false advertising claims made me buy my surf to take my kids to school, drive to work and go shopping... saying that driving a 12mpg vehicle is irresponsible... etc etc etc

    by the time i got to the bottom i was prepared to dish out some whup ass to the nearest leafletter...
    didnt find one, but i did email them today explaining the finer points of the fact i cycle everywhere including to work, that i have the right to use what vehicle i want for whatever purpose i want, which includes going to places that their touted normal cars cant get to.

    told them to do some research in bio fuel usage and governemtn taxation before they go accusing people they dont know anything about of being irresponsible.

    so did anyone else get one of these?

    the email address if anyone wants to make themselves angry is: www.stopurban4x4s.org.uk

    flipping numpties... theyre all a bunch of ignorant numpties... the government, bandwagon jumpers, tax men and the garage the MOT'd my car left grease all over the drivers seat.... hows that for double annoying on a monday...

    rant over, thanks
    she's no angel

  • #2
    Yep, got one of them..As I live in Brighton..ish.

    I am collecting them, to use for lighting the fire with at home.
    As you were out with the dog, why not help the enviroment and recycle them by using them as a hankerchief for picking up after your dog, they are just the right size for a large piece of sh*t.



    • #3

      Hope that they eat grass and wear no clothes,walk everywhere,live in a mud hut, ect,ect


      • #4
        OK, can we have a little competition. Download their leaflet and see who can come up with the most suitable alerered version to tie to a brick and put through the windscreen of the tree hugging student's Volkswagen T1 Camper.

        Mention should be made of the polution caused by a diet of lentils and macrobiotic rice.



        • #5
          stupid bored hippy $$$$s on their "mission" page they say a nissan micra is an "alternative vehicle" to a toyota landcruiser. Credibility for common sense goes sub zero....

          Splitting hairs like this and singling out 4x4s while forgetting whole fleets of executive 3+ ton electric heated seated full of distracting gadgets 10mpg reps daily up the M1 selling plastic junk from fecking China just $$$$es off people like me with large steel bull bars we know where they live 72% evil mo fo aaaarrggghh
          PM ME IF YOU'RE SELLING A 2ND GEN 3.0TD...


          • #6
            i think its sad that a bunch of people with nothing better to do can victimise other people for there choice of vehicle, i mean is this all these people have to worry about during their lifes
            CHEERS JOHN................


            • #7
              Guy I knew once in Germany got baulked on the autobahn by a tree hugger in a VW camper because he was "destroying the planet by driving a BMW" (could be a fair point). He rang the polizei and got the tree hugger arrested because of excessive emissions from the VW. The cops locked the camper and took the keys away :

              My Pointer ate the dog trainer


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gamedawn
                Guy I knew once in Germany got baulked on the autobahn by a tree hugger in a VW camper because he was "destroying the planet by driving a BMW" (could be a fair point). He rang the polizei and got the tree hugger arrested because of excessive emissions from the VW. The cops locked the camper and took the keys away :

                I just spotted in their reasons to be sensible and not to buy a 4x4 section which seems to give a mixed message for road safety -

                9. You will have a better time driving as

                Big 4x4s are notoriously difficult to park due to their poor visibility close to the car. (i'm going to resist making a sexist joke or my evil rating will go up )
                When cornering, the high center of gravity of a 4x4 reduces the responsiveness and takes all the fun out of it. (But it's ok if I'm a boy/girl racer who races around corners, who's going to get it wrong one day, mount the pavement and take out an entire bus queue but thats OK as I'm not in a 4x4)
                Don't expect fantastic acceleration at traffic lights either, due to all that extra weight. (I'm another boy/girl racer who halves the urban MPG of my car and probably speeds dangerously but thats OK as I'm still not in a 4x4)

                PM ME IF YOU'RE SELLING A 2ND GEN 3.0TD...


                • #9
                  Just looked at the link to the website.

                  What a nice T shirt.

                  All it needs is a few more words adding to it.

                  "Not Safe, Not Clean, Not Cool
                  But S**t Hot"

                  Do we have a T shirt?



                  • #10
                    Just posted my thingy in their petition bit.

                    I think you need to get some facts right before going on about 4X4,
                    There are a lot of cars, ie Rolls Royce, that do more like gallons per mile.
                    But you seem to think they have more right to be on the road?
                    Why is this?
                    I can see that you are against polution, and go for it I say, but what about Taxi cabs?
                    Running 24 hours a day, not very polution free you might say?
                    Where as a 4x4 goes out for an hor drive and you want them to pay for this?
                    Who comes to your aid when the snow hits the ground?
                    Who comes to the aid when the floods hit?
                    Can't see them helping many people in a Nisan Micra can you?
                    All I can say is, get a life and leave the rest of us to get on with ours.
                    Also, if I came to your house and stuck leaflets on your windows, cos I don't like PVC windows, would you like it?

                    For what it is worth.
                    Back in the world of Surfdom


                    • #11
                      couple of pointers, where the hell did they get their facts from?
                      Driving a 13mpg 4x4 rather than a 25mpg car for a year will waste more energy than:
                      Leaving the fridge door open for 7 years
                      Leaving the TV on for 32 years
                      Leaving the bathroom light on for 34 years

                      I think they have the wrong mpg for a start, they never heard of BMW, McClaren, Aston Martin, Merc's Rolls Canardley?
                      Or any other varients that are spelt right?

                      Tut and Tsk.

                      And to think, some of their supporters are kind of cute
                      Back in the world of Surfdom


                      • #12
                        we should all ask for the below offer

                        We will be happy to send you a small batch of 20-30 high-quality printed (on recycled paper) tickets at no cost. Simply email us using the subject 'Ticket Request' and tell us which version you would like, along with your postal address.

                        They wont be long in running up a nice printing bill how many members we got?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by yoshie
                          we should all ask for the below offer

                          We will be happy to send you a small batch of 20-30 high-quality printed (on recycled paper) tickets at no cost. Simply email us using the subject 'Ticket Request' and tell us which version you would like, along with your postal address.

                          They wont be long in running up a nice printing bill how many members we got?
                          Bl***y Hipacritz the lotta em, Hope these notices were printed on Recycled/ user friendly paper !!!!
                          More Pollution from 1 VW Beetle/Camper than a dozen Surf's not to mention Gallons per mile, Going backward ???

                          There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                          Buncefield Burner


                          • #14
                            What makes it worst is their choice of logo/ picture looks like a surf ......if they are that anti they should have used a hummer


                            • #15
                              i cant understand these figures at all where did they get them from???my freind use to have a 2.5 v6 vectra and that was worse than my truck for mpg...but they dont victimise these people do they!!!
                              CHEERS JOHN................

