Was on the way to the Santa Parade in Stanmore Bay in the poxy Galant and saw it parked up with 'buy me' written all over it. Had a good look at it, phoned owner and went for a spin, a little haggling later and it was all mine for the princely sum of NZ$3700

Its a 1989 SSR Limited 2.4l Diesel Turbo and I love it(look out Range Rover drivers!!) Its heavy on the km's showing 195,000 when I got it but they've been well cared for km's as it was wifeys run around so probably only went off road when she parked on the pavement

It needed some work done on it so off it went to the garage and NZ$'howmuch??!!' later all was well. Needed new CV gaitors, inner and outer, new set of belts, water pump, couple of seals, new bearings on the idler, 10k service blah blah blah the fact that the radiator top tank split on the way to the garage didnt help either

Oh and got them to turn off that f@?&in annoying 100kph bleeper.
Took me half an hour to find the jack, stashed under the rear passenger seat and same again to figure out how to lower the spare from it's roost under the back of the truck. Suprisingly it's still got the original tool kit which is great for all those anoraks!
Anyway, gotta go as I saw a molehill on the way home and wanna check out my 'off-road' skills