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Don't know if its scam or real

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  • #16
    My advice...... go to the bank like your life depended on it...... get this stopped before you lose everything. This scam has been running for years, it has been widely covered on the TV .......DONT GET INVOLVED.
    Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


    • #17
      Originally posted by mithujee
      Guys I need your opinion/feedback for a situation I am facing for last three weeks. Scenario is a Guy from nigeria showed interest in my SURF i advertised on autotrader. He offered me my asking price £4000. But he said his associate in UK owes him £7000. So if I permits he will transfer it to my account. once the amount been cleared his shipper will come for collection and I will pay him the remainder £3000 cash.

      I got a transaction of £7000 in my account last week. and today is the 8th day. Money still shows in cleared funds.

      Now I am bit confused, can I release my surf and pay his shipper £3000 cash. Or do I still need to wait for some time ?
      Thats an old one mate, just tell them were to go.


      • #18
        When my wife tried selling her car last year we got that kind of scam email. Something about a sick mother and needing the funds quickly. We don't trust people in those situations which is why we didn't lose anything. If we don't have the cold hard cash or the bank's personal approval of the transfered funds they don't get any thing.


        • #19
          as I said in my first reply....close the a/c, cut & run with the cash for as long as you can.
          put the cash where you can get some interest (if you shop around, 5% ish) then when you get demands from the old bank at least you have had something for your trouble - a loan from a nigerian shark or from a uk bank, tax free with interest!
          BUT EMPTY THE ACCOUNT BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES, you are safeguarding your funds and holding them safely pending anything turning up from wherever
          Did I mention I have a BLUE one


          • #20
            Originally posted by mithujee
            Lets assume i follow this path, and after some time will get a letter from bank saying you owe us £7000, then...

            Yep this just happenned to a friend.

            The bank told her the cheque had CLEARED from the Nigerian.

            She spent the money.

            Few days later, "Ooops!" say the bank ! "The funds really should not have been available, the cheque never cleared".

            And my friend was out of pocket.

            This was about 2 weeks ago.

            Sounds to me like DO follow all the advice you have been given. If I were you I would close that account, and put the £7000 somewhere safe.



            • #21
              How did you get on? Any news????


              • #22
                Money still in my account as cleared funds after 3 weeks

                Originally posted by Andy W
                How did you get on? Any news????
                Money is still showing in cleared funds, and it 3rd week.


                • #23
                  Stick it in a high interest account and leave it alone for six months. If the bank asks for the money back, you can still pocket the interest you made on it.


                  • #24
                    The police are always interested to know about this type of scam and they do take itr seriously.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by mithujee
                      Money is still showing in cleared funds, and it 3rd week.
                      he's still gonna clear your account...
                      I got me a new Surf baby yeah!


                      • #26
                        Interestingly enough, I just had this sent to me, with my ad being in a uk autotrader............me looks at it, me thinks its a scam, me no like.

                        MAIL NOTIFICATION.
                        PURCHASE OF YOUR CAR 1996 TOYOTA HILUX SURF SSR-G,
                        COST OF CAR:£8, 250
                        FULL NAME:MR THOMAS JONE
                        CONTACT ADDRESS:38 Jan Van Gogh Allee,
                        Please get back to me with pictures of interior and engine if your 1996 TOYOTA HILUX SURF SSR-G, , , , available for sale with the understated information so as to ensure a smooth transaction i await your response...................
                        FULL NAME:
                        CONTACT ADDRESS:
                        MOBILE/PHONE NUMBER:
                        PREFERRED MODE OF PAYMENT:Specify(CASHIER CHEQUE or bankers draft

                        what do ya think lads and lasses???


                        • #27
                          if he wants to come to the uk, give you cash, and then drive off no problem!
                          I got me a new Surf baby yeah!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by mithujee
                            Yes he got my bank details but not address. So are you recomending to close the account ?

                            You are being ripped off prove it to your self close account withdraw all funds if there are any left and sit on it as cash for a week or two you will never see the 7k trust me.

                            Sorry to be cruel but its for your own good m8 dont be such a MUG!!!!!!!!!


                            • #29
                              you need to understand the scam before you can see it.

                              ok, so his friend owes him £7K. your truck only costs £4K. why doesnt the friend just pay the £4K in then?

                              because he wants you to cash the dodgy cheque, withdraw £3K of it and then give it to him with your truck. so he gets a truck and £3K

                              2/3/4 weeks later the bank call to say there has been a mistake. the cheque hadn't cleared properly and you have to pay it back. you are down a truck and £3K, and that's if he hasn't bought lots of nice shiny things with your bank account details on top.

                              it's a classic scam.

                              I used the scam the scammers... haven't really got the time or the inclination any more but check this out - http://www.419eater.com/

                              that should tell you all you need to know

                              my advice : contact your bank immediately, inform them of the situation, get them to set you up a new account and transfer all funds/direct debits/standing orders over to the new account. if you dont and you try your luck you will only end up losing.
                              I got me a new Surf baby yeah!


                              • #30
                                Act Now

                                I realy think you are being foolish, I have just returned from the bank after talking about another matter (dealing with the USAF!), however scams came up in disscussions and my bank manager advises just what you have here, it the transfer turns out to be moody which it will, they can and will claim the money back and be vigerous getting it.
                                You asked for advice, you have been given lots.
                                I and others have said cover your ar$e, close this a/c before it is emptied by others, put the money safe, even earn a bit of interest off it while it still shows as being there. That is probably all you are going to get out of this deal.
                                You must have been unsure to ask for advice in the first place, the folks on here are a great bunch and have obviously 'been around the block a few times'. They even came back and asked how things were going
                                Sorry mate but GET REAL, COVER YOUR BACKSIDE AND PROTECT YOUR FINANCES, people on here are caring, if you end up with the dough in 12 months and you have a concience then give it to charity, I'm sure there are plenty on here that could suggest a worthy cause (apart from themselves!!!)
                                For a change smilies are not apropreate.....unfortunately If on the other hand you are a wealthy benifactor type, that wants to give a few grand away - I would take it.
                                Did I mention I have a BLUE one

