Done the most stupidest thing i've ever done today, Came home lunchtime
having had a real $hit morning thanks to the BA, Stopped outside my garage
with the engine running, got out to take the garage key off the others in the
ign and got the worst static belt of the ign switch i've ever had, I saw the blue spark, I yelped drew back and without thinking punched the dash, I've
knocked the air vent back up its hole and cut my forefinger knuckle down to
the bone! STOOOOPID It dosen't pay to go one on one with yer surf, It'll
always win, I appoligised to it after i cooled down,
having had a real $hit morning thanks to the BA, Stopped outside my garage
with the engine running, got out to take the garage key off the others in the
ign and got the worst static belt of the ign switch i've ever had, I saw the blue spark, I yelped drew back and without thinking punched the dash, I've
knocked the air vent back up its hole and cut my forefinger knuckle down to
the bone! STOOOOPID It dosen't pay to go one on one with yer surf, It'll
always win, I appoligised to it after i cooled down,