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  • #31
    Originally posted by NeilT
    Ahhh racism.... The last defense of the work shy. "They came over here and stole my job!" Yes despite all the obvious benefits of being fluent in the native language, being white and from here, somehow at the interview he loses out. Was it a conspiracy by the white boss to put down his fellow white man or maybe he just didn't even go to the interview. Either way it's not fair, and it's all their fault. Right oh. And anyone who is anti-racist is just being PC? Really.

    These are just facts so don't get upset about it -

    We are a wealthy nation because of our recent and continued plundering of the less militarily strong countries. If a few of them come over here and plunder a middling quality hip job of the NHS, fair play.

    Immigrants in a country are usually from the former colonies where we did the plundering/slave trading etc. So France has Algerians and Moroccans, Holland Indonesians, Belgium Congolese, Germany Turkish and the UK? Being the largest abuser of our military might the UK or should i say England in fact (I recently met a Scot who considers his country to be "under occupation" still) had the largest empire so there are descendants from all over.

    As an example of how it worked - As indentured laborers (19th century buzz word for slaves) the British took many Indians from Gujarat to Uganda where they mostly died building our railways. The survivors descendants were kicked out in 1972 by Idi Amin and they were invited to the UK, perhaps more to do with a boom time lack in labour here than graciousness, but they were invited, as were many from Bangladesh, and helped the economy enormously.

    People from poor countries recognise the good fortune of living somewhere that rewards hard work. Hindus for example have a caste system that determines your life from before you are born, if you are a low caste servant, so your children will be - no matter what you might try to do about it - and so will their children ad infinitum. However if they can make it to the UK, within one generation, despite having many disadvantages here they can get up enough cash (mostly by not spending their money on junk) to put their kids through college and now they are Dr Vaghri etc. In one generation! The enormity of that you might never be able to comprehend but believe me when i say they are unlikely to stop in to watch Trisha instead.

    I don't know statistics for all south Asian immigrants but British Muslims who are mostly from south Asia make up 2.5% of the population but contribute 10% to it's wealth.

    Last year 44,000 medical workers came to the UK to work. Sounds good? Well there is a shortage here so it's good for us. But in fact this is a very serious problem in countries like India which have a much greater need but are loosing staff to more attractive offers from the UK and USA. It's a brain drain or put another way - continued plundering of poor countries desperately needed resources. We shouldn't despise these immigrants, we should feel guilty for taking them.

    And what really does it for me. What nationality was the scuz who broke into my car to make £20 on the stereo? I'll give you a clue, he was wearing a hoodie and buys his bling in Argos.
    i agree with all this but you still have to take into account the rest of the people of ALL races that sponge off of the government and that 10% is taken by them and a percentage of them is bound to be from another country, so it's only fair that we invite them to work here to make up for that, SO, no i don't feel guilty because although our forefather's did what they did that was not us and we are doing every thing we can to make up for it, oh and one last thing people who sponge should be deported to an island of the world's choice for raising out taxes!!!!!


    • #32
      Originally posted by mupp1t
      i agree with all this but you still have to take into account the rest of the people of ALL races that sponge off of the government and that 10% is taken by them and a percentage of them is bound to be from another country, so it's only fair that we invite them to work here to make up for that, SO, no i don't feel guilty because although our forefather's did what they did that was not us and we are doing every thing we can to make up for it, oh and one last thing people who sponge should be deported to an island of the world's choice for raising out taxes!!!!!
      I agree we shouldn't feel guilt as such for what our forefathers did but what i'm saying is that we are still rich and fat off their plunder and i will feel guilty when knowing where it came from, we start getting tight with our wealth when they try to get a little medical treatment out of it. This whole issue is only giving a smoke screen to the real problem of govenment under funding of the health service in it's drawn out bid to drive it into privatisation. (i used to work for the NHS)

      Not sure about deporting scroungers to an island, our government would probably send them off to Necker Island at £26k a day cost. I agree it's the scroungers that is the real threat to us, but they are mostly non-brown from what i've seen. What to do? Ban daytime telly and x-boxes?

