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BBC -Complete Rip Off

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  • BBC -Complete Rip Off

    Just seen this and car`nt believe what they charge for all those repeats.


    I once heard that the fee is so high because of all the digital channels they have on sky etc,but they have adverts on these channels, so does`nt that pay for anything??
    Stella Artois

  • #2
    I don't have a problem with what they charge only the fact that if you have no choice - if you want sky or whatever but not BBC you still have to pay the BBC. Only way to legally avoid it is what I do - don't have any form of TV. Just DVD's for me! I have had not tv for more than 7 years and honestly, I do not miss TV in the slightest.

    Anything that sounds good just rent or buy on dvd (and then sell on ebay if its not that good or you won't watch it again) no adverts and only watch what you want when you want.

    I don't do this to save money (cos I am sure it is more expensive) but you certainly save time and don't just veg out in front of the tv watching rubbish every night.

    And please nobody start the whole "you have dvd/screen so you need a licence stuff" I have researched this and what I do is perfectly legal.
    No longer a Surf owner.


    • #3
      Also a bit of news slipped by the other day, its officially a Tax now, no longer a license fee. Dunno what the difference is, probably means you can't remove it!

      But never fear, due to the increase of internet TV, they are going to introduce a PC tax soon. (not joking, do a search! )

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        Originally posted by TonyN
        Also a bit of news slipped by the other day, its officially a Tax now, no longer a license fee. Dunno what the difference is, probably means you can't remove it!
        Probably means I will soon have to pay wether I have TV or not!
        No longer a Surf owner.


        • #5
          It is a total joke.?? why can they not advertise like ITV, Channel 4, FIVE etc.. this way we would not have to pay that much.?? Like one of you have already mentioned even if you watch Telewest, SKY etc.. television you have to pay, its just not fair.??

          With that 4.5% above inflation extra ontop does not help when you have not had a pay rise in your job for two years.!!!

          We get slammed hard on Tax etc in Engalnd and its about time we left the European Market as that is a complete waste of time, as it is not what we went in it for in the begining.!!!

          Officially we went in the European common market so that if we had for example:- tonnes of extra butter etc we could get rid of it to other countries and also UK farming would be helped out etc.. all we seem to get is loads of immagrants, French over rulling us on debates etc.


          Last edited by SSRX3.0TDLE; 24 January 2006, 10:56.
          SLIPPERY WHEN WET.!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by TonyN
            Also a bit of news slipped by the other day, its officially a Tax now, no longer a license fee. Dunno what the difference is, probably means you can't remove it!

            But never fear, due to the increase of internet TV, they are going to introduce a PC tax soon. (not joking, do a search! )

            Basically a Licence Fee is a charge in return for a specific service.
            A Tax is a charge that does not require a service in return.


            • #7
              I think the last time that i watched the bbc was when England played in the last world cup.

              So it looks like i pay my license for the occasional world cup game every 4 years


              • #8
                Powered by ????


                • #9
                  strange thing is... you can get a telly for 50quid that recieves 5 channels perfectly well... then another 50 quid will get you a set top box that will give you a load more channels.

                  spend a GRAND on a top spec PC and as soon as you touch anything, the picture goes all jumpy!!... it's technology gone backwards!!!

                  EDIT: Hahaha!!... just as i clicked submit, the bubble popped up "Eastenders recording"!!... excellent!
                  nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                  • #10
                    They did make more from selling there programs abroad and VCR/DVD sales than from the lience fee

                    I have done work for them and they waste money like a movie company would
                    Last edited by Woodzie; 25 January 2006, 09:25.


                    • #11
                      They really Pi$$ me off.....BBC use to rant about keeping Movies together and thats one reason why they charge a licence fee. Suddenly theres discount to old age pensioners [have no probs with this] and then suddenly a hike to charge for going into Digital TV.

                      Trouble is...are they going to reduce the bills for watching Digital TV since we have already contributed some to the change over [no chance!]

                      Movies etc are now broken up by the News
                      All we get are make-over shows or chat shows!..

                      DJ's no longer like they used to be on Radio 1.....listened to it once since Dave Lee Travis et al got booted off...as Zoe Ball/Sara Cox [boltonian Girl] likes to here their own voices too much [I wanna listen to music - not speil!]

                      Send reporters to cover reporters already out in the field to make something anonymous sound like real newsworthy articles [wasting Licence Payers money]

                      Even if you dont tune a TV into BBC channels you have to pay the licence fee for receiving through their stations/masts etc.

                      Time for a change and to be in the competition for adverts and not screwing the public.


                      • #12
                        "strong and distinctive schedule"
                        What "strong and distinctive schedule"?? Inane chat shows, reality TV, cartoons and other ****. They can't even do the big historical dramas like they used to. ITV has been beating the pants off them for years.

                        When I listen to BBC local radio they have a back room staff of zillions. The independents (Talk Sport etc) have one bod answering the phones and twiddling the knobs. A lot of the BBC stuff is still scripted, produced, researched. Ring an independant radio station and they put you on air. Ring the BBC and they phone you back, at your expense, because you are already paying for it.

                        If the BBC were to stay a proper, "Public Service Broadcaster," making quality programs, I would have no objections to the fee. When they have to compete for ratings with the worst that commercial TV can offer I say no way.
                        It's only a hobby!

