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The UK and Europe

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
    It's the Government that should have the A.S.B.O.s

    Does that mean the cabinet all wear the HOODIE!!!!!!
    IN the DOWNING STREET MASSIVE and their leader ALI BLAIR


    • #17
      I was proud to vote OUT of Europe on this poll.

      I agree with Andy and Stormforce. Feels like this country is a sinking ship, and we're the rats. Courrupt, moronic government, obscure taxes, inept legal systems... "The political and commercial morals of the United Kingdom are not merely food for laughter, they are an entire banquet...."

      I love Cornwall, Stormforce, it's my most favourite place in the world. I love reading up on the history, language and industrial heritage of the county. The tin mines are great icons of history and an homage to pioneers such as Richard Trevithick. Plus Cornwall has some of the best surf breaks in the UK!

      Did you see The Simpsons Christmas Message on Channel 4 last December 25th? Lisa comes on with a placard pleading for Cornish Independence, even rattling off some true Cornish.

      Nos dha
      /_/ _ | 0\__
      \,...__,..._ /


      • #18
        Out, out, out and as soon as possible. Apologies to our Scots and N. Irish members, but if they want to stay in then give them FULL independence, including raising and spending their own taxes without any help from England and Wales and leave the rest of us out of the total corruption that is the EU and it's bureaucracy. That would also solve another problem as well. Any Scottish born politicians would have to go back over the border....good riddance to Blair & Brown!!!
        Mike G


        • #19
          Leave as soon as possible!!!! WOrst thing we ever did was join Europe!



          • #20
            Funny but when I asked people a few weeks after the original vote, I couldn't find anyone that admitted to voting for, and no I didn't vote for it either. Ted Heath has a lot to answer for. Should have spend his latter years in the Tower as an arch traitor.
            Mike G


            • #21
              i didn't understand the question!

              um... british?
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #22
                Boltonian first, English next, then British.

                Always wondered why we changed to God Save our Queen at ceremonies when I belive this was for a United Kingdom???? Didn't it at one time used to be Land of Hope and Glory [more friggin Hope these days than Glory]

                Frikkin waste of money on the Olympics
                Wasting money on European Union and not so new building these days

                You have a Lottery initially set-up for Charity spending, but they receive the least of the funds.....now even more ripped off for Arts and Crafts sh**te, National Opera House received 55million but yet receive 8£ per bum before anyone sits on a seat.

                France is one of the biggest breakers of EU Law....and still ows this country for many but refuses to pay.
                Spain receives subsidies for Bulls and Fishing Fleet which rifles our own grounds
                Import cheap coal from Franch et al
                Half of the european countries cant keep to their spending guidelines as created in the EU Policy

                Spin Doctors creating policies , not our representatives...and they want me to vote....not on your life until a policy stated means a policy taken forward!!

                This country is the bo**ocks...time to stand up........at tleast the Scots, Irish and Welsh have done so...we just roll over and get shot

                now I'll climb down off my soapbox
                Last edited by Gizmo; 17 December 2005, 10:36.


                • #23
                  Stupid Poll

                  Good to see that Little Britain actually exists within this forum. I look forward to further displays of Bigotry and narrow mindedness as this thread develops. In case anybody hasnt noticed we dont have an Empire any more, its gone. and its no good blaming "johnny foreigner" for everything any more than you can blame the fact that we are in the European Union for everything.
                  Joining the EU didnt take away our Industry, we as consumers did that, you can all get as pompous as you like about the pound and having the queens head on your money, but in case you havent noticed you,ve all got Japanese vehicles, buying them did the British economy a power of good.

                  Yes 95 people have viewed the poll and only 16 voted as I write this. Im guessing thats because the other 79 think its a stupid poll.

                  Сви можемо


                  • #24
                    or we have come back to read the lastest comment, and cant vote again. you are right not everything that is wrong in the country is down to europe or foreigners. but there aint much good to come out of europe either. (and i prefer great briton, to little englander... )
                    it's in me shed, mate.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Bogus

                      Yes 95 people have viewed the poll and only 16 voted as I write this. Im guessing thats because the other 79 think its a stupid poll.


                      Yeah but no but yeah but........................... ...............

                      I keep coming back to see how many patriots still exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Last edited by Woodzie; 18 December 2005, 09:50.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Bogus
                        Good to see that Little Britain actually exists within this forum. I look forward to further displays of Bigotry and narrow mindedness as this thread develops. In case anybody hasnt noticed we dont have an Empire any more, its gone. and its no good blaming "johnny foreigner" for everything any more than you can blame the fact that we are in the European Union for everything.
                        Joining the EU didnt take away our Industry, we as consumers did that, you can all get as pompous as you like about the pound and having the queens head on your money, but in case you havent noticed you,ve all got Japanese vehicles, buying them did the British economy a power of good.

                        Yes 95 people have viewed the poll and only 16 voted as I write this. Im guessing thats because the other 79 think its a stupid poll.


                        What a load of rubbish. Where have you been the last 31 years?

                        Our industry has collapsed as a direct result of joining the EU. Ask a fisherman why he has gone out of business? He will tell you it's because joining the EU meant giving up hundreds of square miles of British waters to the French and Spanish. Ask a British tax payer why he is being taxed a lot more than he should be, and he will tell you it's because we are giving Billions of pounds to an EU budget, of which France gets slightly under HALF on the CAP. Ask a Farmer why he can't sell his beef in France, even though the beef ban ended several years ago? He will tell you it's because France kept the ban going illegally, and never even got done for it. Why can't a British citizen get medical treatment when he or she needs it? Because there are millions of assylum seekers in this country who haven't paid a penny in tax who get priority. Ask why a young couple can't get a council house? Because the said assylum seekers are given priority over housing.

                        Buying a "British" car doesn't exist, because there are no "British" car makers left. What cars people do buy are at a vastly inflated price compaired to the rest of Europe. Look at your gas and electricity bill. Why is it going up and up, because France and Germany are restricting the flow to the UK of cheap gas from Russian fields. Why do we have to give up pounds and ounces, feet, inches and miles? Because we have to "fit in" with the rest of Europe. How can you justify a law abiding shop keeper getting a criminal record for selling produce by the pound and not in kilos?

                        There are a thousand reasons why we should withdraw from the EU. We joined because people voted for a "Common Market" not an EU superstate. Look at Norway, why has that country been voted the best place to live in the world? They are independent but still trade with the EU, but they haven't got Brussels down their neck telling them what to do. Switzerland is tiny, but they still manage to survive outside the EU.

                        Why is it that the Scottish can send their children to University knowing that they get grants, but the English leave thousands of pounds in dept. Why is it the Scottish want there own goverment, but we have to pay for the construction of it?

                        Who do you think industrialised half the world? The British Empire.

                        Stupid poll? Well that is your opinion and you are intitled to it. But I assure you that there a lot more people that want to withdraw from the EU than there are that want to stay in it.


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            This is all getting terribly Xenophobic isnt it? Must get my head out of the sand, I was totally unaware that British Industry died as a direct result of entering the EU. I stupidly thought that there were a number of factors, it was because other Nations such as Korea / China could make things more cheaply and we like cheap
                            I also wasnt aware of the reason for the fishing industry decline. my brother in law who was a share fishernman all his life and his father before him have different ideas. Neither of them of course are happy with the Spanish tendency to hoover up everything but they dont see that as the main cause of industry decline
                            I also had the idea that people couldnt get council houses because theres been less of them around since Maggie started flogging them, I didnt know that they were all full of asylum seekers.
                            Must pay more attention and maybe start reading the Daily Mail or the Sun.
                            I can see that youre angry but I seriously dont think you are being fully rational with your rant. Its not all johhny foreigners fault, if they all went away tomorrow and we left the EU do you seriously beleive industry would spring up and thousands of council houses around the country would suddenly be available ?? or would they maybe be filled up by the thousands of Brits who have to come back from France/Spain and other parts of the EU where they have homes

                            Сви можемо


                            • #29
                              cant speak anyone else, but my xenophobia is obviously deeply repressed.. i live with a south african and a german, i've spent most of my holidays for the last 12 years, and a short 'employment hiatus' doing up a holiday cottage in brittany..
                              could you explain..
                              why we need to share a currency with europe to trade, but dont need to share one with the rest of the world?

                              what possible good tonys budget sell out does us in real terms, not just in terms of european unity and how we are percieved?

                              how countries like france, germany and us can function economically when we have to employ the same budgetary constraints as the new entrants into europe?

                              whens the refurendum?
                              it's in me shed, mate.


                              • #30
                                Highlander first, Scottish second and British third.

                                Ironically I now live in Yorkshire with my English wife who was born in Germany on a millitary base. We met in Australia on a year out.

                                We both want to move back there.

                                The weather and beer are better!!

