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Sat Nav, Your View's

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  • Sat Nav, Your View's

    Hi, I'm seriously thinking of getting a satilite navigation system, and would like to hear your views on them, You know! What do you think of the one you've got? What the best/ most expensive? Whats the best for the money?
    Small screen or larger screen? Where did you position it? I'm not looking for
    info on fitting it just not sure which to get, I've seen one working, A Tom
    Tom, dont know which model, It had voice instruction and a moveing map,
    It was very good! Even i could follow the directions, I cant afford one outright and will probably have to get it on her indoors'smail order thing, And consiquently pay through the nose for it, Regards
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    WHSmith sell road atlases... they're good and at most only cost £20...

    i paid £700 for my satnav when it was quite a new thing... never really used it and it soon went in a box in the garage with all my other defunct gadgets!!

    if you want street level maps, then go for the phillips maps... also available on CD rom!!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      I use TomTom 5 software on a pda and am very pleased with it. There was a review of "self contained" sat navs on the channel 5 gadget show the other night and they also reckoned the TomTom was the best, mainly because of its postcode search and ease of use. They singled out the TomTom One as better than the 300, 500, 700 series because it's a smaller package and easier to put in your pocket.

      My Pointer ate the dog trainer


      • #4
        The best reccomendation I can give is to go for the largest screen size you can afford, and hide within the truck.

        The smaller screens may seem like a bargain, but try reading them at arms length whilst walking around, you should see what I mean.

        other than that find the one that you can get to work most easily, and realy important is to get one that accepts full postcodes!

        I used to use one made by C-Map with a 7" screen, it was perfect, but sadly mine was a pre-production model, and I have no idea who it is branded for now. I think it is a Geonav unit, in which case it knocks the spots off all else I have tried or demo`d

        Best of luck with you hunt.

        Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


        • #5
          Sat Nav...... waste of money unless you own a boat.

          I can drive to anywhere in the country, using roadsigns only, all I need is a rough pointer from someone, " its near where ?", and I am off.
          Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


          • #6
            Originally posted by ian619
            Hi, I'm seriously thinking of getting a satilite navigation system,
            Don't bother- it's the latest craze now for chav scum to break into your car and steal it.....get a map. Done me well for 20 years of motoring- and I've been to some really obscure places!

            Good things out at sea though or for wilderness trecking.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ian619
              Hi, I'm seriously thinking of getting a satilite navigation system, and would like to hear your views on them, You know! What do you think of the one you've got? What the best/ most expensive? Whats the best for the money?
              Small screen or larger screen? Where did you position it? I'm not looking for
              info on fitting it just not sure which to get, I've seen one working, A Tom
              Tom, dont know which model, It had voice instruction and a moveing map,
              It was very good! Even i could follow the directions, I cant afford one outright and will probably have to get it on her indoors'smail order thing, And consiquently pay through the nose for it, Regards

              you have got tooooooooo much money if ur gonna put sat nav in a surf .... how far do u travel ... lol
              nick 1 step in front of you


              • #8
                Originally posted by laser_jock99
                #I've been to some really obscure places!
                ahh!... tilbury docks and a night at thurrock truckstop eh?
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                • #9
                  I use sat nav almost daily. I quite often get calls when I'm out on one job to go to a meeting somewhere first thing in the morning the next day. Now I managed fine with maps, but the nav is so much easier, I just ask for the postcode and the first line of the address and put it in the satnav. it will then tell me when to get up in order to get there in time. It is also handy when there is a traffic problem and you can press the 'find another way' button.

                  Lastly, it quite often suggests another route. I was quite often going from Congleton to reading for the day. When you look on the map it seems obvious that you should go down the motorway and thats what I did. then the satnav said to go via oxford on the A roads, which looks worse but actually is quicker when there is traffic.

                  i have TOMTOM on a PDA and wouldn't be without it, but unless you have a PDA I might go for one of these, I understand they are less then 250 if you look around



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Medieval Dave
                    Lastly, it quite often suggests another route. I was quite often going from Congleton to reading for the day. When you look on the map it seems obvious that you should go down the motorway and thats what I did. then the satnav said to go via oxford on the A roads, which looks worse but actually is quicker when there is traffic.
                    until you get to caversham!
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                    • #11
                      I have one in the works van, as a mobile fitter its a godsend, but wouldn't really need one for personal use, you wouldn't use it enough to make the purchase worthwhile.
                      But the larger the screen the better!!
                      Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ChaosinDevon
                        Sat Nav...... waste of money unless you own a boat.

                        I can drive to anywhere in the country, using roadsigns only, all I need is a rough pointer from someone, " its near where ?", and I am off.

                        yea but it's easy for us - one way is corningwall- go too far you get wet & the other is the rest of the world
                        Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by fatfires
                          yea but it's easy for us - one way is corningwall- go too far you get wet & the other is the rest of the world
                          I avoid Cornwall
                          Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ChaosinDevon
                            I avoid Cornwall
                            full of cockneys and brummies trying to claim it as a separate country i heard!
                            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Toad
                              I have one in the works van, as a mobile fitter its a godsend, but wouldn't really need one for personal use, you wouldn't use it enough to make the purchase worthwhile.
                              But the larger the screen the better!!

                              Bit like a road atlas then!

