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  • #16
    Originally posted by Chillitt
    got the brackets this morning woo hoo!! so thats me out in the dark to night fitting them and frezing my #### off! thanks very much ian, you are a gent!
    (even got the bolts. nice)
    Thats OK mate your welcome, Aint yer got a garage its too dam cold to do
    em outside! Post a pic when there done, Cheers Ian
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #17
      and you've done the research for me on the spot light front too! dont think i'll quite as many on mine..
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Chillitt
        and you've done the research for me on the spot light front too! dont think i'll quite as many on mine..
        I owe Medeiveal Dave big time for the spots, As for the number of em ,i'ts
        personal choice, Some will like em some wont, Still thats me OTT as usual,
        Gathering info on that head light mod at the moment, I believe Pops did it
        last weekend, Got a load of stuff from when AndyLA and Morr thrashed it
        out, Sounds like he had a bad time sorting it out, Good luck with the spots,
        Go on stick eight on the front you know you want to,,,AhAh Ian
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss

