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Prepare to loose any and all privacy in your car

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Slugsie
    <rant mode on>
    That arguement is used all too often to justify policies that allow governments to implement policies that gradually, but consistently, erode our basic human rights to live our own private lives without someone constantly looking over our shoulders assessing everything we do. The harm is that they introduce this little thing, no-one complains. Then they build on it a little bit, no-one complains. Then a bit more, and a bit more. All of a sudden your entire life is put under a government microscope, your every action is monitored, assessed, categorised. A massive database of information is built up on each and everyone of us. I like my freedom, I like my privacy, and I want to keep them. I accept that having such freedoms and privacy comes with a cost and a risk. Much of these measures are being introduced with the 'goal' of making our society safer. However, lets not forget that none of the measures that the government want to introduce (this one, ID cards, and others) would have made absolutely no difference to the 7/7 bombings which were carried out by UK citizens who would have had valid ID cards etc.
    <rant off>

    Sorry, that's not aimed at anyone in particular, I'm just a bit ****ed off at the moment.
    Big ditto to all of the above, I am spending as little of my time as possable on our shores, thankfully I spend the bulk of my time floating around our coast, avoiding our pious beurocrats and their increasingly benail attempts to justify their existance, by blighting ours.

    An example of the sad nature of our countrys incompetence, this year I have brought/delivered 30-40 vessels into this country from France, Belgium, Rotterdam, Norway, Germany and the Channel Isles, and not once been sniffed at by Customs and excise/revenue (WHOOEVER). Had I a criminal mind i could have been bringing in bombers by the dozen, illegals quite literaly by the boatload, and frankly god only knows what else.

    When it comes to a traffic monitoring system, I as a victim of crimes am all in its favour. Tell me had you had a family member raped, and the Bustard that did it drove away never to be caught, would you welcome this intrusion?
    Had you been the victim of a hit and run, broken legs in multiple places, been glad if the police had been able to find the car before repairs were made good to all the damage your broken legs caused? Had your car been stolen would you be glad to have it recovered within the hour, before it had been dismantled and vandalised?

    I would have gladly paid with my blood had this system been running when I was the victim. Sure my view is Biased, sure this system will come in to line 10 years late 40-50 mill over budget, and probably have defects, like not covering A or B roads etc....
    Unpopular as my views may be sorry but I think my life would have been better for it years ago.

    Peace and love to all
    Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


    • #17
      its not as if they lock em up when they do catch em..
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #18
        Originally posted by mamadwyvin
        Guys, this does actually already exist, Traffic Master use the Vehicle Number Plate recognition technique already. (The Blue Masts) They also get regular requests from the Police for information. So far they don't share this info but they do work together on 'future technology'. They can tell you who has been the fastest up the M1 in the last 12 months etc. I know all this because I used to work with them (they were a customer).

        While I agree with the no nanny state thing, I would also like to know where my surf went if it was stolen, where my kids went if they were kidnapped etc.

        I guess if you are a law abiding citizen it shouldn't be an issue (being as its already done by a commercial organisation already!)

        Your opinion is respected but i just cannot buy into this "if youve done nothing wrong youve nothing to fear" As plod would tell you , you are all guilty, we just dont know what of yet. Your leaders (government) do not trust you and yet you are prepared to trust them more than you probably ever trusted your parents. I bet they never knew everywhere you went and everything you did. However lets say for now , you are correct and that you have done nothing wrong and therefore have nothing to fear. Can you guarantee that will always be the case. Can you guarantee that all the info held on you will always remain in "trusted " hands
        I hate to go on like a some conspiracy theorist nut, but I do think we need to protect some of our current freedoms, trivial as they may seem. To be honest I dont really care that much if my car or myself are tracked everywhere, I spend more time out of the country than in it, but I do care about this propensity for banning stuff and this slow erosion of our freedom. Its really not good Think East Germany/ Saddams Iraq/ The Shahs Iran

        Сви можемо


        • #19
          I am a great admirer of Darwins theory of evolution, If the scum were shot, they would be removed from the gene poole.

          No they would not lock them up, they no longer have the capacity to cope with the numbers of people convicted. Magistrates are quietly asked to send fewer people to prisons, and find alternatives.
          Yup, community service and suspended sentances realy work, the tag system has a minor failing in so far as they can be removed with a bent fork, and how do you fine people on the dole?

          Awnswers on a post card to;
          I couldnt give a damn Tony Blair
          No 11 Downing Street
          England (Suburb of the USA)
          Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


          • #20

            try driving in central london
            there are cameras all over that scan to see if you have paid your 8 pounds
            99% of people pay by text message

            so why cant they just scan and debit, if you have an account??

            but then where is the money??

            there is more profit in fines simple as that
            all of this is to make money

            but for who i'm not paying less tax
            the Police still do nothing about crime

            who benifits from all of these things?
            [url="http://www.frappr.com/smurfowners"]Surf MAp[/url]


            • #21
              Originally posted by Gtdog
              I am a great admirer of Darwins theory of evolution, If the scum were shot, they would be removed from the gene poole.

              No they would not lock them up, they no longer have the capacity to cope with the numbers of people convicted. Magistrates are quietly asked to send fewer people to prisons, and find alternatives.
              Yup, community service and suspended sentances realy work, the tag system has a minor failing in so far as they can be removed with a bent fork, and how do you fine people on the dole?

              Awnswers on a post card to;
              I couldnt give a damn Tony Blair
              No 11 Downing Street
              England (Suburb of the USA)

              you cant just shoot people

              but you can outsource them

              cost of prison for one person per day in the uk is??

              cost of prison for one person per day in the Turkey is??
              who knows but i'm guessing much less

              and who would want to go back?
              [url="http://www.frappr.com/smurfowners"]Surf MAp[/url]


              • #22
                Originally posted by Bogus
                I spend more time out of the country than in it, but I do care about this propensity for banning stuff and this slow erosion of our freedom. Its really not good Think East Germany/ Saddams Iraq/ The Shahs Iran

                BAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! seems to be this governments favorite buzz word this term.............they seem to be making sure we won't forget them when their gone


                • #23
                  Geeez guys this getting really heavy now..... I was in a good mood when I came online, thought I'd look at my fav site (hilux), now I feel suicidal.
                  Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Gtdog
                    When it comes to a traffic monitoring system, I as a victim of crimes am all in its favour. Tell me had you had a family member raped, and the Bustard that did it drove away never to be caught, would you welcome this intrusion?
                    Had you been the victim of a hit and run, broken legs in multiple places, been glad if the police had been able to find the car before repairs were made good to all the damage your broken legs caused? Had your car been stolen would you be glad to have it recovered within the hour, before it had been dismantled and vandalised?
                    Like I said, I realise that keeping our freedoms does come at a cost, and this may be one of them. However, look at it this way, surely it would be better to stop the crime in the first place than to try and mop up the mess afterwards? How do you do this? I don't know, but there must be a way (other than this).

                    If you are worried about your car being knicked and not being traced you can buy a alarm that will alert to the police to it's location in minutes as soon as it is reported stolen.
                    Paul </Slugsie>
                    Immortal.so far!


                    • #25
                      Its Salt policing next. Everything you buy at Tescos or Asda will be recorded and comparisons made with the numbers of your household. The slightest suspicion that your scoffing too much Salt and you get a visit.

                      6 MG PER DAY No more! right !, youre being watched and telling them youre putting it on your icy path wont wash unless you can prove it maybe by CCTV or something, your local chip shop owner will only produce it from the back shop for his regulars along with a nudge and a wink.

                      Sales of raw salt will be regulated, ration cards maybe ?? What about a total ban, yeah why not, all this salt is killing us, someone needs to sort this out

                      Сви можемо


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Bogus
                        Its Salt policing next. Everything you buy at Tescos or Asda will be recorded and comparisons made with the numbers of your household. The slightest suspicion that your scoffing too much Salt and you get a visit.

                        6 MG PER DAY No more! right !, youre being watched and telling them youre putting it on your icy path wont wash unless you can prove it maybe by CCTV or something, your local chip shop owner will only produce it from the back shop for his regulars along with a nudge and a wink.

                        Sales of raw salt will be regulated, ration cards maybe ?? What about a total ban, yeah why not, all this salt is killing us, someone needs to sort this out

                        more of a worry would be veg oil policing! how much food have you fried recently????????? paid by debit card? got your store card points?
                        Diesel, like petrol only better


                        • #27
                          Regarding the link on the first post in this thread, If you've got and use a GPS device, surely you are already being watched/tracked.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Slugsie
                            Like I said, I realise that keeping our freedoms does come at a cost, and this may be one of them. However, look at it this way, surely it would be better to stop the crime in the first place than to try and mop up the mess afterwards? How do you do this? I don't know, but there must be a way (other than this).

                            If you are worried about your car being knicked and not being traced you can buy a alarm that will alert to the police to it's location in minutes as soon as it is reported stolen.
                            Many of those alarms and tracker systems are managed by Traffic Master!!!!! You should see their call centre, its about 10 lovely ladies all sitting round the phones answering to about 10 different company names.

                            Same system Slugsie just private

                            PS. People have the same concerns about GPS, it means the feds can see you! GPS is a US set of satellites they can switch it on and off and see where we all are with our GPS units whenever they like!
                            AKA - Mamadwyvin


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Bogus
                              Your opinion is respected but i just cannot buy into this "if youve done nothing wrong youve nothing to fear" As plod would tell you , you are all guilty, we just dont know what of yet. Your leaders (government) do not trust you and yet you are prepared to trust them more than you probably ever trusted your parents. I bet they never knew everywhere you went and everything you did. However lets say for now , you are correct and that you have done nothing wrong and therefore have nothing to fear. Can you guarantee that will always be the case. Can you guarantee that all the info held on you will always remain in "trusted " hands
                              I hate to go on like a some conspiracy theorist nut, but I do think we need to protect some of our current freedoms, trivial as they may seem. To be honest I dont really care that much if my car or myself are tracked everywhere, I spend more time out of the country than in it, but I do care about this propensity for banning stuff and this slow erosion of our freedom. Its really not good Think East Germany/ Saddams Iraq/ The Shahs Iran

                              You have a point! Sadly it was very rare my parents didn't know where I was, maybe I have been groomed for life in the BIG BROTHER state?

                              Keep ya chins up!
                              AKA - Mamadwyvin


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Slugsie
                                However, look at it this way, surely it would be better to stop the crime in the first place than to try and mop up the mess afterwards? How do you do this? I don't know, but there must be a way (other than this).
                                Simple just get them to motion a BAN on crime...................that'll sort it

