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Prepare to loose any and all privacy in your car

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  • Prepare to loose any and all privacy in your car

    OK, first off I'd like to say that I am proud to be British, and I love my country... but if this keeps up for much longer then I'm going to have to put some serious consideration into leaving.

    24x7 vehicle movement database

    When will it stop? What can we do to prevent this country turning into the Big Brother/Nanny state that it seems to be accelerating towards (although not above 70mph, because that would be naughty )?

    (Seriously getting ****ed off here)
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!

  • #2
    Where's Guy Fawkes when you need him?


    • #3
      wouldn't this class as invasion of privicy?? - I remember that coming up when they were first talking about the introduction of compulsary ID cards
      Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!


      • #4
        They'll probably get around that by disguising it as a traffic monitoring system knowing them!


        • #5
          Its a sad day.
          but then if you dont break any laws what harm is there?
          Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


          • #6
            Comments have been made here previously.

            The ability of the government to implement a simple country wide IT infrastructure, and support it long term..

            The ability to plan ahead, rather then knee jerk reaction...

            I will once again hark back to my previous comments. Aren't they supposed to be here for our benefit, not theirs...?

            Why do they continue to crimilise normal passtimes... and try to sneak them in without our noticing?
            Absolutely steaming... about this one. and the Bl**dy vegoil business whilst Tony B'liar is postulating on TV about taking the environment seriously.


            • #7
              its probably more to do with giving huge sums of our money to pfi/it type companies doing feasability studies than any serious attempt to remove our privacy..still stinks though..
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Slugsie
                OK, first off I'd like to say that I am proud to be British, and I love my country... but if this keeps up for much longer then I'm going to have to put some serious consideration into leaving.
                Already ahead of you on that score........have had our "Expression of Interest" accepted for New Zealand, just waiting for our "Invitation to Apply" landing on the doormat.........then several more hoops to jump through but hopefully this time next year we will be KIWI's...................can't wait, sick to death of living here under this regime/dictatorship.................m akes me mad & sad


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gtdog
                  Its a sad day.
                  but then if you dont break any laws what harm is there?
                  <rant mode on>
                  That arguement is used all too often to justify policies that allow governments to implement policies that gradually, but consistently, erode our basic human rights to live our own private lives without someone constantly looking over our shoulders assessing everything we do. The harm is that they introduce this little thing, no-one complains. Then they build on it a little bit, no-one complains. Then a bit more, and a bit more. All of a sudden your entire life is put under a government microscope, your every action is monitored, assessed, categorised. A massive database of information is built up on each and everyone of us. I like my freedom, I like my privacy, and I want to keep them. I accept that having such freedoms and privacy comes with a cost and a risk. Much of these measures are being introduced with the 'goal' of making our society safer. However, lets not forget that none of the measures that the government want to introduce (this one, ID cards, and others) would have made absolutely no difference to the 7/7 bombings which were carried out by UK citizens who would have had valid ID cards etc.
                  <rant off>

                  Sorry, that's not aimed at anyone in particular, I'm just a bit ****ed off at the moment.
                  Paul </Slugsie>
                  Immortal.so far!


                  • #10
                    It says it goes live in April Next Year ?

                    It could be an early April Fools Joke !

                    There again , the Brittish Government IS a JOKE !!
                    !!! I'M THE ONE YOUR MOTHER WARNED YOU ABOUT !!!


                    • #11
                      I and my family have been looking into moving to Canada, been there alot over the past few years, the mrs and I exceed the qualifications required to go there, just going to let the kids finish school and we are out of this country.
                      Just in case anyone is interested, we looked at an old farmhouse in Nova Scotia, 4 bedrooms etc etc, 100 ft x 6o ft heated workshop, 2 acre lake, all set in 90 acres of forest.......the price...... $90,000 CAD, that was roughly £46,000 in 2004(Sept). Nearest neighbour was 8 miles away.
                      Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


                      • #12
                        The British government regard the British public as gullible and stupid. They may have a valid point. We support and accept many invasions to our privacy and many restrictions on our freedoms. We do this as long as it doesnt affect us as individuals. How many on this forum supported the hunting ban? How many support draconian anti smoking laws? How many have yet to realise that we are encouraging them in their excesses. How many understand that its only a matter of time before something you enjoy gets it? How many believe that if you are innocent you have nothing to fear? I certainly dont. Did our brazilian electrician think he deserved to be shot. . You are filmed in the street, you are filmed in shops, you are filmed in stations, carparks, airports, everywhere. No wonder the "hoodie" is so popular Your emails are "monitored" your phone calls are "monitored" records of them are kept.This forum and every other one is monitored. You have no real privacy and although we still have relative freedom lots of it is being chiselled away. You dont have to like it but I think that if you cant live with it Slugsie is right, move out, I cant see it stopping anytime soon. I personally couldnt beleive that so many of the public supported banging up " terror suspects" for 90 days. What a gift that would be to the police. How long before you think that one would have been abused?

                        Enough said, but I can understand why people dont like it. We might as well all succumb to electronic tagging, which I guess in some ways we already have, ( Mobile phone ?? )

                        Сви можемо


                        • #13
                          I would move to a different country in a heart beat but it's difficult when you have family and friends. I get so disillusioned with the nanny state trying to tell me how to live my life. Is there any politician out there who actually cares about anything but their own gain?. You watch PM question time and they are like a buch of school children trying to score points, so sad. I like the idea of South Africa but I feel that racial unrest will eventually destrol that beautiful country.
                          This is all a bit too serious, at least we drive cool trucks (if we can afford to put fuel in them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Deviant 1
                            It says it goes live in April Next Year ?

                            It could be an early April Fools Joke !

                            There again , the Brittish Government IS a JOKE !!
                            Guys, this does actually already exist, Traffic Master use the Vehicle Number Plate recognition technique already. (The Blue Masts) They also get regular requests from the Police for information. So far they don't share this info but they do work together on 'future technology'. They can tell you who has been the fastest up the M1 in the last 12 months etc. I know all this because I used to work with them (they were a customer).

                            While I agree with the no nanny state thing, I would also like to know where my surf went if it was stolen, where my kids went if they were kidnapped etc.

                            I guess if you are a law abiding citizen it shouldn't be an issue (being as its already done by a commercial organisation already!)

                            AKA - Mamadwyvin


                            • #15
                              i dont want to live in another country, but its seems THIS is another country..
                              it's in me shed, mate.

