Howdy folks,
Really still tempted & toying with idea of going the monster truck style route on a 2+2 or full cab laterish hilux.
Now i've had a gander round likes of LA supertrux for an idea of the various suspension etc options & such costs...Anyway waffle mode off what pearls of wisdom can you folks give me to get such a beasty while still getting a very capable road going vehicle?
Also if i'm looking engine wise is a 3litre beasty tweakable enough or are there any good V8 conversion options which work well (really like idea of a V8 burble
General questioning off then....
Really still tempted & toying with idea of going the monster truck style route on a 2+2 or full cab laterish hilux.
Now i've had a gander round likes of LA supertrux for an idea of the various suspension etc options & such costs...Anyway waffle mode off what pearls of wisdom can you folks give me to get such a beasty while still getting a very capable road going vehicle?
Also if i'm looking engine wise is a 3litre beasty tweakable enough or are there any good V8 conversion options which work well (really like idea of a V8 burble

General questioning off then....