Next Tuesday 25th October, we will be taking the forum down for 1/2 day to transfer over to the new server. It will take this time to transfer the current forum threads and messages over to the new instance of the forum so please bear with us. I will then transfer the domain names and the gallery pictures and databases.
If you have posted some attachments and they don't instantly appear again please bear with us as it will take some time to compy these across as well.
We are moving to the new server because of capacity issues on the current one and especially the amount of bandwidth that we are using - the current arrangement costs an absolute fortune every month as we exceed our bandwidth allowance by at least double. The new server will put us back in the black.
We are also going to take this opportunity to transfer the domain over to this server as it is currently only forwarded from another domain name provider. This will make the whole thing work a lot better.
You will also notice that the colors change a little on the front page - just thought that a little change is good and also the forum will now appear uner instead of yotasurf although the current domain names will continue for a while yet.
Hopefully the new changes will make the whole site look more nailed together.
Next Tuesday 25th October, we will be taking the forum down for 1/2 day to transfer over to the new server. It will take this time to transfer the current forum threads and messages over to the new instance of the forum so please bear with us. I will then transfer the domain names and the gallery pictures and databases.
If you have posted some attachments and they don't instantly appear again please bear with us as it will take some time to compy these across as well.
We are moving to the new server because of capacity issues on the current one and especially the amount of bandwidth that we are using - the current arrangement costs an absolute fortune every month as we exceed our bandwidth allowance by at least double. The new server will put us back in the black.
We are also going to take this opportunity to transfer the domain over to this server as it is currently only forwarded from another domain name provider. This will make the whole thing work a lot better.
You will also notice that the colors change a little on the front page - just thought that a little change is good and also the forum will now appear uner instead of yotasurf although the current domain names will continue for a while yet.
Hopefully the new changes will make the whole site look more nailed together.