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  • #46
    Originally posted by surfer daz
    I've just voted on above website.
    currently it says that--
    28% think 4x4's are a menace,
    27% have one and love it!

    To me,that means that if you havent got one,you hate them cos you want oneand also that the majority couldnt care less.
    seems to me that too mant suits and do gooders havent got enough to do.
    Get a life....get a surf

    Yep 'cos they wouldn't have been looking at that page if they didn't have some interest in cars.


    • #47
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
      Yep 'cos they wouldn't have been looking at that page if they didn't have some interest in cars.
      GOT ONE AND LOVE IT now in the lead - like to think it was my vote, tried to vote twice (or more) wont let me .....DAMN
      Did I mention I have a BLUE one


      • #48
        I tried that too didn't let me.


        • #49
          Now 26% against, 28% own one and love it!

          I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


          • #50

            It seems to be controlled by the login rather than the IP address - they've had a vote from all five of the people in this house so far .....

            Wonder if I can add some new users to the PC ????

            Life is too important to take seriously !


            • #51
              Originally posted by Maverick
              They are out to get us, and the government, journalists are just helping up the hype cause its good for business. Just give it a little longer and the government will have enouth support to put whatever tax they like on us.

              I could go on but it just makes me boil. This country is not going down the pan, we're allready there, work hard and they hit you, do nothing and they just give it to you on a plate.

              Got to stop now, the keyboard is getting dents!
              Think the grass is greener over here???
              THINK AGAIN !!!!
              We have a lefty tree hugging nanny government over here that is hell bent on taxing or banning all the fun and giving MY money to the useless sods who sit with thier nose in the trough.
              The salad eaters are always banging on about "gas guzzlers" here too and even tried to have 4x4's banned from inner city by reducing the size of carparks untill someone highlighted the fact that most taxis and police cars and overweight corporate types big cars are as wide or wider than a Prado or Pajero.
              While I'm on this one I hate the term suv....it is so American and completly w@anky I use 4wd and make a point of correcting anyone who uses the s... term
              Oh well it is nice to have a little rant now and again.
              Last edited by Simon.O.; 8 October 2005, 07:51.
              '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


              • #52
                Agree with you on the S*V Armericanism- I hate that with passion!


                • #53
                  Safety First

                  I hear Londons hopes for the Olympics are being revisited. HSE want scaffolding up for high jump, pole vault etc as its over 2 metres

                  Сви можемо


                  • #54
                    and corks on the ends of the javelins.

