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Here we go again!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by laser_jock@work



    I think we really must direct our bile at the so called 'journalists' who have 'elaborated somewhat' on the original text. Words like 'gas guzzling' don't appear. I think strong e-mails to the BEEB ITV etc. are called for 'over dressing' the original British Medical Journal article!
    To be fair, the BBC website article was far less lurid/tabloid-ish than the one on the ITV website.

    There has been a response already on the BMJ site, from a "Lecturer in Public Health", a Dr Pilkington, who starts out by saying that any response should determine "whether reducing the number of SUVs would improve public health". Fine, very balanced, but he then goes on as if this were already proven

    He also cites a US study into accident stats that found SUVs to have a higher rate of more serious injuries to their occupants than "conventional" cars, especially in roll-over accidents.
    I would be most interested to see the results of a similar study in the UK, as accident patterns are AFAIK somewhat different to the US, due to different road conditions and driver behaviour.
    This might put a different light on the argument...

    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


    • #32
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
      It was on ITV mate.
      This so called news 'a truck might hurt if it hits you..' has been on all the News websites since this morning. ITV is just another one to complain to.


      • #33
        Greenpeace guy on classic FM news just now:
        in response to this health warning on suv rubbish

        To quote a couple of statements:
        "These gas guzzling 4x4's", "These massive SUV's not suitable for Britains roads and nearly impossible to park"

        load of sensationalism rubbish ! - I dont even think he mentioned the effects they have on people when hit by them
        Landcruiser Colorado
        Sub. Forester


        • #34
          If we are talking Ford Expedition, Loncoln Navigator, Hummer, Chevy Tahoe, GMC Yukon, Cadillac Escalade, then maybe they have a point about large gas guzzling SUVs not suitable for british roads, however if we are tlking UK available 4x4s, the biggest (probably Rangey and Land Cruisers) look like Minis next to them.

          Plus I get 27 to 28mpg out of my Diesel LC so it's hardly gas guzzling compared to some large saloons and sports cars and considerably better than my old 2.8 Petrol Galaxy (and no-one has a problem with people carriers it seems) which did 16 mpg.


          • #35
            My 4x4 is actually GOOD for the environment!I use it to transport me to work,through fields and all sorts of off-road terrain.My work is rebuilding and repairing drystone walls which are regarded as VERY environmently friendly as they provide shelter and habitat for all sorts of wildlife.Not all 4x4 drivers live in cities and use them for the school run,some of us depend on these vehicles for our livelyhood.
            Powered by ????


            • #36
              Originally posted by ian619
              I liked the one about.......WOMEN DONT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE THESE 4x4s,
              Come on all our lady surfers, lets hear it!
              HEHEHE the basement bird will crack up when she reads this bit,I recon we should let the girls take the writer of these articles on a little joy ride...

              But as 44 tonne taxi driver,4x4 owner and some one who has got nothing against huntin and fishin (in fact Iv'e done both in my time) and also blown things up with lots of large shells ( ex Royal Artillery) perhaps I should give myself up as public enemy no1.
              If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


              • #37
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                Exactly, all pedestrians have to remember, is stay off the road unless they're in a vehicle!
                Quite simple really.

                i agree but pedestrians have the right of way...tis up to you to look out for them

                bring back the green cross code!!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Hound-dog
                  i agree but pedestrians have the right of way...tis up to you to look out for them

                  bring back the green cross code!!

                  Nope, 'tis the responsibility of the pedestrians to look out for them selves.
                  That's why there are pavements to seperate them from vehicles.
                  If I see someone in the road in front of me, I can avoid them or even stop, but If someone is walking down the street and decides to cross in front of me without looking, it ain't my fault.


                  • #39
                    i see on AOL THEY HAVE A POLL SO YOU CAN VOTE ONLINE so if we all vote for 4x4s should help bugger them up at this moment theres more against 4x4s


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
                      To be fair, the BBC website article was far less lurid/tabloid-ish than the one on the ITV website.

                      There has been a response already on the BMJ site, from a "Lecturer in Public Health", a Dr Pilkington, who starts out by saying that any response should determine "whether reducing the number of SUVs would improve public health". Fine, very balanced, but he then goes on as if this were already proven

                      He also cites a US study into accident stats that found SUVs to have a higher rate of more serious injuries to their occupants than "conventional" cars, especially in roll-over accidents.
                      I would be most interested to see the results of a similar study in the UK, as accident patterns are AFAIK somewhat different to the US, due to different road conditions and driver behaviour.
                      This might put a different light on the argument...
                      If I am corretct in what I believe, that American study is years out of date and doesn't apply to vehicles under 6 years old.
                      It's only a hobby!


                      • #41
                        Here we go again !

                        I'd like to know what "stories" the government are buryin today whilst all this furure about big suv's is goin down ? Are they concerned at all the revenue being lost to the "chip fat boys".....? Now they are "hummers"....specially if yer behind one in traffic


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                          If I am corretct in what I believe, that American study is years out of date and doesn't apply to vehicles under 6 years old.
                          Well it must apply to mine then cos she is 16 years old...(see Im still in the eco-worriers bad books.)
                          If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


                          • #43
                            You can vote on the subject here:


                            I've voted: I've got one and I love it!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Rob_88
                              I'd love one of those.
                              Can someone get some printed up please, in the style of Cigarette warnings.

                              Warning - Stepping in front of this vehice can kill.
                              Warning - Doctors have proved that getting run over may damage your unborn child.
                              Warning - Being dead from getting run over can seriously reduce your sperm count.
                              Warning - Getting run over can seriously injure yourself and cover those around you in blood.
                              You can buy them already on my 'Other Forum' Mud Club:

                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                I've just voted on above website.
                                currently it says that--
                                28% think 4x4's are a menace,
                                27% have one and love it!

                                To me,that means that if you havent got one,you hate them cos you want one and also that the majority couldnt care less.
                                seems to me that too mant suits and do gooders havent got enough to do.
                                Get a life....get a surf
                                So many toys-So little cash

