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  • #16
    Originally posted by Snoop
    ? Do we all have to display a sticker saying "stepping infront of this vehicle while it's moving may seriously flatten your feet"?
    I'd love one of those.
    Can someone get some printed up please, in the style of Cigarette warnings.

    Warning - Stepping in front of this vehice can kill.
    Warning - Doctors have proved that getting run over may damage your unborn child.
    Warning - Being dead from getting run over can seriously reduce your sperm count.
    Warning - Getting run over can seriously injure yourself and cover those around you in blood.


    • #17
      If you are over 60 and hit by anything you are more likely to die. When you get older bruises, breaks and cuts take longer to heal.

      And when did the fuel consumption of the vehicle hitting you have any relevence?

      It's only a hobby!


      • #18
        I heard the news today OH BOY

        Its have a go at 4x4s time again, what a load of b*****ks, hav they nothing better to do, There no more dangerous than any other vehicle its the way a
        veh is driven that makes it a danger, and no more juicier than a lot of other
        cars, And a lot less than most vans and trucks, One things for sure there a dam site safer than cars (when your inside one), Amen to everything said
        so far. ian
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #19
          Also, you can email your veiws to pulse@itv.com regarding this topic.


          • #20
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
            Also, you can email your veiws to pulse@itv.com regarding this topic.
            I liked the one about.......WOMEN DONT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE THESE 4x4s,
            Come on all our lady surfers, lets hear it!
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #21
              This country is going down the pan - with the "ban this culture"

              e.g. hunting

              when will bull**** end!
              Landcruiser Colorado
              Sub. Forester


              • #22
                SOURCE ARTICLE:



                I think we really must direct our bile at the so called 'journalists' who have 'elaborated somewhat' on the original text. Words like 'gas guzzling' don't appear. I think strong e-mails to the BEEB ITV etc. are called for 'over dressing' the original British Medical Journal article!
                Last edited by laser_jock@work; 7 October 2005, 13:46.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by andycook
                  This country is going down the pan - with the "ban this culture"

                  e.g. hunting

                  when will bull**** end!



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by laser_jock@work

                    From that report......

                    Pedestrian protection is achieved in several ways. These include separation of vehicles from pedestrians, reduction of vehicle speeds,5 w2 w3 the development of "smart vehicles" to avoid collisions, and improved vehicle design to reduce injuries to pedestrians.w4 The proliferation of sport utility vehicles represents a backwards step in safer vehicle design.

                    I've already got a smart vehicle thanks!
                    and pedestrians should be "smart" enough not walk in front of it when it's in motion.


                    • #25
                      Who pays these idiots to come up with this c...p? Surely if 4 x 4s are going to have health warnings, then health warnings should be on every truck, bus or train. Perhaps there should be health warning on aeroplanes in case one falls out of the sky onto your head!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                        From that report......

                        Pedestrian protection is achieved in several ways. These include separation of vehicles from pedestrians, reduction of vehicle speeds,5 w2 w3 the development of "smart vehicles" to avoid collisions, and improved vehicle design to reduce injuries to pedestrians.w4 The proliferation of sport utility vehicles represents a backwards step in safer vehicle design.

                        I've already got a smart vehicle thanks!
                        and pedestrians should be "smart" enough not walk in front of it when it's in motion.

                        But why can't journalists report the original BMJ factually without having to embellish things with thier own agendas and views. The original BMJ article is just common sense- older people wondering in front of heavy cars will get hurt- can't argue with that- we all knew it anyway and don't need bl**dy professors to tell us!

                        It just REALLY makes me mad when the journalists get hold of something like this then add whatever they feel like to increase the anti 4x4 feelings that some misguided folk already have.



                        • #27
                          I think we have to accept we are mini america now, where ever they go we follow blindly. Did anyone see the american convertible sports car that Clarkson test drove a few months back, it was practically covered in health warning stickers.
                          They are out to get us, and the government, journalists are just helping up the hype cause its good for business. Just give it a little longer and the government will have enouth support to put whatever tax they like on us.

                          I could go on but it just makes me boil. This country is not going down the pan, we're allready there, work hard and they hit you, do nothing and they just give it to you on a plate.

                          Got to stop now, the keyboard is getting dents!
                          Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                          • #28
                            It was on ITV mate.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                              From that report......

                              Pedestrian protection is achieved in several ways. These include separation of vehicles from pedestrians, reduction of vehicle speeds,5 w2 w3 the development of "smart vehicles" to avoid collisions, and improved vehicle design to reduce injuries to pedestrians.w4 The proliferation of sport utility vehicles represents a backwards step in safer vehicle design.
                              From a Health & Safety point of view, the last resort in any case is to try to alleviate the severity of an incident by the use of protection, either in the case of wearing PPE, or altering the design of cars to reduce the severity once an incident has occurred. By far the greatest effort should be put into reducing the likelihood of the incident occurring inthe first place.

                              This is done by removing the hazard altogether, or by separating the people from the hazard. IE remove all vehicles from the roads, or keep pedestrians off the roads.
                              The former being impractical, the government is left with the latter, which means spending government money. Yes, it comes from us, the taxpayers, in the first place, but once it becomes taxes, rather than earnings, the govt thinks of the money as belonging to it, not us.
                              However, if the emphasis is placed on altering the design of cars, and with the convenient demonisation of one type of vehicle (the 4x4 in this case), then the spending has to come from the motor manufacturers (and in the end, from their customers), and from (again) the customer, who has to buy another vehicle of an 'approved' type.
                              Attention is also diverted away from the fact that the govt is unwilling or unable to fund the infrastructure investment that would make a bigger difference (note that I don't say, "cure the problem").

                              For the particularly cynical, I would recommend "Incompetitence", by Rob Grant (the mis-spelling is his, not mine). A very funny look at the way European legislation could develop, in the guise of a detective/noir thriller in the Marlowe mould.
                              Last edited by CaptainBeaky; 7 October 2005, 14:23.

                              I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                              • #30
                                Agree with all rants on this thread :

                                some useful contacts for your rants :-

                                Dr Ciaran Simms = csimms@tcd.ie
                                Professor Desmond O'Neill = arhc@amnch.ie

                                Press complaints = E-mail: complaints@pcc.org.uk
                                http://www.darksidesolutions.co.uk - Web Solutions

