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Panic buying

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  • #16
    OK - rather than bitch about people panic buying shouldnt we be saying ""come on you protesters - fuel costs too much and the government should reduce the duty!!""



    • #17
      no panic buying in hull
      hi dudes


      • #18
        Whilst i dont have anything that requires petrol or diesel atm i am starting to feel left out and may pop into the garage on my way home and get a pints worth anyway.


        • #19
          A lot of Petrol Stations around here have run out of FUEL already.


          • #20
            Originally posted by marky
            A lot of Petrol Stations around here have run out of FUEL already.
            Good, now if people manage to blockade the tankers, instead of it running out in a few days and people getting bored with it, things will grind to a halt straight away.

            My radio in garage is looking nervous, every time a ****** from the govn. comes on the news saying "we don't give a f**k about the average person" (OK, may be they don't say that, but thats what they mean) it gets a spanner thrown at it!
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #21
              I agree with Tony (and Linda) - come on you protesters - it's about time we had a revolution in this country and... oh dear sorry - but you know what I mean. I think they should bring back the blockades too.

              I hate this government, Labour used to be the working man's party and the one to vote for for fair play and looking after the less fortunate etc... oh gawd I'm off again - sorry.


              • #22
                The only the prats in the house of idiots will listen is if all the hauliers get together and say that they are all coming off the road untill its sorted then watch TESCOS get emptied of its stock the country would be on its knees in days.
                Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


                • #23
                  My view is , The only way the government will listen is when the blockades effect them and their immediate families, personally.
                  Untill this happens, they are just going to turn up their noses at us, 'cos they're all right 'jack'!


                  • #24
                    The govt has got no money of its own, its all ours. If they knock the tax of fuel they will only stick it on something else, it just the easiest way of collecting the money for them. I'm no fan of fuel taxes or for that matter of Blair & his slippery cronies but in the end I knew the score when I first bought a big 4x4 and ye pays ya money and takes ya choice. I get so p*ssed off with whinging lorry driver, farmers etc moaning on about how hard pushed they are. Its simple economics, if you cant make money out of it, why do it? If some of them stop & go off & do something they can make money out of the mechanics of supply & demand goes out of kilter & the ones that are left can charge more, which attracts more people in until the market reaches the right price, ie the max that buyers will pay and the min that providers will sell for. BUT what on earth gives them the right to fu@k up my week by protesting and stopping me from going outabout my business.

                    By the way, I have calmly ensured (not panic bought) that all 3 of my cars are brim full of fuel, well I wouldn't want to have spent all that money out buying, servicing & taxing them only to have to get the bus to the TRAIN station would I. Anyone who thinks this isn't fair should have got to the petrol station before me!
                    Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


                    • #25
                      well, while my surf is currently sitting dead on my driveway, my fuel consists of bananas, fruit, cereal bars, fresh veg and succulent parts of pigs, cows and chickens etc. because im running on pedal power... actually i always work on pedal power every day to get to work. If I could run my surf on 100% veg oil i would do it. ( I only use it at the weekends and occasionally mid week in the evening)
                      Im happy to pedal past all the 2,3, 4 mile commuters queuing at the stations for their fuel. bunch of lazy bar stewards need to get off their fat arses and reduce our need for unnessesary fuel usage.
                      reduce the demand.... reduce the price.
                      im not worried about the taxes, we have to pay tax somehow to pay for other stuff we all rely on.
                      she's no angel


                      • #26
                        Everyone has their opinions, but I for one are simply f**ked off with getting shafted by people who are supposed to be in charge. How long can you keep bending over and taking it. It doesn't have to be this way, other countrys make a better job of looking out for thier people.
                        The powers that be will never listen, you can sit and talk till the cows come home, the only way they will listen is if you kick them in the nuts, unfortunatly, normal people will suffer, and it ruins your week, but there is no other way. Are you going to carry on paying extra tax if by some miracle they do listen? Doubt it. For once lets all show Brair who's in charge, it may hurt, but at least you can say you've tried.
                        Yes the government doesn't control the price of oil (although the have a huge say it in reality) but the high price really shows how we're getting shafted on the tax on it.
                        If the Mr Brown is really worried about the lack of oil, why are we still paying tax on LPG, Veg, Biodeisel, etc. How about helping people to an alternative, instead of just tax the hell out of petrol and deisel and telling we to use less?
                        The oil companys arn't innocent, but they arn't elected by us, to look after us, so I'll moan about the tax first, get that right and then move on.

                        Annoyed of Basingstoke.

                        Originally posted by TJG
                        The govt has got no money of its own, its all ours. If they knock the tax of fuel they will only stick it on something else, it just the easiest way of collecting the money for them. I'm no fan of fuel taxes or for that matter of Blair & his slippery cronies but in the end I knew the score when I first bought a big 4x4 and ye pays ya money and takes ya choice. I get so p*ssed off with whinging lorry driver, farmers etc moaning on about how hard pushed they are. Its simple economics, if you cant make money out of it, why do it? If some of them stop & go off & do something they can make money out of the mechanics of supply & demand goes out of kilter & the ones that are left can charge more, which attracts more people in until the market reaches the right price, ie the max that buyers will pay and the min that providers will sell for. BUT what on earth gives them the right to fu@k up my week by protesting and stopping me from going outabout my business.

                        By the way, I have calmly ensured (not panic bought) that all 3 of my cars are brim full of fuel, well I wouldn't want to have spent all that money out buying, servicing & taxing them only to have to get the bus to the TRAIN station would I. Anyone who thinks this isn't fair should have got to the petrol station before me!
                        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                        • #27
                          HERE! HERE!

                          Mr Angry from Purley.


                          • #28
                            radio 4 had some #### from friends of the earth on this morning saying fuel prices should stay high or even rise, to encourage us to use alternative transport and stop driving 'gas guzzling suv's'(sic) so the best thing for the planet is to s**** something over 15 million perfectly good cars, and we all buy priums or a lexus hybrid then.
                            i'm heartity sick of tree huggers telling me i'm not doing enough 'to save the planet'. while they fly off to another anti globalisation rally in canada, i dont fly anywhere.
                            they have little tristan playing on his tibetan birthing rug, i buy clothes from charity shops.
                            i've just had 2 extra recyling bins left out side, and i've yet to fill the first one up, and its 1 bin bag a fortnight from a household of 3. anything green gets fed to the chooks, and i just dont buy stuff with lots of wrapping.
                            in the past 4 years i've done up 4 old houses and not used a skip once, EVERYTHING that came out was recycled.
                            i hope to god they make this carbon tax thing apply to everyone, then i'll make aprofit off it!
                            still at least we wonthe ashes.
                            (and i havent bought any diesel this week, and im not going to until the protest is over)
                            it's in me shed, mate.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by TonyN
                              Everyone has their opinions, but I for one are simply f**ked off with getting shafted by people who are supposed to be in charge. How long can you keep bending over and taking it. It doesn't have to be this way, other countrys make a better job of looking out for thier people.
                              The powers that be will never listen, you can sit and talk till the cows come home, the only way they will listen is if you kick them in the nuts, unfortunatly, normal people will suffer, and it ruins your week, but there is no other way. Are you going to carry on paying extra tax if by some miracle they do listen? Doubt it. For once lets all show Brair who's in charge, it may hurt, but at least you can say you've tried.
                              Yes the government doesn't control the price of oil (although the have a huge say it in reality) but the high price really shows how we're getting shafted on the tax on it.
                              If the Mr Brown is really worried about the lack of oil, why are we still paying tax on LPG, Veg, Biodeisel, etc. How about helping people to an alternative, instead of just tax the hell out of petrol and deisel and telling we to use less?
                              The oil companys arn't innocent, but they arn't elected by us, to look after us, so I'll moan about the tax first, get that right and then move on.

                              Annoyed of Basingstoke.
                              The simple fact of life that those in charge will always dump on those below, cos they can. If it really worried the average man in the street why is it we only hear about haulage companies and farmers (who get to use red diesel!)moaning on. In all forms of commerce there is percieved unfairness, my chosen industry for instance, property, must be the only one where the proceeds of trading (buying & selling the land) is taxed (stamp duty), not just the profit (capital gains). Its tough and in the end everyone loses out but I'm not going to go blockade an oil terminal because of it. It effects everyone equally.

                              No too long ago we did show Blair and his mates who was in charge, we voted the toss@rs back in! As they say "the people have spoken (the bast@rds)" And if by some miricle the tax on fuel does go down will I carry on paying it? too right I will on VAT, income tax or some other weasling way they can think of.

                              The solution to all of this is to reduce the amount the government spends, a good start would be to look at everyone who gets paid by us and sack anyone who has had more than 5 days of sick in the year, if we did without them for a week we probably don't need them. Then they can stop spending my money on lazy bast@rds who have never done a lick of work in their lives. In and around London where I live there is no excuse for anyone who can work not working so why should I pay to keep them in pizzas & videos? After that they can get rid of all the benefits they pay for children, if people can't afford to keep their offspring then they shouldn't breed. That would be a good start before lunch, by Wednesday they should be paying us to fill up with fuel!
                              Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


                              • #30
                                Master Brown is making more on the VAT on fuel now than he budgeted for so there is obviously room for a cut in fuel duty without the need for other taxes to rise in order to compensate, unless he for-saw the events leading to the price increases over the last couple of months and included them in the last budget?
                                Transport industry wise- If its ok for the UK plc to subsidise new factorys etc for foreign investors its quite reasonable for them to take some of the cash from that budget (which wouldnt effect other tax) and ensure that existing jobs are secure first. We do need road haulage, we are meant to be on a level playing foeld with europe and we havent been for years, so its a quite fair protest.

