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new toy! new toy!

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  • new toy! new toy!

    happy as a pig in sh1te!!!!
    just bought another bike 2 play with,
    it's an old kmx200, 1991 i think. really good condition 4 it's year, apart from the decals which r a bit worn. its in better nick than my kmx125 and thats on an 02 plate.
    don't no what 2 do about insurance thou, cos i wanna keep the 125 on the road, can u insure 2 bikes at the same time??? unless i insure it in my dads name with me as named rider?????
    Attached Files
    lets go get dirty...

  • #2
    i've got insurance on 2 cars and a bike, so don't see hwy not... try going to same company to see if you get a discount for 2nd bike??
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      Nice toy!

      My bike insurance said they'll do two at once as you can only ride one at a time but some are funny about it. They will probably say you can't use you no claims bonus twice (thats if you have any of course).


      Born to be wild!!


      • #4
        If you try Carole Nash they do good rates for two bike policies, I have my XTZ 750 (ahem) with the 850 engine and CBR1000 insured on the same policy for a very reasonable price.
        I am the friend of Hypno-Toad


        • #5
          As others have said some insurance companies do dual policies but most don't really advertise the fact - you have to ask.
          I have 2 cars insured through Liverpool Victoria and 2 bikes through The Insurance Line (both dual-policies).

          Gonna look at changing my Liverpool Vic policy on renewal time tho becuase I had to pay nearly £300 when I changed my surf from a 2.4 to a 3.0 which I thought was ridiculous (especially as thats for a part-year!)

          Slug - what companies do you use? Do you have 2 dual policies or what?
          No longer a Surf owner.


          • #6
            Originally posted by codlord
            As others have said some insurance companies do dual policies but most don't really advertise the fact - you have to ask.
            I have 2 cars insured through Liverpool Victoria and 2 bikes through The Insurance Line (both dual-policies).

            Gonna look at changing my Liverpool Vic policy on renewal time tho becuase I had to pay nearly £300 when I changed my surf from a 2.4 to a 3.0 which I thought was ridiculous (especially as thats for a part-year!)

            Slug - what companies do you use? Do you have 2 dual policies or what?
            nah, got the cars seperately with admiral and the bike with bike sure (adrian flux)
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              hey shelly, did you buy that from karl at manor conservatories in swansea, i was in with him a few weeks back and he was selling his.........???? have fun.....

              see ya'll

