OK - so I need to take the spare off the back of my surf. Easy - you would think, but I have a locking nut onit. Now I assumed that the ignition key would be the one to use seeing as that is the only one I have but although it goes into the locking nut I can't turn it either way and the locking nut just keeps on spinning - any ideas/help much appreciated as I really have to get the spare off this week....otherwise it will be an angle grinder to the head on the rear of the carrier and rip it off.......
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Really dumb question....
Originally posted by humeroOK - so I need to take the spare off the back of my surf. Easy - you would think, but I have a locking nut onit. Now I assumed that the ignition key would be the one to use seeing as that is the only one I have but although it goes into the locking nut I can't turn it either way and the locking nut just keeps on spinning - any ideas/help much appreciated as I really have to get the spare off this week....otherwise it will be an angle grinder to the head on the rear of the carrier and rip it off.......Maurice
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