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Riots in Edinburgh

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  • #16
    Originally posted by da SLUG man
    everything he's done seems to be jump in feet first without proper planning!
    Get up the yard Slug, its 20 years since he last reminded the world that Africa existed, you hardly call a 20 year wait jumping in feet first


    • #17
      Originally posted by JimL
      Get up the yard Slug, its 20 years since he last reminded the world that Africa existed, you hardly call a 20 year wait jumping in feet first
      a 20 year wait and 1 month planning is though... what happened to the french protesters "invading" on small boats?

      the whole thing about damon albarn not perfoming cos there weren't enough black artists!... what a racist comment!... it's not about whose black and white... it's about people dying through poverty and corrupt governments.

      it all seems like people were there for a free concert, not to think about the reason they were there... such dissapointment that they weren't allowed to take alcohol!

      the protesters are the same bunch who want us to give aid to 3rd world countries and then complain that taxes are too high and wonder where the moneys gone!

      so come on jim, show us a photo of you drinking fair trade coffee and i'll post the pic of the vilage i sposor in thailand!

      (chris martin's a self-righteous !!!!!! too! (coldplay only have 4 good tunes)
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #18
        Considering the riots other G8 summits have inspired i think Edinborough is relativly quiet, Bob or not. Although you'd have thought the HSE would be starting its own riot by now since them benches werent nailed down properly...

        I was just a bit dissapointed that the Scottish war Horses were constantly held back by the Police lines, those Horses looked blood hungry and im sure they could have solved the problem


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chillitt
          i reckon bransons a good bet, he must get through loads of diesel with all them trains

          I wonder if he will convert to vegoil?


          • #20
            yup, extra virgin...
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Chillitt
              yup, extra virgin...


              • #22
                Originally posted by da SLUG man
                the whole thing about damon albarn not perfoming cos there weren't enough black artists!... what a racist comment!... it's not about whose black and white... it's about people dying through poverty and corrupt governments.
                I agree, Damon Albarn is neither dead nor corrupt????


                • #23
                  Originally posted by sam
                  Considering the riots other G8 summits have inspired i think Edinborough is relativly quiet, Bob or not.
                  I agree, the 'Anarchists' have been stalking the G8 meetings for years, its no big surprise there is trouble.
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #24
                    There was a bit of trouble today around my work area.

                    Firstly the road out of Perth was blocked when two cars stopped and the drivers chained themselves to the bottom of either car blocking the road.

                    Then they felled trees on all the smaller roads and chained themselves over bridges.

                    We have an ecco camp one field across from my course, they were burning there own shelters they had made, I have my suspicions they did this to create smoke to keep the midges away as they were really biting this morning

                    The police have not stopped me yet and i was driving up and down the road in a 6 wheeled all terrain vehicle with three tins of petrol in the back. I guess they must know what roads we use and just ignore us.

