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4x4s you have loved or hated?

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  • 4x4s you have loved or hated?

    I know I’m going to take stick on this but how about some really honest opinions on 4x4s we have known, owned and loved or hated. I’ll kick it off in reverse order of the ones I have owned.

    Suzuki SJ413 – Not the 80’s girly jeep that most thought it was, mine was a hardtop van, proper Samurai not the Santana one. It had Mud Terrains and it was brilliant. It was cheap to run, it thrived on abuse, I used to change the oil when I remembered, about once a year on average. When the power died too much I changed the plugs. That car would go anywhere off road, I had it buried halfway up the spare wheel at times. The only downside was a 13 hour drive to Scotland with a max top end of 75, Like a mini series landy.

    Daihatsu Feroza (Sporttrack) – Funny little car but good fun. Not much good off road but great fun on it. 16v engine was more suited to a sports car but very reliable and I used it every day for about 5 years and stuck 80,000 miles on it with no big problems.

    Range Rover 3.9 SE – Sublime, everyone should have one for a while. Everyone always knows where to find you, either going to, in or coming from a petrol station! Never really tried it off road but I’m sure it would not have disappointed. Loads of goodies in, some really subtle, but you just appreciate them, heated door locks, heated washer nozzles and best of all auto dipping rear mirror. Hugely expensive to maintain though, Landrover dealers charge like wounded rhinos, find a good independent with proper diagnostics. Best thing though was that V8 sound.

    Rav4 – Well its not really mine its my Wife’s (gotta say that). Good fun on the road, like a little 4x4 sports car. Its an import and has a centre difflock, first time she used it prompted a call to Toyota about how to disengage it (press button and reverse a few feet in case your wondering) .We call it the skate.

    Land Rover Series III. – The original, and some say still the best. Full of character and a pain to drive, slow, noisy, clunky, uncomfortable and the only fluid that stay in is the rain that leaks onto your seat overnight. But brilliant off road, spares are pennies; any bog idiot with a spanner can fix it, usually with some sticky tape and WD40. I love it though, brilliant off road, looks better with that “distressed” look and made for taking crap to the dump, just got to convince them to let me out with it after! One question though, where does all that petrol go, it doesn’t get converted to much forward motion so what happens to it? Known as the skip, cos all the rubbish gets thrown in it till I go to the tip.

    Pajero – This aint gonna be popular, but this has to be the best car I ever owned. It was brilliant. THE most comfortable car to sit in ever, very relaxing drive but it was soooooo slooooooow. I did best part of 100,000 miles in mine for the cost of brakes, tyres and cambelt. The first serious work I needed was just before I outed it. I never took it off road but it was an excellent if slow towcar. Had a blowout on my caravan at 60 and all I felt was a pit of a tug backwards. Downside is the lack of power (2.8 may be better) and that “Pikey” image it gives you.

    Shogun Sport (2.5 petrol) – Only had this for a week when garage loaned it to me after they stuffed up fitting the towbar to my Surf and I need it to go on hols. Nice car, not enough space, lovely drive, that V6 noise was to enticing and I went far to quick in it. It was on my shortlist when I bought the Surf and I’m sure I made the right choice now.

    Surf – Only had it a couple of months but so far I’m well happy, it is like new. I can’t believe it has so much grunt. It’s a good powerful towcar but suspension is far too soft at the back. Just swapped the springs for 20% uprated, will see if that makes it much better. The car looks brilliant; it is a real head turner if a bit pansy in lilac over silver with a deep front airdam and wide body kit. Not too keen on the carlike driving position and find the seats a bit thin and uncomfortable. I haven’t taken it off road and the 4wd will only get used to pull caravan out of muddy sites, which it has done well so far. My Wife raves about it, in fact she has nicked it and given me the Rav to drive to the station (it is a LOT easier to find a parking space). All in all I love it and am looking forward to many happy years with it and I’m sure it will steal the Paj’s crown, it has already taken the “heart” part, just needs to prove itself for the “head” part if you see what I mean.

    Over to everyone else to tell us about your “exs” and loves of your lives.
    Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!

  • #2
    cool... unbiased opinions ona all the cars from someone who's actually driven them and not just "heard on the grapevine"!!...

    (p.s. wasn't the Series 1 the original landy??!!... hehehe!!)
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      I have a 1995 3lt SSRX I bought last August - love it to bits. All day comfortable, quiet, especially on motorways which was a suprise, good off-road, (took on most of Langdale Quest without a problem), tows a double horse trailer without a murmer, used as everyday transport and absolutely nothing has gone wrong. Bought as an import - I'm the first UK owner and it was like brand new with approx 72000mls on - wouldn't swap it for a pension.

      Wife has a 1991 Diahatsu Fourtrak 2.8lt Turbo Intercooler which we have had for nearly 4yrs. Heap of crap - the most uncomfortable ride iv'e ever had especially on bumpy tarmac. The body's rotting away - iv'e had to screw the wheel arches back on with self tappers, the electrics are sh**e, I'm always having to replace corroded connectors and switches that drop to bits including the complete column stalk assembly. When it rains you have to open the doors to let the water out so we are thinking of growing mushrooms in it. She bought it to tow a double horse trailer which it actually does quite well but got stuck on a wet field once because you have to creep forward about 15mts to engage 4 wheel drive but when you are already stuck you can't. On the plus side (in fact it's only plus point) is the engine and gearbox appear to be bullet proof. It's now known as 'The Skip' which is probably an insult to skips.
      Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


      • #4
        best motor i ever had was a rover 416GTI G reg... bit of an old mans car...
        had leather interior and was fast as a fast thing!... really handled well!
        some monkey drove into it one night and than the head gasket went...

        missed that one!
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


        • #5
          1st 4x4 '86 2ltr petrol hi lx pick up, absolutely loved it had it for 12 years only replaced it when i needed a family car. still kept it for a year parked up before reluctantly selling it. it was slow not overly comfortable but it went on & on despite constant abuse on and off road,it had a hard life and it showed every panel was dented and a different shade of red. loved taking it off road and showing people that not only landrovers worked in the mud. still going last seen sold on ebay by the guy who bought it from me for £600

          now in the family motor, 2.8 d-cab, fab engine off road,nice and basic manual hubs etc, still slow but fast enough when wound up on a long stretch. IFS less of a handicap off road than i feared, still plan to replace it in the future! great truck, need to get muddy more so it wins my heart completely, still nervous after i destroyed the front diff second time off road.
          Diesel, like petrol only better


          • #6
            Only ever owned two 4x4's.

            The first, was a 1994 2nd Gen 3.0 Surf SSR X, dark blue, alloys BFG's, etc. Loved it to bits, had to sell due to redundancy and could not afford the fuel mortgage!!!

            My second and current 4x4 therefore, is a ...........................
            .............................. ...........................Sur f 1993 2nd Gen 3.0 SSR V Ltd, green over silver, alloys, BFG's, slightly older than the other but less miles, and I think overall a better vehicle. Couldn't really go for anything else now, could I?

            Cheers, Nick
            "The force will be with you, always!"


            • #7
              OK in reverse order.

              Full size Jeep Cherokee. 5.9 Litre Petrol V8, Quadratrack and probably the most awesome beast ever, surprising agile for such a big beast and absolutely unstoppable. Also had the most ridiculous thirst - 8mpg around town, 11mpg on a run. Still a great motor and built out of old iron girders, I know you see most of them now being very rusty but it's only cosmetic, would take a 100 megaton atom bomb to break one.

              4 Litre petrol Cherokee auto, another amazing beast, however transmission and axles were a bit fragile (and so was the engine as it turned out). However engine was stong as an ox, drove like a car, would hit 110 without trying. Again it had a monumental thirst but as I was living in the UAE at the time, it didn't matter cos fuel was cheaper than chips.

              2.4 SSRX Surf. I loved it, still love them but...

              Then there is the LC. 1993 80 series 4.2 TD Auto. As unstoppable as the full size cherokee, as comfortable as driving around in my lounge, reasonable economical and also built out of old iron girders. Definately the best 4x4 I have ever had.



              • #8
                My surf is my second 4x4 the first was a Lada Niva
                O.k laugh ya nuts off if ya want.....untill you see one in the mud!!
                Over the years ( I had it for 9 yrs ) I pulled a few knobends out of the sticky stuff in bigger wagons than the lada.
                Electrics were worse than the surf but that was easily remidied by my normal auto-sparky tricks.
                Mechanically was 2nd to none!!! Oil change was the standard ford system: It burnt 1/2, leaked the other 1/2.... then top-up.
                After 255,000kms and 3 oil filter changes it was still running when I sold it.
                I ran a Weber carb with no air cleaner and a 2-1/2 inch sports pipe.
                It had fantastic articulation despite limited ground clearance.
                Very primitive interior
                Overall a good low cost runner,
                I was sad to see it go.

                Now I love "The Grey Ghost"
                '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


                • #9
                  Same here, on my 2nd Surf now, but my first 4x4 was an '89 Lada Niva van. Brilliant fun, fitted with Pajero (sorry) seats and Vitara rims, great in the mud, body built like a tank altought they do rust easily. I had no electrical snags, altough I did have the clutch slave cylinder and fifth gear go on me. Gearbox is one of several known weak spots on these, but I managed to replace the 5th/reverse gear with the box still in the car, not too bad a job.
                  With the smaller diameter rims, 195/70/15 instead of the original 175R 16 it actually accelerated ok, especially when you have a lead foot , four wheel drift when cornering hard in the dry was possible when really pushing it and was brilliant craic.
                  Torquey enough too for such a small engine, managed to pull a MKII Escort out of a 6' deep, 45 degree sided, ditch with out too much hufing and puffing, it was actually the escort I had been driving prior to the Niva and had sold to to a friend of a friend the week before he threw it in the ditch!
                  Plus the steering was so heavy, and mine had a wee leather steering wheel jobbie, you ended up with arms like Charles Atlas (mind you I've lost those arms now )

                  If I had a few bob and more time to play offroad, I'd definatly try find another one for a play-thing

                  Overall, agricultural and rough on the road, but still bags of fun. Unbeatable off-road. Desperate to be used and abused. And terrifically cheap too! A pity its been replaced by the rather plasticy looking new version (badged now as a chevrolet).
                  Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


                  • #10
                    My first 4x4 was a Series 2 SWB Landy –very slow, noisy, thirsty and unreliable but it was 20 years old, bits were cheep and plentiful it was easy to fix and I loved it to bits – until it literally fell to bits.

                    Series 2 LWB Landy 2.7 See above, performance and to some extent economy improved by fitting a 200 series Diesel from a Defender.

                    Suzuki 410; Hot (no A/C in Saudi, black plastic seat would cause burns if not covered with towels) not good in soft sand but otherwise excellent off road, pray you never had to take it on road it was so slow.

                    Subaru 1800 hatch; A/C! (Saudi again) quick reliable ground clearance was main limit off road – beached it a few times, very good in soft sand – flew it over a few dunes! Rusted even in a desert would hate to see what the English weather did to one, though I still see a few pick ups around here and they’re the same age and platform.

                    Land Rover Freelander 2.0 Di; This was dynamically the best 4x4 I’ve driven, good handling and reasonably quick with very reasonable fuel consumption. However in the 4 months I owned it I had to call the RAC out 3 times; 1 blown transfer box, 1 immobilizer fault and once with a severe vibration that turned out to be delaminating of one of the rear tyres caused by uneven wear – apparently a known fault. It also had more rattles from the interior than any car I’ve owned apart form series Landys. The engine was better suited to a car than a 4x4 – no power under 2000 rpm then revved like a petrol which I found weird as a 420 saloon I borrowed was just the opposite I’ve never been so glad to sell a car.

                    Surf 3liter; not sure about this, I’ve only had it 6 months (14K miles) I may eventually learn to like it .

                    Honourable mention should also go to 2CVs only 2wd but great off road, loads of articulation, flat bottom which just slides when beached as the wheels reach down for grip. Loads of fun and amazing economy handling is actually good once you’ve got used to all the body roll – the tyres have rounded shoulders so they work at any angle to the road.
                    Last edited by Bikenuts; 15 June 2005, 10:19.


                    • #11
                      My 1st: 2.4 non-turbo hilux pickup:

                      Noisy and not great on-road (almost impossible to drive until we retro-fitted power steering!) but off road it was a charm. Didn't really give a sh*t about damaging it so it got some major abuse and was absolutely great fun until we broke it in two

                      My 2nd: 3.9 supercharged v8 rangie:

                      Absolutely great both on and off-road but way way too thirsty for my liking. Not too many mechanical problems even though the engine looked like a plate of spaghetti with all the extra pipes, hoses and cables.

                      My 3rd: 2.4TD Surf:
                      (pics on site)
                      Great until the head went

                      My current: 3.0TD Surf
                      (pics on site)
                      Much better to drive (both on and off road) than the 2.4, I love it!
                      No longer a Surf owner.


                      • #12
                        My 1st was a series 1 Landrover Towtruck that I inherited from my fathers Garage, It had a Caddilac (sp?) 7ltr V8 shoved in by the garage mechanics, with relivant chassis and body alterations made it a little unstable. It leaked, bits fell off ,it was leathal to drive and 5mpg realy did not help as a student. But great fun, straight through pipes, and that V8, sold for pennies due to running costs.

                        My 2nd was a 1976 lincon green Range Rover 3 door with a 4 barrel holley and cherry bomb exhausts, again it leaked, bits fell off and the petrol consumtion was scary at 10-11mpg, great off road with good axle articulation, but each time it went off road the repair bill was a months wages, so again sold for peanuts.

                        My 3rd the Surf 3.0 manual 1994 ssrx
                        Well what can I say, of all of my Land Rover/Range Rover Audi VW BMW conquests in the past, Its my fave and I cant see it ever being changed. I have failed to break it yet! For me a real acheivement!

                        My4th /wifeys 1st
                        1993 2.4 manual ssrx
                        She loves it, I will admit though that it is gutless compared with the 3.0, also at 3,000 rpm 3.0 making 80mph 2.4 68mph, it makes long journeys in the 2.4 rather wearysome.
                        Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


                        • #13
                          I knew someone who had a Lada saloon, did the Nivas have instruction on how to start it when the temperature fell below -30c, the saloon did, thats what you call a tough motor!
                          Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by TJG
                            I knew someone who had a Lada saloon, did the Nivas have instruction on how to start it when the temperature fell below -30c, the saloon did, thats what you call a tough motor!
                            Don't know about instructions, never had any literature with mine, but there was a slot in the front bumper to access a cammed reciever on the bottom crank pulley, presumably so you could use a handle to crank and start it by hand! I would hate to have to try that.
                            Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


                            • #15
                              ok, now I am a girl remember so my choice of 4x4 is maybe a little biased towards the looks and not performance.
                              my first was a red Suzuki Vitara "fat boy" soft top ( Greg) 1.6 petrol manual,
                              cost £500 to insure a 18 year old in derbyshire. Was terrific fun, never off roaded more than in the snow and on fields to get to photography jobs. wide tyres made for bad handling and very poor grip on anything slippery. Although the rear wheel drive when 4x4 box not selected meant I learnt to power slide quite well.

                              the next was a black Jeep CJ7 Laredo (W reg 1980) 2.5 petrol manual. cost £150 to insure 25 year old in Surrey. Was hilarious with the roof and doors off. The ignition switch was so old and worn that the key could be removed with the engine running. it was a bit of a rust bucket and water ran through the folding window/ front bulk head so I had to wear a plastic bag over my feet in the rain. it very very basic, but was taken off road to wales (strata florida) with 4x4 magazine and also featured in the mag. i off roaded at every opportunity with this and loved every minute when it was a dry day.

                              now i have a surf 2.4 ( with a water leak ) but i love it. not off roaded yet, probably not bother with anything more technical than easy to reach beaches, flatish fields and remote un made roads. its great for lashing a canoe to the roof, holds loads of gear, is perfect length for sleeping in and is the most economical of any 4x4 i know.
                              she's no angel

