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Question time

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  • Question time

    Anyone see the debate on the govt proposals for changing driving taxes?

    As usual they made all the crap statements about it being unfair that everyone pays the same no matter how much they use the roads as we all pay the same road tax. - totally ignored the fact that if you drive more, you buy more fuel and pay more tax on that (in fact a very large proportion is tax- think its 70ish%).

    Also said we need to restrict cars to protect the environment, but noone mentioned putting money into biofriendly fuel research, or promoting its use.

    If you have opinions you can submit them online to question time here


  • #2
    same thing on 5live today..
    with the pay as you drive deal, it doesnt matter what you burn, you pay the same per mile. genius. why bother with alternative fuels? (apart from saving the planet..)
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      Not to mention the knockon secondary effect. If the cost of using the roads goes up, road transportation for industry become more expensive, some the products of industry go up, and guess what - we end up paying more for everything!!!

      Why not just build some more roads??? Or have some double decker roads like they do in the states?



      • #4
        Originally posted by Linda

        Why not just build some more roads??? Or have some double decker roads like they do in the states?
        What and spend some of the Billions££££££ they recieve off the cash cows (motoring public) on actually improving things......................no t in this governments lifetime.

        Improve public transport was one of there early pledges again total b****x all that has happened is it's now far cheaper to use the car for me to get into town with the family and pay for parking total cost for a 2 mile journey on the bus for 4 of us is £7.20 return......what a rip-off.

        This is another half brained scheme by this government. They can see the future when oil fuel revenues are going to run out and they want to make sure they have something in place so they can continue to fleece us all.

        ps Are they going to pay me for my time when I have to take the car in to get the alleged black box fitted ???????????????


        • #5
          I've had a chance to think a bit more on this, and I'm almost coming round to the idea.... IF:

          a) The remove ALL other taxes on running a car (Road tax, fuel tax, and vat on fuel)
          b) They don't try and track you with a black box - mileage recorded on MOT certificate would serve as your basic chargeable mileage
          c) They set the rates per mile at much more sensible levels

          However, as I suspect that they will do none of these then I'll just cry foul and have a go at my MP.
          Paul </Slugsie>
          Immortal.so far!


          • #6
            agreed if all other taxes are removed then might be ok... fuel will be about 10p a litre then
            .... pigs might fly
            Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chillitt
              same thing on 5live today..
              with the pay as you drive deal, it doesnt matter what you burn, you pay the same per mile. genius. why bother with alternative fuels? (apart from saving the planet..)

              So true.......

              All I keep thinking about is, in the future when alternative fuels become as popular as regular fuel, what's stopping them slaping a higher rate of tax on those aswell.
              They'll want their slice of the cake too


              • #8

                they'll want a slice of everyone's cake.

                They have already hinted that LPG will reach the same duty level as normal fuel, so benefit or encouragement to use that.

                If you want to use bio fuel, you have to pay duty on that, bringing it closer to normal fuel, again no benefit or encouragement to use that.

                Since when has any of the government's dropped duty on anything...
                We the public will get fleeced to put these black boxes in our cars, fuel duty and road tax may drop marginally, but we'll end up paying more to use our vehicles... that is inevitable.

                What with the hinted increase in income tax and National Insurance... either way you look at it... no-one wins, except the government that gains more cash for their christmas do.


                • #9
                  dont blame me i didnt vote them back in
                  Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dirtydog
                    dont blame me i didnt vote them back in
                    I dont know anyone who did vote for them........................bu t seeing how only 30% of the population did vote for them perhaps i'm asking the wrong 2/3's

                    Bring on proportional representation the only true way of making votes count


                    • #11
                      at some point we are all going to sit down together, and realise that NOBODY voted them in, the whole thing is a set up, and all hecks going to break loose!

                      bring it..!
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kazam401
                        I dont know anyone who did vote for them........................bu t seeing how only 30% of the population did vote for them perhaps i'm asking the wrong 2/3's

                        Bring on proportional representation the only true way of making votes count
                        at least I didnt get them for local council !
                        Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                        • #13
                          Heres another online petition..................do your stuff

                          Online petition against this hair brained Labour Government pay as you drive idea


                          • #14
                            There is a link from that petition to Mr Darling's actual speech which is slightly more balanced than the news reports indicate. However I'm still dubious as to whether his fine intentions of open balanced debate and concensus will ever be a reality.

                            Heres another link - to send any comments you have to Mr Blair.




                            • #15
                              I could actually live the idea, apart from fact you know we'll get shafted by the prices, they'd probably withdraw the 'scrap raod tax/fuel duty' bit at the last minute, and the biggest issue that no one is making to much fuss about is someone will know... EXACTLY WHERE YOU WERE, WHAT TIME OF DAY, AND WHAT SPEED YOU DROVE AT whenever you got in a car. Not my idea of a free country.
                              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

