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How Friendly Are Surf Drivers?

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  • #31
    My Missis reacons I am an anorak cos i wave at you all and if i gets chance and i see you in a car park or standing by your beast i will stop and chat..........

    Pass my anorak
    Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


    • #32
      Always wave, 50% return the complement
      Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


      • #33
        Originally posted by Gtdog
        Always wave, 50% return the complement
        waveing seems like a good idea why not give it a go .


        • #34
          Waved at two Surfers in Rugby today and drew two blanks. Maroon K Reg towing a nice red Ferrari on a car trailer and a very rare white Surf (may have been a 4Runner?).



          • #35
            Originally posted by keef
            Sorry m8, no offence meant or taken.I've got a School at the end of my road and it's wall to wall with Shoguns/Pajeros so I understand the bones of your point all to well!
            I was taken aback a while ago when simultaneous waving happened, I had been acknowledged by the luvverly Linda , It's so rare to have a wave replied to let alone by a female( I treasure things like that nowadays!!)
            Should hopefully get the Surf back end(ish) of next week.
            Hey, no worries Keef Hope you get your Surf back on the road soon - and it don't cost ya too much,

            Cheers, Nick
            "The force will be with you, always!"


            • #36
              Well, I'm off to Anglesey tomorrow evening for the weekend, so if you see a grey Surf heading that way give us a big wave.
              Paul </Slugsie>
              Immortal.so far!


              • #37
                I wave every time I notice another Surf. All too often the penny drops as one disappears past my right shoulder.

                Mrs KS gets embarassed too as 90% in the Luton area don't wave back. That's Lutonians for you. You would think that owning a Surf would make them nicer people.
                It's only a hobby!


                • #38
                  I sold some mats to a guy and spent about an hour talking about what we had done to the Surf's instead of closing the deal lol
                  3.0 TD SSR-X LTD 1994 Black, sold and passed MOT


                  • #39
                    the dirty ones wave back generally .....i think the owners of the clean ones also ride BMW motorcycles, notorious in the biking world for not acknowledging a nod


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by simon david wilkins
                      waveing seems like a good idea why not give it a go .
                      Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Orions_pop
                        Harry, Im in Worthing/Salvington but am over your way quite a bit, Im in a grey gen 2 with the forum sticker in the top O/S of the windscreen.

                        don't you just love it when some one asks you a question you've answered 2 posts ealier!!!! belated
                        Diesel, like petrol only better


                        • #42
                          I have spent the last week driving to and from Pompei to the Smoke, and up and down the M40/A40 to Brize Norton and back (numerous times) seen loads of Surfs, and pulled a muscle waving...

                          Not one waved back! Not one....

                          Now mine is a little difficult to miss, on account of the ally pallet on the roof...

                          Apparently, the cloaking device works too well even to those that should know better...

                          On the verge of not bothering to wave anymore...


                          • #43
                            I've found using the headlight flasher works better, provided I notice them early enough. I've passed loads recently that didn't bother to wave back (around W-S-M over Spring B/holiday) but a few definitely did.
                            Mike G


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by laser_jock99
                              Waved at two Surfers in Rugby today and drew two blanks. Maroon K Reg towing a nice red Ferrari on a car trailer and a very rare white Surf (may have been a 4Runner?).

                              I was duwn in Rugby a few months ago, cant say I had the farari on the back, but if you can be a witness, I will split the insurance money with you!!

                              Back in the world of Surfdom

