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This will make you laugh.

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  • This will make you laugh.

    I should be putting this in the joke section really.

    I had a customer come into the trade counter today,he'd spotted the surf parked up outside, anyway we got talking about 4x4's, He seemed to me to be a bit of a bighead, when I asked him what 4x4 he had he replied "Vauxhaul frontera" and then preceded to tell me what a fantastic motor it was and how it could beat my surf or any other jap import into submission, on and off road.
    I found it so difficult to keep a straight face, the other chap who I work with had to leave the office in hysterics.

    Anyway I still sold him £2000 worth of windows.
    I looked outside as he was driving off in a vauxhaul Frontera, 2 door and turquiose in colour, I nearly wet myself ! he looked like a hairdresser.

  • #2
    They make me laugh all the time. I'm always chuckling. They were built in Luton and every council house had one on its drive. I'm not a snob but the Surf gives one a sense of superiority.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      i was picking my girlfriend up from the station earlier and stopped outside a key cutting shop shortly after driving up a huge kerb...
      the door was open and I could hear the 2 chaps conversation go something like ---
      "those 4x4's, never take em offroad though do they"
      "no, silly really, just used to mount pavements..."
      "look! he even has a bit of spray up the side, thats all it will get i reckon"

      Wait until I next get it muddy!!! Im gonna park up outside all day!!!
      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


      • #4
        After my last Avon Dassett day I took the Surf to the local garage jetwash (don't want half of Oxfordshire on my drive). Three wash tokens later (even gave the engine a good wash) there was a que of cars behind me and all were perfectly clean 4x4's. The woman in the Freelander even moaned about the mud I'd left behind "I take it you've never been offroad then.....?" was my reply.

        Best bit was the look on their faces as I opened the bonnet and proceeded to jet wash the engine!



        • #5
          Originally posted by laser_jock@work
          After my last Avon Dassett day I took the Surf to the local garage jetwash (don't want half of Oxfordshire on my drive). Three wash tokens later (even gave the engine a good wash) there was a que of cars behind me and all were perfectly clean 4x4's. The woman in the Freelander even moaned about the mud I'd left behind "I take it you've never been offroad then.....?" was my reply.

          Best bit was the look on their faces as I opened the bonnet and proceeded to jet wash the engine!

          it's a pity alot of people don't know what a 4x4 is for.not just for taking the kids to school


          • #6
            Its the same with a girl who used to work at our place.

            Bought a Freelander...and she rarely does alot of mileage...used to pull her leg...about getting the thing off-road..

            All I used to get was..no way!....so I asked what did you get a 4x4 for ifyour not pulling a trailer, taking it off-road etc...

            Answer: because its higher up I feel a little more comfortable and the kids like going to school in it better than my old car..


            • #7
              I would have laughed at this too, but then something that I recently witnessed came to mind.

              I was down at Castle Coombe watching some motor sport, and was parked on the spectator banking at the back of the circuit. At the time I was 'Surfless' so was in the wife's car, which I had parked up facing down the bank by the service road. I had done this cos when it rains the grass banking turns into a muddy bog!!

              Anyway, as per usual, it started pi**ing down with rain and it wasn't long before you could hear lots of revving engines, see lots of flying mud, and see lots of cars going nowhere fast. I thought this would be a good time for the nice and shiny Surf that was not parked far from me, to show what it could do, and pull lots of expensive cars out of the mud - and make a few bob or two (Nothing wrong in charging a couple of quid a tow I reckon!!)

              ALAS!!! No attempt was made to assist these poor people, however..............

              ....................... a Vauxhall Frontera SWB driven by two young ladies came rushing to the rescue and in no time had at least 7 or 8 pulled clear of the mud - and they didn't even ask for a penny! The mud was pretty bad and one or two cars were down to their sills, so the girls did well.

              Even though I never had my Surf at the time I had to hang my head in shame at the very thought of the Frontera doing the business in front of a Surf - which in fact had decided to pull away during said events!!!

              From now on I shall make sure that I carry a decent tow rope wherever I go, just in case there is a sudden downpour and a Frontera nearby.............!!

              Cheers, Nick
              "The force will be with you, always!"


              • #8
                Remember once when I had a Rangie sitting in a jam on thge M20 one evening, about 10-15 car in front the plod had stopped the traffic cos a BMW had stuffed it into the centre armco. PC Plod got out of the volvo estate patrol car and went down the line asking if anyone had a towrope, bloke beside me offered up a bit of washing line. So not wanting to sit there any longer than necessary I offered up 15ft of 7 ton rope I had in the back. Plod marched off happy with it, then came back an said could he borrow me and car to pull wreck to hard shoulder. I was offered the friendly advice of using low ratio by plod, however best part of 4 litres under my foot demonstrated that this was really not necessary. Felt a bit like a boyscout.
                Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


                • #9
                  Mmmmmmmmmm just re-read that, last sentence could have been written by Michael Jackson!
                  Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TJG
                    Mmmmmmmmmm just re-read that, last sentence could have been written by Michael Jackson!
                    Well it's always good to offer assistance- you never know when you'll need the favour returning one day..........



                    • #11
                      I read a letter in a motoring section of a paper the other day,
                      In it , the guy wanted to know if he could get a non-4x4 version of the Nissan x-trail i.e. 2wd Nissan x-trail, as he liked the 'look' of them, but didnt want 4x4 !!!
                      The answer was get a 2wd Rav4
                      Landcruiser Colorado
                      Sub. Forester


                      • #12
                        that would be a nissan n-trail then
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by andycook
                          I read a letter in a motoring section of a paper the other day,
                          In it , the guy wanted to know if he could get a non-4x4 version of the Nissan x-trail i.e. 2wd Nissan x-trail, as he liked the 'look' of them, but didnt want 4x4 !!!
                          The answer was get a 2wd Rav4
                          He's obviously not alone as Nissan have one in the pipe line if not already available in some markets. What do the anti 4x4 think of that I wonder?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Bikenuts
                            He's obviously not alone as Nissan have one in the pipe line if not already available in some markets. What do the anti 4x4 think of that I wonder?
                            Hyundai do a two wheel drive version of the Tucson. Mind you the other versions are really only pretend 4x4!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by bobafatass
                              I should be putting this in the joke section really.

                              I had a customer come into the trade counter today,he'd spotted the surf parked up outside, anyway we got talking about 4x4's, He seemed to me to be a bit of a bighead, when I asked him what 4x4 he had he replied "Vauxhaul frontera" and then preceded to tell me what a fantastic motor it was and how it could beat my surf or any other jap import into submission, on and off road.
                              I found it so difficult to keep a straight face, the other chap who I work with had to leave the office in hysterics.

                              Anyway I still sold him £2000 worth of windows.
                              I looked outside as he was driving off in a vauxhaul Frontera, 2 door and turquiose in colour, I nearly wet myself ! he looked like a hairdresser.
                              Should have told hime the Frontera IS a jap import, it's an Isuzu Rodeo with vauxhall badges on it.

                              And if it was an early one, the engine isn't worth the price of a pint, later ones are quite good though.


