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Veg oil fuel ??

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  • Originally posted by Malenibo
    I have been using a 20/80 mix for the last few months with no problems, starts ok, runs well and no lost power. Slightl cooking smell is the only givaway. .Since the price of diesel went up to 85p ltr I have thought about uping the percentage but with the colder weather due I think I will wait til next year. You are right it is a real pain standing there pouring one litre bottles in and if you do not dispose of them elsewhere it's a dead giveaway. I wonder if the dustbin men inform the taxman if they find too many!!!!!!!!
    It's a pain (literally) pouring a 20L drum in. It doesn't flow very fast. I started off by taking the plastic drum lid and carefully cutting a hole to match the size of the spout on one of my Tetra cans, but it gave my shoulder gip pouring it in. I have now got hold of an old 12V fuel pump to lift it into the tank. I don't know how long the pump will last because it gets very hot. It takes about 15mins to fill up but what's the hurry?
    Last edited by kitesurf_phil; 30 October 2004, 01:07.
    It's only a hobby!


    • Originally posted by Morr
      I'm not 100% positive on this, but I'm fairly certain you only have to pay duty, not VAT, as that will already have been paid in full when you got the veggie from the shop.
      I am sure this has come up before, and you don't need to add VAT, however you do need to hand 27.1p / Litre to the Excise, which means 73.1p per litre using Lidl's 46p price.

      However every week that price looks better and better as the pump price continues to climb.

      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • If you're buying edible vegetable oil you haven't paid the VAT on it so you would need to add that to the excise duty.


        • Sorry to wake up an old thread, but I am seriously interested in pursuing this line of fuel. Has anyone experienced any problems with it and will it help my engine run cleaner?


          • 'tis I again.
            Bundu, You should be in a particularly good position to run Bio if you are based in the hotter parts of SA. I am not familiar with your local temps, but I was running 100% WVO through summer without much of an issue. I believe the oil was thinned with about 10-15% Whitespirits.

            We are talking 21 deg Centigrade. If your daily temps hit this, you should easily be able to run 90% Oil or 100% Biodiesel.

            I have decided never to go back to 100% Dino if I can help it. Winter is a problem, I am running about 50 - 25% WVO without issues. You will easily know if the oil is too thick as the vehicle starves under load (accelleration uphill or motorway travel at 110-120 KPH).

            Let me know if there is any other Qs you want answered. Also check up on Morr - geezer certainly is the most experienced with Bio, in here, methinks.


            Originally posted by bundubasher
            Sorry to wake up an old thread, but I am seriously interested in pursuing this line of fuel. Has anyone experienced any problems with it and will it help my engine run cleaner?


            • Originally posted by ssrx
              you mean you just pour in fresh veg oil and top off with regular diesel. so simple !! how long you been doing that for? no ill effects?


              been doing just that with 20 litres oil per fill up - no affects at all


              • will allen

                some new engines cannot run veg oil but there are companies that remove the glutin from the oil which makes it good for use in any diesel. i run my 2.5TD surf 33% biodiesel.


                • CD - thanks for your replies.

                  Well it's 32 degrees plus here at the moment so it should flow! Also my injectors are buggered anyway (Barry Vandermolen, Auto-Marine Shipping, put petrol in the tank, tried starting it a few times then called the AA. Luckily the tw@t left the AA receipt in the car or we would never have known the cause of all the overfuelling.)

                  I've only tried a 4L test as SVO is twice as expensive as diesel here, but it don't half make a pong! My wife doesn't know which to complain about more - the smell or the smoke!


                  • I am surprised that SVO is so expensive over there. Such a pity. SVO @ 32 deg should help you run it neat (100%). I love the smell, makes such a difference from the dino stench, its almost like an outdoor barbi.

                    I am so sorry to hear about the injectors. I have used petrol once to "thin" the SVO in my tank - it didnt seem to do anything bad, but a quick chat with a local Diesel mech sent me scurrying home to drain the tank.

                    SVO in GB is about 35p per l, add 27ppl tax if you want to be good, and it still works out a heck of a lot cheaper than Dino Diesel which is 85ppl. I think Veggy is the way to go in the future - some may change due to a sense of environmental conciousness, others will move over cos they are up against the wall economically - either way mother Earth wins, the bugsies and beasties will long enough for my grand children to get bitten by and we are all happy.


                    Originally posted by bundubasher
                    CD - thanks for your replies.

                    Well it's 32 degrees plus here at the moment so it should flow! Also my injectors are buggered anyway (Barry Vandermolen, Auto-Marine Shipping, put petrol in the tank, tried starting it a few times then called the AA. Luckily the tw@t left the AA receipt in the car or we would never have known the cause of all the overfuelling.)

                    I've only tried a 4L test as SVO is twice as expensive as diesel here, but it don't half make a pong! My wife doesn't know which to complain about more - the smell or the smoke!


                    • Have a look at the link on this thread. Se if we can't get the duty reduced. I've written to Tory Blur and said if the government are really serious about reducing pollution, how about cutting the veggie fuel experimenters some slack. I haven't had a reply yet. I'm not holding my breath either.

                      It's only a hobby!

