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stolen surf for sale very cheap

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  • #16
    I feel for you mate, you must be gutted - how do you stand on the insurance seeing as they took the keys? Are the insurance co being o.k. about it?

    My advice to everyone is to get yourselves a lockable key-cabinet bolted to a wall and always have your keys in your pocket or in the locked cabinet.

    I work indirectly with various police forces and I am always seeing offender reports describing "Hook and Cane" teams (where they try getting car keys via your letterbox) and reports of cars stolen after break-ins.

    I was not about to let that ever happen to me, can't think of much more gutting to find you have been burgled but to find yourself burgled and also that they put all your stuff into one of your cars and drove off - that would be so much worse. Hangings too good for 'em etc....
    No longer a Surf owner.


    • #17
      thanks to everyone for their support we are trying to stay positive and if insurance pays up we will be on the lookout for another surf. Its a lesson I hope others will learn from we were always paranoid of the cd player and the kids in car dvd being taken but we never imagined that the car would go not from our garden and we live in a very small peacefull village with big farm gates!
      thanks again to all those who have replied to this thread it great to know folks care!


      • #18
        Originally posted by kevinse9
        just goes to show you that our beasties are on the same par as Ferrari and Roller.
        if you go on my insurance costs its a roller made out of 24k gold hand painted by da vinchi (or however u spell it)...


        • #19
          Originally posted by codlord
          I feel for you mate, you must be gutted - how do you stand on the insurance seeing as they took the keys? Are the insurance co being o.k. about it?

          My advice to everyone is to get yourselves a lockable key-cabinet bolted to a wall and always have your keys in your pocket or in the locked cabinet.

          I work indirectly with various police forces and I am always seeing offender reports describing "Hook and Cane" teams (where they try getting car keys via your letterbox) and reports of cars stolen after break-ins.

          I was not about to let that ever happen to me, can't think of much more gutting to find you have been burgled but to find yourself burgled and also that they put all your stuff into one of your cars and drove off - that would be so much worse. Hangings too good for 'em etc....
          Heard some guys winding up a local farmer a while ago in the Chinese in Settle. Basically, he'd had his flat bed truck nicked...He'd left the keys in the ignition! Before they nicked his truck though, they used his JCB (also complete with keys) to load the truck with all of his Slate!! The cheek!!!
          Constantly Striving to Attain Lower Standards


          • #20
            Thats awful is your house really big?? Cos I would hear someone if they came in my house and would have heard the truck been driven off!! But I live in a tiddly 2 up 2 down house with paper thin walls (I can hear my neighbours sneeze!!)

            Thats so scary that they got in to your home as you say they must have been casing the joint for a while.

            At least it was just your car they are replaceable I guess still gutting though.
            Off Roading Rules!! When's the next meet??



            • #21
              Originally posted by LottieS16
              Thats awful is your house really big?? Cos I would hear someone if they came in my house and would have heard the truck been driven off!! But I live in a tiddly 2 up 2 down house with paper thin walls (I can hear my neighbours sneeze!!)

              Thats so scary that they got in to your home as you say they must have been casing the joint for a while.

              At least it was just your car they are replaceable I guess still gutting though.
              our house is not large but the drive and garden is but the surf was parked only 20ft from the house. We too thought we would here it drive off but we didn t nor did our alsation and labrador who were asleep inside with the door wide open.


              • #22
                Thought that I'd spotted your Surf today...

                ...driving past a 4x4 sales place and saw a red Surf in background with a reg ending LUA.

                Went for a closer inspection and saw that it was K628LUA (unfortunately not K181LUA). What are the chances of that eh!

                Will keep my eyes open.

                Constantly Striving to Attain Lower Standards


                • #23
                  So sorry to hear that................DO you have any car auction places in your area??

                  I know we have a weekly one down in Exeter..............

                  I recon that's where it would be likely to turn up............

                  I had my work van broken into. They removed the windows, tipped the stock out the back onto the road and then took a selection of what they liked. Happened between 3AM and 6AM right on my drive.

                  I woke up (working double shifts) to find my nice tidy van in bits and about 5K of stock all over the road out side.

                  Funny thing was, it was tipping down with rain. about 40 houses overlook the area. AND

                  NOBODY SAW A THING!!!!!!!! - As always.

                  Well, I hope they catch em for U!!
                  All the best

