Hiya Guys
Have you got you Surf insured with Direct Line ??? I have !!!
I needed to make a claim (first claim in 20+ years), all I have had is real agro from them. Their engineer decided to make an issue out of the fact that my Surf (like yours) is an import. He would not give the bodyshop the go ahead. It has taken me hours on the phone (ranting & raving), speaking with different people trying to make some sense of the situation. At last tonight, after talking with a supervisor, they are now going to proceed with the repair.
If your policy is with them (Direct Line) contact them to make sure you are insured, and if you need to make a claim they will honour it - GET IT IN WRITING. They are likely to waste your time and money making excuses and not pay out. Let me know how you get on.
If you are not insured with them, then DON'T bother using them.
Best of luck
Have you got you Surf insured with Direct Line ??? I have !!!
I needed to make a claim (first claim in 20+ years), all I have had is real agro from them. Their engineer decided to make an issue out of the fact that my Surf (like yours) is an import. He would not give the bodyshop the go ahead. It has taken me hours on the phone (ranting & raving), speaking with different people trying to make some sense of the situation. At last tonight, after talking with a supervisor, they are now going to proceed with the repair.
If your policy is with them (Direct Line) contact them to make sure you are insured, and if you need to make a claim they will honour it - GET IT IN WRITING. They are likely to waste your time and money making excuses and not pay out. Let me know how you get on.
If you are not insured with them, then DON'T bother using them.
Best of luck
