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What is the broken item?

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  • What is the broken item?

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Name:	IMG_20180630_124351.jpg
Views:	164
Size:	843.4 KB
ID:	1293371
    Evening all
    Put a belt on my A/C pump which never had one on since owned it tensioner adjuster was knackered.
    Sorted it all but dropped a nut in the process and upon looking noticed a grey broken plug on front of the front diff but what is it for?
    ​​​​​​I don't appear to have any diff lock switched in cab or out.
    Cheers Ben
    Last edited by Dover; 1 July 2018, 12:27.

  • #2
    It's a roller switch to activate the green 4WD light on the dash.


    • #3
      Dur why didn't I think of that.

      Thank you bushwhacker, it explains why it isn't working I just assumed yet another bulb had gone in the dash. Feel a right Rodney.

      On a sperate note I searched roof bars the other night and found that you made some and were making to order, is this still the case and do you have some pics please? I'll be mounting some green 3 rails to my gen 2 soon and looking at bars to suit.

      Cheers Ben

