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Here we go again !!!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by UDTrev
    Wait til the dippy tart is old enough to have a family - wonder how big a car she will need ?

    Shouldnt be allowed


    • #17
      No mention of VANS etc as they are more likely to cause accidents than us lot WHITE VAN MAN


      • #18
        Made me laugh in that the BBC are having a guy drive round giving a presentation [bet that cars not driving on electric!].

        And without blocking the flow of traffic, how the hell are the drivers supposed to respond to a microphone being stuck into their window and asked how they feel abput driving a 4x4?.....where's the critically acclaimed balanced reporting that we are paying for from the BBC???

        I liked the answer from the bloke driver about the vehicle is not just used to drive the kids to school!


        • #19
          Missed it, and by the sounds of it, I didn't miss too much!
          All they need to know is this, my 2.4 smurf does better MPG than my
          dad's volvo
          Mate's BMW
          Mates Warrior

          Ok, the last one is probably not a good example, but the point is, I don't care!
          And if I was in an accident, I would want to be the one in a 4x4.

          Top gear did a test on impact damage to a peedestrain (yes I know), and they took a standard 4x4, an old range rover, and a standard hatch back, a red one I think.
          They ran both into a dummy at the same speed, and blow me if the 4x4 did less damage, as the hatch launched the dummy into the air and it landed on its edd.

          But if they had bothered with the fine details, like BMF bull bars, I think the results may have been diferent.
          Back in the world of Surfdom


          • #20
            Off my soap box now
            Back in the world of Surfdom


            • #21
              I sat through that load of c**p waiting for one bit of factual information.

              Fat chance!!

              What got me was the fact that these idiots were going on about congestion and m.p.g, so what do they do, stop all the traffic to distribute their litter thereby creating more congestion and increasing m.p.g and emissions!).

              Don't know how they found the time to spend on it. Maybe the Job Centres were closed!

              [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][I][SIZE=3]When the going gets tough - Get out !!![/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT]


              • #22
                He.He,He, I thought there may be a bit of 'traffic' on this program and rightly so. what did we learn, 4x4's are big,(jeez,d'ya think so), well thats why we love 'em. They use more fuel than your average Nissan Pipsqueak ; see previous point,..they are bigger! BUT not one mention of vegetable oil eh UD Trev, the one fuel that really buggers up most peoples arguments, producing as it does a fraction of the greenhouse gasses that petroleum based fuels do. (BTW UD Trev hows your pre-heater coming on would love to hear news of your progress). I actually spent most of the program cackling away to myself, call me !!!!!! minded but the harder they push the harder I push back, just please I beg you dont start on the bullbars,...'I dont see any bulls around here...', AAARGHHH, SHUDUUUP!

                Robin Forrest xxx


                • #23
                  Originally posted by robin
                  He.He,He, I thought there may be a bit of 'traffic' on this program and rightly so. what did we learn, 4x4's are big,(jeez,d'ya think so), well thats why we love 'em. They use more fuel than your average Nissan Pipsqueak ; see previous point,..they are bigger! BUT not one mention of vegetable oil eh UD Trev, the one fuel that really buggers up most peoples arguments, producing as it does a fraction of the greenhouse gasses that petroleum based fuels do. (BTW UD Trev hows your pre-heater coming on would love to hear news of your progress). I actually spent most of the program cackling away to myself, call me !!!!!! minded but the harder they push the harder I push back, just please I beg you dont start on the bullbars,...'I dont see any bulls around here...', AAARGHHH, SHUDUUUP!

                  Robin Forrest xxx
                  Hi Robin,

                  I haven't needed to fit one, Hippo's got the winter pack

                  She is happily (shame about the poor buggers behind) doing at least 30 litres of veg a week.

                  Here's a point for discussion, if I wrap wool round my bars can I claim I got sheep bars instead ???????

                  Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                  • #24
                    Winter pack?

                    Whats a winter pack?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by robin
                      Whats a winter pack?
                      Basically Mr Toyota added an extra battery, fuel preheating and rear passenger heating

                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #26
                        re:Winter pack

                        Trev I've got two batteries, does that mean i've got the winter pack. Sorry to be so dim but i've only had mine a couple of months...
                        robin xx


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by robin
                          Trev I've got two batteries, does that mean i've got the winter pack. Sorry to be so dim but i've only had mine a couple of months...
                          robin xx
                          Not necessarily, as the SSRG gets twin batteries and rear heater anyway.
                          Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by robin
                            Trev I've got two batteries, does that mean i've got the winter pack. Sorry to be so dim but i've only had mine a couple of months...
                            robin xx
                            Its the fuel heater that sets them apart, look in the fuse box under the bonnet, if there is no relay where it says fuel heater, you ain't got one!
                            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                            • #29
                              I didn't find it too bad,the alliance members looked like a bunch of hippies, and who likes hippies.They did their usual spin job with the statistics, and that VW? driving into the back of a 4x4 probably convinced hundreds of people to go and buy one.You could argue with these people till the cows come home and it will make no difference,their mind is made up.We know why we drive 4x4s and that's all that matters.
                              I've had some nice cars,so have most of the members on this forum,but now we've all got Surf's,these motors don't do everything but what they do, they do in style and i'm keeping mine and i will destroy any planet that gets in my way.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by The Kid
                                I sat through that load of c**p waiting for one bit of factual information.

                                Fat chance!!

                                What got me was the fact that these idiots were going on about congestion and m.p.g, so what do they do, stop all the traffic to distribute their litter thereby creating more congestion and increasing m.p.g and emissions!).

                                Don't know how they found the time to spend on it. Maybe the Job Centres were closed!

                                These types don't go to job centres. They are professional protesters. Far too !!!!ing busy to get a job. We have a professional do-gooder round this way. I asked him once why he didn't stand for the council or parliment. He said, quote, "It would effect his incapacity benifit!" And the !!!! can run at a hundred miles an hour to plant a leaflet in your hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Sorry about the rant. Just feeling a little jaded after three 12Hr shifts. At least i work for a living. No job no vote I say (now I'm stirring-s t o p i t !).
                                It's only a hobby!

