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Endless miles per gallon

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  • #16
    i recon i use the least fuel on here!... haven't used a drop since october!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Danno
      Er guys, I think there maybe a comedy aspect to this thread! I personally dont care about MPG. If I did then I would read the threads on this subject. Its only a tongue in cheek reply! This forum is full of very good sound advice. ITS ALSO FULL OF PEOPLE HAVING A LAUGH. Yes that includes sarcasm.

      C'mon guys...........lighten up
      Danno I had just posted a thread about fuel and "Had A Jag" posts this as his First post on the forum....VERY FUNNY


      • #18
        Originally posted by madcampbell
        Danno I had just posted a thread about fuel and "Had A Jag" posts this as his First post on the forum....VERY FUNNY
        I seem to have touched a nerve with some of our more sensitive friends, not at all the macho image they would like to project!

        I shall certainly be posting more wind ups and will from now be on a mission to upset this cosy little forum at every opportunity.

        Coming at you!!!!!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by hadajag
          I seem to have touched a nerve with some of our more sensitive friends, not at all the macho image they would like to project!

          I shall certainly be posting more wind ups and will from now be on a mission to upset this cosy little forum at every opportunity.

          Coming at you!!!!!!!


          • #20
            rock on hada
            my surf not doing miles got a fuel leak on the pump at the mo.
            still goes well tho. costing in fuel tho
            Enjoying Life after Cancer


            • #21
              Originally posted by pops
              rock on hada
              my surf not doing miles got a fuel leak on the pump at the mo.
              still goes well tho. costing in fuel tho
              Time to run on Veg oil then !!!!

              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


              • #22
                Originally posted by UDTrev
                Time to run on Veg oil then !!!!

                No not me
                Enjoying Life after Cancer


                • #23
                  Originally posted by hadajag
                  I shall certainly be posting more wind ups and will from now be on a mission to upset this cosy little forum at every opportunity.

                  Coming at you!!!!!!!
                  Whats the point in that? You'll just earn yourself a ban! Oh well, I'm not worried mate.

                  Good luck
                  I NEED TO OFFROAD!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by hadajag
                    Enough with the 'How many miles per gallon should my Surf do' questions, time after time same questions. It works like this:
                    You go to the petrol station and fill up, usually between £45-£51; You drive until the orange light comes on; Repeat procedure.
                    It doesn't matter what goes on in between, it does what it does, if you can't afford it buy a 2CV.
                    Mmm...this is exactly the kind of attitude the ANTIS are looking for. People that don't give a toss about how much fuel their car burns as long as they're alright Jack. Please bear in mind before making such comments (wether tongue in cheek or otherwise) that this is a public forum and ANTI 4X4 groups are probably reading this forum looking for ammunition.

                    I can see it now:

                    BBC NEWS- RECENT QUOUTES FROM A 4x4 OWNERS FORUM.......

                    It would be very easy to take your points out of context.

                    And yes- there a number of things you can do to optimise fuel efficiency- refer to the original thread LOL.


                    • #25
                      Whats with this 'we musn't upset the ANTIS' thing. Surely all car drivers fill them up, run until orange light comes on, then fill up again, this is not a peculiarity to Surf drivers, everybody does it. Unless of course you have a special little jar indoors where you put all your pennies every night until you can buy your next gallon!
                      Don't be so precious and dont worry your little heads about the ANTIS, what are they going to do. Bring it on I say, we'll meet them in the streets, we'll meet them in the fields, lets kick mud in their eyes.
                      There's a lot worse cars out there than Surfs for MPG, my last Jag (XJR 4.0 supercharged) done 13 mpg, are they also going to ban all Jags, Big Beamers and Mercs, Bentleys etc.
                      "Life's what happens to you while your making plans for the future"
                      Get on with it!!


                      • #26
                        Madcampbell - Sorry, I obviously wasn't paying attention. no bad intended.

                        hadajag - if you think your post is funny, don't embark on a carreer as a comedian.

                        Sensitive Mark


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by hadajag
                          .............from now be on a mission to upset this cosy little forum at every opportunity.

                          Coming at you!!!!!!!

                          Well that's a wonderful attitude to bring when you're new to any group.
                          Why even come here if your purpose is to antagonise people??
                          Last edited by Morr; 14 March 2005, 11:41.
                          Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


                          • #28
                            If it wasn't for reasoned argument and debate the human race would still be dragging it's knuckles on the floor and throwing sticks at sabre toothed tigers.

                            I have no problem with someone playing devils advocate and stirring the debate up a bit. ( I have to plead guilty to the occasional bit of tongue-in-cheek stirring).
                            Few town and city dwellers burn coal today. A few years back folk were throwing their hands up in horror at the idea of removing the lead from petrol. Before the research into lean burn engines we would be lucky to get 25MPG from cars a quarter of the size of our Surfs.

                            Don't forget that some of the greatest inventions of the last 300 years have not come from professional engineers and designers but from enthusiastic amateurs.

                            Lets keep up the debate and keep it civilised.
                            It's only a hobby!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by hadajag
                              Don't be so precious and dont worry your little heads about the ANTIS, what are they going to do. Bring it on I say, we'll meet them in the streets, we'll meet them in the fields, lets kick mud in their eyes.
                              Worst thing you could do, you'll win no friends that way. 4x4s are a minority, the anti's are a minority, who ever gets the rest of the world on their side will win. Every time someone in a 4x4 does something wrong, we lose another vote and it gets harder to play.

                              Originally posted by hadajag
                              There's a lot worse cars out there than Surfs for MPG, my last Jag (XJR 4.0 supercharged) done 13 mpg, are they also going to ban all Jags, Big Beamers and Mercs, Bentleys etc.
                              Totally agree, see, you can be sensible if you try.

                              Originally posted by hadajag
                              I shall certainly be posting more wind ups and will from now be on a mission to upset this cosy little forum at every opportunity.

                              Coming at you!!!!!!!
                              Keep it funny and you'll be fine, as long you can take it return. But unwarrented personal abuse or anything that breaks the rules and the ban hammer will be falling

                              Originally posted by Danno
                              Er guys, I think there maybe a comedy aspect to this thread! I personally dont care about MPG. If I did then I would read the threads on this subject. Its only a tongue in cheek reply! This forum is full of very good sound advice. ITS ALSO FULL OF PEOPLE HAVING A LAUGH. Yes that includes sarcasm.

                              C'mon guys...........lighten up
                              Exactly Danno! We love laughing at you!
                              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by madcampbell
                                The reply MUPPET was to the muppet who started this thread as there would be no point in the forum if people did not ask questions
                                I have had loads of help from people on here and think the thread started here was very narrow minded and unlike the other surf owners.

                                Mark, rememeber the overeating thread, was light relief after all the overheating threads we get on here.

                                Muppet was a good reply to most threads in general, especially Matts! but people seem to be upset more than usual in this one.

                                Heres the way I see it...
                                Its just a friendly laugh at current subjects (or was at the time, later replys mean the juries out ATM! ) if he'd posted a bitchy reply on Marks thread, I'd happily be on his side.
                                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

