Hello again, well I've had my 92 met Blue SSRG for two weeks now and quite frankly I'm in love, truly, madly, deeply. Truth is I've wanted a Surf for years
and to finally get one...well it's great. The size takes a little getting used to, giving a good deal of amusement to my neighbours as I try to park, (driving the coolest vehicle on the planet does a lot to stem any embarrasment tho').
It came with Recaro seats, firm but comfy, these were a factory fit I understand ? It looks like it may have had a slight lift (1" ?) how can I check this, (not that its a problem it looks great !) Also the 4x4 on/off button rattles like a wasp in a tin can, i've had the 4x4 shift knob off but I can't see any way to get at the button. I was just gonna stick some gaffa on it but its not the most elegant solution ! Any ideas ?
Anyway if you see me tootling around Norwich give us a wave
Robin xxx
and to finally get one...well it's great. The size takes a little getting used to, giving a good deal of amusement to my neighbours as I try to park, (driving the coolest vehicle on the planet does a lot to stem any embarrasment tho').
It came with Recaro seats, firm but comfy, these were a factory fit I understand ? It looks like it may have had a slight lift (1" ?) how can I check this, (not that its a problem it looks great !) Also the 4x4 on/off button rattles like a wasp in a tin can, i've had the 4x4 shift knob off but I can't see any way to get at the button. I was just gonna stick some gaffa on it but its not the most elegant solution ! Any ideas ?
Anyway if you see me tootling around Norwich give us a wave
Robin xxx