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Snow anywhere?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Snoop
    I'm in Hamburg and it snowed like a .... well lets just say it snowed a hell of lot last night - everything is covered in at least 4 inches. Took me 45 minutes to get to work instead of 20. Pity my Surf's back home *sigh*. Been working here since xmas and haven't seen a single surf over here. Lots and lots of old and new type minis though, they love 'em. My colleague snowballed me in the car park and I can still feel cold water dripping down my neck.

    Also, I have some advice - slip on shoes and a suit are not the best attire for walking in at least 4 inches of snow.
    Now there's an idea. What about marketing grizzly claw, MT, snow pattern shoes for 4x4 nuts. I can just see BFG shoes on the shelves alongside JCB, Caterpiller etc.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #47
      Tuesday morning dawns to another Day Of Disapointment here in Warwickshire. A light overnight dusting and bright sunshine to melt it all away.......

      Strange thing is there's loads of cars driving around here with 2-3" inches on?



      • #48
        I want my money back

        What a waste of a snowfall overnight those damn weathermen hyped it all saying we were going to get a lot of snow last night and what do we get a damp squib
        Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


        • #49
          Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
          I was expecting 6Ft drifts up the windows this morning because the local weatherman said it wouldn't amount to much
          I have an old shiny bottomed body board I have been saving. It should double as a sledge. The Mrs said I should grow up. I'm only 47 and a bit!!!!

          Phil thats the wifes ironing board youve nicked mind you it makes it easier to steer with those handles and that seat...
          Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


          • #50
            Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
            Now there's an idea. What about marketing grizzly claw, MT, snow pattern shoes for 4x4 nuts. I can just see BFG shoes on the shelves alongside JCB, Caterpiller etc.
            Well dunlop already do trainers with the soles as grip patterns, so why not?! I'd buy a pair of MT's - I could do with gaining a few inches in height!

            It's still snowing very heavily here. If it stays like this all day I'm going to be getting a little bit uncomfortable about getting back to my hotel tonight as it's laying thickly on the roads already. Will have to order a 4wd taxi and ask if I can drive!
            Real trucks don't have spark plugs


            • #51
              It started snowing heavily about 45 mins ago. I was jigging all the bits for welding up the A-frame for the Zook. You wouldn't know it had snowed now. Clear blue sky and a few fluffy clouds. You can bet that if I get the welder out (I have nowhere to weld inside) it'll be a total whiteout. Everybody sing along, "Four seasons in one day

              .............................. ....."
              It's only a hobby!


              • #52
                Coming down very heavy and fast in Watford.

                My son's thrilled, I'm not. I hate the 'silly soft stuff'


                • #53
                  took these this morning

                  Originally posted by scouzzer1964
                  We had some this morning, then went away in the afternoon, ive taken some pics, will post them when ive sorted them, they look brill.
                  Attached Files


                  • #54
                    Looks good- nothing like that here about 0.5cm

                    Today the weather seemed to develop a pattern:

                    SNOW -> SUN -> MELT

                    SNOW -> SUN -> MELT

                    SNOW -> SUN -> MELT

                    SNOW -> SUN -> MELT

                    SNOW -> SUN -> MELT

                    SNOW -> SUN -> FREEZE

                    Now the roads are very icy- saw two cars in the ditch on the way home. Warwickshire County Council (with 31 gritters) put a warning out on local radio saying if it snowed tonight on top of the ice they would not be able to cope.......

                    Thats what 10 years of mild winters has done for this county- no snow to speak of and already they can't cope. Brings to mind the farce of last year when I couldn't even get out of the work's car park due to traffic snarl up after a couple of inches of snow.



                    • #55
                      says more about wcc than it does about the weather..
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #56
                        We've had flurries all day, then about 1/2 hour this evening. All gone now. Thats what I get for living in the south. Balls. I wanted to go to Salisbury Plain and play!
                        I NEED TO OFFROAD!


                        • #57
                          Wednesday morning- now about 1" of snow over ice. Made for an interesting drive in to work this morning up the single track lanes. Just needs a bit more depth to it.



                          • #58
                            A bit cold round here last night.
                            Attached Files


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by andy
                              A bit cold round here last night.
                              So you were at Lake Geneva last night!

                              Here's a photo I took this morning- hope there's more to come on Thursday?

                              Attached Files


                              • #60
                                i just got a load in my eyes!.... should really wear goggoles!...

                                threatened some lads with death in towcester for chucking snowballs at me and nearly making me lose 26tonne of paper reels!.... think they were just a tad shocked when i doubled back and drove around the village looking for them!
                                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

