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Be warned!

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  • Be warned!

    Had no less than 4 e-mails from 'e-bay' asking for security questions and personal details in the last day or so. Needless to say i have deleted them.

    Be careful people.

  • #2
    I forward em to spoof@ebay.com and let ebay hammer the sods

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      yeah ive had too aswell - make sure you report them it all helps!
      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


      • #4
        Originally posted by qube3
        Had no less than 4 e-mails from 'e-bay' asking for security questions and personal details in the last day or so. Needless to say i have deleted them.

        Be careful people.
        over the last 18 months i've had about a hundred, and about fifty from pay-pal,do as udtrev suggests, if you get a "pay-pal" one, forward it to spoof@pay-pal.com whatever you do don't answer them,just forward and delete.


        • #5
          I keep getting the Nigerian/Chinese/Japanese/Anywhere outside the UK guy who has a cheque for £5000, that he can't cash locally, but he will use to buy my £20 item off eBay. "Just cash the cheque, keep a little extra for your trouble and forward the remainder, by Western Union Money Transfer." Yeah right!!!

          I can't believe that the local BBC radio ran a feature on these !!!!!!s and called it a public duty. Anyone caught by any deal that seems too good to be true deserves all they get for being thick and greedy. I could be wallowing in luxury now if I accepted every holiday, car and villa I had won..... Dream on.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
            I keep getting the Nigerian/Chinese/Japanese/Anywhere outside the UK guy who has a cheque for £5000, that he can't cash locally, but he will use to buy my £20 item off eBay. "Just cash the cheque, keep a little extra for your trouble and forward the remainder, by Western Union Money Transfer." Yeah right!!!

            I can't believe that the local BBC radio ran a feature on these !!!!!!s and called it a public duty. Anyone caught by any deal that seems too good to be true deserves all they get for being thick and greedy. I could be wallowing in luxury now if I accepted every holiday, car and villa I had won..... Dream on.
            Had two of these ones saying about buying my car - done it through Autotrader not even on eBay.

            As they say, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then chances are ....it is a duck.

            I'd just like to find one of them and have a little word if you know what I mean.

