I took a load of pics using my old digital camera. As an after-thought I loaded the software on the new PC. The PC knows the camera is there (make model etc, before the software is loaded) but it just won't upload the pics from it. The manufacturer doesn't list drivers for Windows XP on their site. The most up to date is Windows 2000. The makers name isn't even in the drivers list that comes with XP. I also get a warning that loading the old software my make the system unstable.
The cunning plan was to use the old low res point & shoot camera for off roading and taking oily techy pics, saving the new camera for cleaner pursuits. Any ideas computer peeps? I've run out of ideas.
The cunning plan was to use the old low res point & shoot camera for off roading and taking oily techy pics, saving the new camera for cleaner pursuits. Any ideas computer peeps? I've run out of ideas.