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the alliance against urban 4x4s

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  • the alliance against urban 4x4s

    in moments on boredom i've been e-mailing these idiots, the last one was along the lines of me laughing while i destroyed the planet, anyway,they finally replied:

    Dear all,
    As you have recently sent us a message hostile to our campaign -
    some of you in more rational language than others - we thought it
    would be nice to agree to send you all the request below, in the
    hope that you would appreciate the opportunity to put your side of
    the argument in public.
    Please don't reply to this email, but get in touch with the
    producers directly via the contact details at the bottom.
    Alliance Against Urban 4x4s

    The BBC are looking for people to take part in a new, exciting
    prime-time show called No Waste Like Home. Would you like to make
    significant savings just by making some simple changes to your
    lifestyle? Does your household spend far too much money on utility
    bills, food, and petrol ? We have an expert who can show you how
    to live a cheaper and healthier life.

    We are looking for people who spend a lot of money on fuel and drive
    everywhere, even short distances. We are looking for people who
    love their car, do not worry about the effect on the environment -
    and have something to say!

    If you think you fit the bill, or know anyone that does - please
    call 020 7845 6912 for further details.

    Thank You!

    Toni Ireland
    Junior Researcher
    Celador Productions Ltd.
    Direct Tel: +44 (0)20 7845 6912
    Direct Fax: +44 (0)20 7497 9541
    Email: TIreland@celador.co.uk

    ______________________________ ______________________________ _____
    you got to laugh!

    ______________________________ ______________________________ _____
    Last edited by sad old git; 15 January 2005, 22:27.

  • #2
    heres a deal for the tree huggers, take all the 4x4s off the road. the day after they stop jumbo jets flying.
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chillitt
      heres a deal for the tree huggers, take all the 4x4s off the road. the day after they stop jumbo jets flying.
      My Mums a tree hugger. She likes my Surf and thinks it's OK. I prefer yogurt knitter myself.
      Have you ever hugged a tree. I swear you can hear the sap rising in the spring! It's very calming too, until the ramblers call the police on their mobiles to say there is a nutter about. Good job I have a Surf so I can get away quick.

      As for the original post. The program makers don't have an agenda? They are deliberately going out of their way to find people who don't give a !!!! for the environment. It's not going to be one-sided then?
      It's only a hobby!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Chillitt
        heres a deal for the tree huggers, take all the 4x4s off the road. the day after they stop jumbo jets flying.
        Did anyone see the, I think it was Horizon, about global dimming? Basically a climatologist noticed in the 3 days after 9/11 that the skies were clearer and did some research. He found that the global temperature rose by 1 degree. This was due to that complete ban on US airspace. IN THREE DAYS!!! So just how much polluting do aircraft do? How would this compere to banning all motor vehicles for a week?

        No I'm not singing on about pollution, but these idiots annoy me. They just don't like being (in their words) intimidated by 4x4 owners and use any excuse to kick off about them.

        Problem is in this world of political correctness they'll probably get their way as its a big vote count for the political parties.


        • #5
          a slightly different twist on those who don't like 4x4's..........
          but, my wife keeps reminding me (and laughing) of the utterly disguised look on a chaps face at twickenham for the zurich premership final last year.

          for those of you that don't go there, on big match days all the local schools and colleges open their grounds as car parks and charge 10 quid to park. the nearer it gets to kick-off the less spaces there are and the more they try to squeeze cars into spaces that aren't really there.......... so, we're walking thru the 'car park' on our way to the ground and there's this chap in a discovery being directed into a space that you might just fit one of those smart cars in....... you get the picture...??? back and forward, back and forward, everyone giving advice. by now a que of passing people are stopped not sure which way to pass said disco...... when i loudly comment........ "damn 4x4 drivers should learn to drive first"...... a bloke to my right, looks up all smiles and sez "damn right, well spoken, so what do you drive....????......... "erhhh a 4x4..!!!" a couple of people burst out laughing and the chap gave me one of the dirtiest looks i've ever seen......... during the day, my wife would suddenly start laughing and then reach across to rub away the imaginary laser burns on my forehead..........

          see ya'll


          • #6
            are non-urban 4x4s ok then?

            i think these lot are just complaining about the amount of x5s and merc thingy's in central london... people that own them have to be daft!... never leave the city, ever! would be more practical to drive a smart car or a moped... i never drive into london cos it's full of idiots and pretentious small minded folks!... (a bit like where i live really, you got the townies and the um... rough ones like me!!)
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              Originally posted by da SLUG man
              are non-urban 4x4s ok then?

              i think these lot are just complaining about the amount of x5s and merc thingy's in central london... people that own them have to be daft!... never leave the city, ever! would be more practical to drive a smart car or a moped... i never drive into london cos it's full of idiots and pretentious small minded folks!... (a bit like where i live really, you got the townies and the um... rough ones like me!!)
              What worries me is that whatever London does , Edinburgh tries to follow whether it makes sense or not. So not looking good for us 4x4ers that live in a city whether you use the vehicle there or not.
              Live for Today


              • #8
                4 x4 debate

                interesting articles in the sunday times today and the 'drive' supplement...

                seems to be a growing, more radical, approach to 4 x4 users- although it seems to focus on users in the urban areas-there were some silly demonstrations in key cities recently and the high profile targetting of celebrities

                there were also some interesting references to the way the american anti 4x4 groups were behaving as well as some interesting statistics about the survival rates of people killed by larger vehicles

                anyone else read about it?
                ****************************** *
                NOGGIN: '96 3.0L TD SSR-G Electric blue...
                'Rum:so much more than a breakfast drink'!


                • #9
                  I wonder what would happen if we all bought Tranni Vans instead ??? after all, they are only two wheel drive ! but the same size engine or bigger !

                  We all pay "Road TAX" which means . We all have the right to go wherever ! so even if they did up it ? so what ! It wouldn't stop me from owning a 4x4. I have needs and do alot of things you can't do in a car. Try pulling a trailer or caravan in a Saxo !

                  Try towing a broken down vehicle in a car for a period of time, Youll end up needing repairs yourself in the end. Braking down happens to everyone at some point and im no stranger to that !

                  Ok so use gas conversion.........clean for the envoirment. Have you noticed thats starting to get higher in price ??? Hmmmmm another successful thing to tax there Mr brown !

                  I care about the envoirment alot, I recycle paper, bottles & cans (especially after a weekend), I pick up the cR*p after my dog, use Ozone friendly items, etc etc.... I wonder how many of these people that have nothing better to do but winge actually do the same !!! Have you seen the size of some of the Bill Boards these people carry ? What a waste of wood ! Must have a large vehicle to carry it too ! then do what ? ohh yea, throw it away when they have finished with it ! maybe burn it ? or even light a fire to keep themselves warm. (couldn't you get done for arsen ???)

                  How many of these people would actually walk to the shop and push a appliance home they have just purchased in a trolley ? Or do you think they would wait until a 10+ tonn Artic came down their street to deliver it ? Hmmmmmmmmmm I think so too !!!

                  At the end of the day.......... No matter what we do, or anyone else in that matter...... If there is something that can be winged about.............There will always be a place for protesters ! It's an illness they have and can't let go of. Maybe we should all set up a protest about Protesters ! Yes we would be contradicting ourselves but arnt they ?

                  I could go on, but there's not much point !!!!
                  Last edited by Deviant 1; 16 January 2005, 20:48.
                  !!! I'M THE ONE YOUR MOTHER WARNED YOU ABOUT !!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Deviant 1
                    Maybe we should all set up a protest about Protesters ! Yes we would be contradicting ourselves but arnt they ?
                    Well in mate - I'll join
                    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                    • #11
                      They are asking for people who love their car and drive every where and no dont give a damn about the environment - wont be surprised if they dont get many 4x4 drivers on the show.
                      Point is - we dont drive everywhere )only when we need to, and we do care about the planet. I have a large 4x4 coz I need one - I have to tow, and I have to tend livestock which means driving over muddy fields, I also love in the country and sometime need 4wd in winter to get out and about. Not to mention having fun at off road sites at weekends.
                      They should invest all this energy and money into producing environmentally friendly fuels, and ensuring that LPG, veggie oil etc are CHEAP and legal - I would happily run on veggie if I didnt run the risk of getting caught and fined for not paying the extortionate tax.

                      Just one more example of the nanny state mentality.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dirtydog
                        Well in mate - I'll join
                        We could call it the Anti-Anti League. We could stand against the groups that are anti anything. Lets face it. Theres the anti fox hunting lot, they will turn their attention to angling and when both of those are gone they will want to ban drag hunting because of the danger to the horses.
                        This is the kind of nanny state mentality that has childrens playgrounds covered in 4" (sorry 100mm) of soft rubber. Childrens playgrounds are so safe and sanitised now that they offer no real challenge, so the kids now play on the garage roofs.
                        It's only a hobby!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Danno
                          Problem is in this world of political correctness they'll probably get their way as its a big vote count for the political parties.
                          Vote count.... hmmmm....

                          Aren't these people voted in by the people for the people's benefit?
                          If we are slowly becoming americanised.... try this one for size.

                          Major elections are won in the States on one major issue...

                          Fuel Tax... They love their cars... (so do we.) they want to drive their cars, and execrcise their right to... (so should we.)

                          So how comes successive governments here, appear to solely be in power for their own benefit... and not the people that voted them in?

                          Just my vent... apologies...
                          I love my surf, and just can't spend enough time driving it.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Linda
                            They should invest all this energy and money into producing environmentally friendly fuels, and ensuring that LPG, veggie oil etc are CHEAP and legal - I would happily run on veggie if I didnt run the risk of getting caught and fined for not paying the extortionate tax.

                            Just one more example of the nanny state mentality.
                            Couldn't agree more!

                            I also have a large 4x4 cos I tow a horse trailer - AND have to go up/down a 1:4 single track cobbled lane to get in and out of the yard. Try getting a Ford Ka to do that job. AND I can't afford to run two cars. AND I live down a rutted track in the countryside, etc etc etc.

                            SO why won't the government do anything about bio fuels? I've written to my MP but of course, no reply... Grrrrr


                            • #15
                              i drive a 4x4 cos i'm a fat !!!!!!! with money to burn!... 'fraid thay got me bang to rights on that one!... to be honest i'm thinking of getting shot and buying a lancer evolution and an off road toy.... want something fast!
                              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

