Motor running perfect, No water loss or other signs although it did overheat approx 6 months \ 5000k ago so I drained system replaced antifreeze,thermostat and filler cap and had no further problems. Went on a round trip of approx 200k although this is not unusual and when I parked it up on drive I could smell antifreeze !!! While it was ticking over at min revs the heater set at full hot was blowing stone cold and the expansion bottle was overflowing also there was a lot of STEAM coming from the Exhaust ! Stropped Engine let it cool down refilled system double checked for air locks and exactly the same !! Also noticed when the coolant has been forced out of Expansion bottle and there is no coolant in the top of the system around thermostat and top hose where the sensor is fitted to the thermo housing for the temp gauge the Temp gauge never shows above half way on the Gauge so if theres NO coolant passing over the sensor in the thermo housing this would account for it NOT showing High on the Gauge Although it didn't drop either.
Seems that this is not a very accurate way to measure the coolant temp.
Now has it overheated and cracked the Head or did the Head crack FIRST and cause it to overheat ? ( What came first chicken or the Egg )
If it overheated first I had absolutely no warning from the gauge !
I am presuming the head has cracked it may just be the Head gasket but I am taking it to Steve at Engine Co in Stockport Today and will be having a brand new Head fitted anyway seems little point in delaying the inevitable !!!