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  • #16
    Originally posted by Leodis
    No you can buy routers that are powered from usb but most have their own power supply. Another game I would recommend (if you can still find it) is Ghost recon its still one of the best tactical shooting games and recon 2 is due out any day.
    got this game ,think it is poss one of the best ive played on xbox so cant wait to get live. problem is i work long hours and dont have a lot of time during the week so weekends is when i play if iam not out in the surf that is...
    CHEERS JOHN................


    • #17
      Originally posted by stara
      most adsl MODEMS are usb, but most ROUTERS are powered, the difference between the two is a modem is only to connect to your service provider using a single machine whereas a router not only connects independently of any attached equipment (i.e. does not need a pc to connect) it can be used to give access to the net for multiple p.c.'s, game systems etc similtaneously, and can be used as a network hub.

      i have a 'efficient networks' ethernet adsl router (4 network connections), one for my p.c., one for my xbox, and one for my sons xbox, (plus a spare). So link play is possible using standard network wiring via the router, it's a nuisance buying two copies of the games though (i don't want to go down the 'chip' road just yet, we only really play halo and now halo2 via systemlink anyway)
      thanks for info m8. so when i next go into say comet if i just get ethernet router i should be all up and running to go live, will the router come with its own software???
      CHEERS JOHN................


      • #18
        Originally posted by stara
        (i don't want to go down the 'chip' road just yet, we only really play halo and now halo2 via systemlink anyway)
        I learn't the hard way with my chipped Xbox, the bios on the chip wasn't the latest and I got locked out of Xbox live as I powered up the console, somehow M$ can detect the chip is active :-(

        One firmware upgrade later, and a "borrowed" serial number from an Xbox that never intends to go on-line and back online.

        I'll have to drag Ghost Recon out, didn't know that was Xbox Live enabled.

        If everyone is getting Halo2 for Xmas, perhaps an online Hilux Halo2 game ?



        • #19
          now this may be a typical "Doris " Question but do the xbox and Pc need to be in the same room for this live malarky or can we route them thru different rooms allowing him to play on the telly and me to continue time-wasting? (yes he's getting Halo 2 for Xmas!)
          I'm flummoxed.
          But I am a girl so hopefully excused - sorry to girls who actually understand this gaming thing but I jkust don't have time...........




          • #20
            Guess you could go the wireless route and have the PC and Xbox in other rooms.

            Off to watch Derek Acorah get possessed again on Most Haunted !



            • #21
              Originally posted by ancl
              Guess you could go the wireless route and have the PC and Xbox in other rooms.

              Off to watch Derek Acorah get possessed again on Most Haunted !

              if you go wireless do you need a wirless pci card in ya pc to connect to the wirless router ...
              CHEERS JOHN................


              • #22
                Originally posted by slim
                if you go wireless do you need a wirless pci card in ya pc to connect to the wirless router ...
                errm ,yes... cheap enough now - use www.ebuyer.co.uk
                cheapest place for miles!
                Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Purpledoris
                  now this may be a typical "Doris " Question but do the xbox and Pc need to be in the same room for this live malarky or can we route them thru different rooms allowing him to play on the telly and me to continue time-wasting?

                  No they dont need to be in the same room I have my pc in the spare bedroom but the xbox is downstairs. You can either run a long network cable or go the wireless route I personally prefer the cabled method(cos I'm tightfisted and got the cable free).

