Got a letter from them last week (only 4 weeks late) offering to collect the car and rectify faults (what make it 50,000 miles younger

From my point of view I can see it being:-
Collecting the car and leaving us with a loan vehicle (

The "repairs" would consist of:-
Re-adjusting the front wheel bearing (about 20 min job) and replacing front idler bushes (£1.50 from milners) and then looking at the front tyres only to find theres nothing wrong with them.
Ive already experienced their idea of valeting and the RAC inspection will only high-light the fact that its been clocked.
If the same "Boy" is given the job of delivering it, then he will thrash the t*ts off it all the way up the motorway, Turn it straight off whilst steaming hot at my house and insist that the loan vehicle is full of fuel so he can get home in time for tea!!.
So for these reasons I have decided not to take them up on their kind offer.
But I have however found out where the car was bought from, but im having difficulty finding a way of contacting them other than a phone#.
Can anyone help with this?

It was bought from Hanaten Osaka auctions last december and I need to see who it was sold to.

Oh and incidently this is the first contact ive had from them since we bought the car, I have always had to contact them.
