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exhaust x

  • StevenN
    started a topic Anyone built their own Stainless Exhaust?

    Anyone built their own Stainless Exhaust?

    Hi all

    I will have to replace the centre box on my exhaust before the MOT next month.
    As the truck goes through exhaust parts more than anything else each time I replace a section I always wish I could justify the expense of a stainless system.
    Just been looking on a popular...
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  • Billy Bobtail
    started a topic Exhaust mods

    Exhaust mods

    I would like some opinions please the exhaust on the car is due for renewal, due to the bobtail any off the shelf exhaust would have to be modified to fit so i started thinking about something less restrictive. My belief (born out of 30 years plus in engineering and theoretical knowledge is...
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