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Lost a bit!!!!

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  • Lost a bit!!!!

    Does anyone have, or know where I can get a rubber base for my 3rd gen Surf? The aerial snapped on a passing bush(!), and as it fell out the rubber base must've gone with it. I only noticed when I came to replace the mast... Doh!!! Anyone know if anything else fits? Otherwise I'll have to make something...

    I'm also after a set of front Recaros, as mine are a bit tatty. Having searched a few threads, it doesn't seem like there's anything that can be swapped directly without making brackets etc? Some have said that I could replace with any Recaros as the base is the same, but looking at the base, it doesn't seem to be the case.... Any ideas?
    If not, does anyone know a good car upholsterer in Oxfordshire that would refurb the seats for me?

    Sorry for all the questions!!!